Do my eyes deceive me?


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Jun 24, 2008
Check out the Sally Morgan trailer for the new show, I am convinced Debbie Flint is in one of the clips. Has anyone else seen this?
Does that mean that some of the audience are 'plants"?:mysmilie_81:

Only the ones in Richard Jackson shows...:mysmilie_17: arf.

Oh...sorry, I see what you mean ;)

I think that there is an element of that goes on in these shows, I did read somewhere about Derek Acorah and Colin Fry allegedly using these methods...
I saw it and thought "oooh doesnt that lady look ever so much like Debbie Flint?!" It was the dress sense as much as anything else. :D

Not to sound like a gullible twerp but I find it hard not to believe in what Sally Morgan does. Bless her.
I saw it and thought "oooh doesnt that lady look ever so much like Debbie Flint?!" It was the dress sense as much as anything else. :D

Not to sound like a gullible twerp but I find it hard not to believe in what Sally Morgan does. Bless her.

I don't think you're gullible. Or a twerp. I think you're aces :).

I've seen some very convincing mediums (or should that be meeeejums?;) ) and some not so. I'm fascinated by it as it goes...

I've still not seen this here advert tho, must watch more closely...
If the medium was talking to a dead relative he would mention family members by name etc. Its all a con.
I don't think you're gullible. Or a twerp. I think you're aces :).

I've seen some very convincing mediums (or should that be meeeejums?;) ) and some not so. I'm fascinated by it as it goes...

I've still not seen this here advert tho, must watch more closely...

:mysmilie_348: :mysmilie_687:Bless you honey, what a lovely thing to say. Sally Morgan just seems so kind - and spot on a lot of the time. I haven't seen her in person - just on the telly - but I'm fascinated. She's coming to somewhere near me on her tour and I might even go! :D

(Hope I'm not sat next to any QVC presenters!) :mysmilie_17:
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I haven't seen the trailer. Presumably for a new TV show or has it started? I'll look out for Debbie in it.

I saw Sally Morgan at Blackpool. She was quite good but spent a lot of time chatting about her background which was in the book she was selling. I met her afterwards and flashed my Sally Morgan amethyst ring (from Gems) at her and had a laugh about bling. She's very down to earth.

The most amazing one I ever saw for speed of working, accuracy and 100% convincing as to his abilities was Gordon Smith, the known as the psychic barber.
I haven't seen the trailer. Presumably for a new TV show or has it started? I'll look out for Debbie in it.

I saw Sally Morgan at Blackpool. She was quite good but spent a lot of time chatting about her background which was in the book she was selling. I met her afterwards and flashed my Sally Morgan amethyst ring (from Gems) at her and had a laugh about bling. She's very down to earth.

The most amazing one I ever saw for speed of working, accuracy and 100% convincing as to his abilities was Gordon Smith, the known as the psychic barber.

Saw Gordon Smith last summer in the Theatre Royal Glasgow. He has a huge following and is really quite funny too!! It's nice to hope that there is something else when we go!! Anyway, yes it was defo Debbie Flint!! Must have been desperate to get on telly!!! :mysmilie_697:
Well one thing's for sure, if she's driving around in a Range Rover, she's coining it in:mysmilie_61:
I saw the trailer as it was in every ad break in Most Haunted Live last week, so it was on loads as they seem to have a break every 10 mins!!

The actual programme aired last night and the name Sally initially called out was Lynn so Debbie's sister stood up saying that was her name. Then Debbie jumped up "please miss, please miss" style saying that it could be meant for me as my middle name is Linda. Then Sally said is there a Debbie here, doh!!!, everybody knows she is Debbie Flint!!! They ended up speaking to their dad and discussing their mums new boyfriend. Debbie hogged it as expected and didnt seem to like the attention going across to Lauren her daughter as it detracted from her slightly, but on the whole it was a reasonable programme but I still can't work out whether I believe it or not. It would be nice to think its true though. ...
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Only the ones in Richard Jackson shows...:mysmilie_17: arf.

Oh...sorry, I see what you mean ;)

I think that there is an element of that goes on in these shows, I did read somewhere about Derek Acorah and Colin Fry allegedly using these methods...

I've only seen Derek Acorah when he was on most haunted in my home town. There were really obvious elements (if you knew about the history of the places he was in - in particular the spiced up version of the history their regular 'historian' used to promote - which I did) and you could tell he had been rehearsed and that he 'forgot' his lines and Yvette Fielding had to prompt him by 'giving' him names. I can't remember the specifics but say he said a name was coming to him and it was Baker, Yvette would 'mishear' him as Barker - which was what he was supposed to have said - that sort of thing. And he would say that things had come to him - like children had been forced to work in a place and there were signs all around stating that the place was a mill! One specific bit of fluff was when he 'detected' that this particular cell in an old gaol was 'the condemned cell'. Well, I know the history of that old gaol really well (have researched it and read about it etc) and the place never had an actual condemned cell and only the person that ran the place as a museum had decided to call it that for dramatic purposes, I suppose. I don't know about any of the other mediums and I would never say none of them are any good - because I don't know, but I do know that Mr Acorah's appearances on Most Haunted were, shall we say, enhanced!

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