pompos molton brown staff reveals all....


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Registered Shopper
Jul 9, 2008
out and about in my local shopping centre and popped into molton brown to wash my hands in the blue marquis handwash.

i spoke to the staff there about how qvc was so good for molton brown how they would sell nearly a million pounds worth of goodies in just a few days that the molton brown tsv was on.

he said it was a good move as the brand had moved on and wanted everyone who sold molton brown to sell it at the right price.:cash:

i remarked that the stores never have any customers and molton brown had made a bad move as qvc had helped put the brand on the map and was an excellent way to sell to new customers.

now his answer really shocked me: we sell to people who want quality products not just shower gel. i said like your throws for £400.00 and wash bags for £100.00.
we sell to countries like dubai who will pay for our luxury brand we are so sure of our exclusivity that we dont even supply british airways.:tongue::tongue::tongue:

i was really annoyed at this and had to say as a parting shot that molton brown was a british company when i realised that it was sold to a japanese company!:taphead:
Wow. That sounds very sniffy indeed, Boffy.

I noticed that they don't bother handing out samples at the outlet in Bicester any more. I was there at the weekend and nothing really caught my eye. They never have the Eucalyptus there so I was beyond temptation.

I did complete a customer survey sent from MB via email link a while back. It was multiple choice about what I thought of the brand. I was frustrated that they didn't include QVC as an option of how I found out about Molton Brown. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!
I am just finishing my very last MB product from my stash- a handwash. I wonder what the pompous twits would think, if they knew I'm going to wash the bottle and replace it with an asda cheapie!!
Could never stand Molton Brown anyway. Full of SLS and what about that awful guest who used to represent them!
To be totally honest I did know about Molton Brown in the 80s and even bought their shampoo and conditioners. They did start as a hairdressers and that is what they sold hair care and the Molton Browners as they were called for the big 80s hair look. They then started bath,body and makeup, different and far better range than evenually appeared on QVC.

As a brand they always did have this cut the ties and move on.
I adored their makeup range, which came in rubber like packaging think Nars now. You chose your eyeshadow colours and or blush and they put them in the palette for you. The quality was brilliant, I actually still have two and a bronzer which had pink undertones. The lippies also fab. Then sometime in the late 90s and early 00s they changed it all and then a year or two later again changed it for no reason.

I remember they supplied the Hilton Hotel handwash and lotions for the toilets also Frasers in Glasgow always had their handwash in the Ladies(I was impressed).
I went past the Birmingham store last week - no customers at all.
I am only interested in the Eucalyptus, but it is too expensive to splash all over - can make one ot two bottles last a year!
At the end of the day, its just bl......dy soap !!!!!!!

Exactly! Frankly I never cared for the brand, bought a tvs once and the fragrances and quality id nothing for me. Also, the silly descriptions that the guest presenter gave irritated me. You know, stuff about polar bears rolling in fresh snow.
Yes, Donna, I remember them from reading Honey and 19 magazines when I was in my teens (and that was not the day before yesterday). You never see a soul in the Forestside store.
Great post, Donna.

I wouldn't pay premium prices for MB, because it is neither luxury nor quality. The products are too artificial to have a claim to a 'niche'. Having said that, they (as a company) seem very certain about their 'profile' and where they see themselves positioned globally in the market. From a business perspective, it is a great move. I can definitely see their point (someone buying the MB shower gel and not the Asda brand one just because it is affordable on QVC) .
I used to love molton brown. It made for good presents if you bought a tsv. I still have a load in my wardrobe and cant bring myself to use it so hubby is. It's like it has become tainted since thy left qvc and what the staff say in the shops. Molton Brown now is a bit like the gouverment only there for the rich.
Stuff MB, get Bayliss and Harding from your local factory shop for £2 for 500ml. The one I have smells *exactly* like MB's ABC, no parabens and it's nice to use.

In her defence, we met the MB rep Jill at the Beauty Bash and she was really nice. She was quite shocked about the decision MB had made with QVC and considered it a mistake. She was knowledgeable about lots of brands, and talking with her really was an eye opener, especially with regards to the buying-up practices of the likes of Estee Lauder. That was the first time we realised just how many brands they owned. She never actually worked directly for MB, she was freelance but she was dumped along with QVC. Not that it'll bother her much, I'm sure :) My big shock was hearing that Liz Earle has sold out. Money talks and bullsh*t walks, as they say and I guess everyone has their price, however much they spout about their company heritage. Things have already started to change and I can't help but feel it'll just keep on going downhill from here. For example, the Cleanse and Polish is not of the same quality it used to be. It's thin and needs 2 or 3 times as much as it used to.
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I am just finishing my very last MB product from my stash- a handwash. I wonder what the pompous twits would think, if they knew I'm going to wash the bottle and replace it with an asda cheapie!!

Great idea, this has made me realise just what a sucker I am for these so called 'premium brands'!!If you like something above everything else then that's a different matter, but honestly I can take it or leave it as far as MB are concerned.
Yes at least we are spared the 'gushing' descriptions the guest ( can't remember her name) used to trot out!!!
I've still got a couple of MB shower gels left over from my QVC stash but I won't be going into the stores to replace them. I really don't like their snooty attitude, as another post mentioned, they are full of SLS which as we know is just a cheap detergent. I do love the different fragrances but they are just too expensive for what they are. If they didn't contain SLS and parabens I would consider them worth the money, but as it is, I won't bother!
I went past the Birmingham store last week - no customers at all.
I am only interested in the Eucalyptus, but it is too expensive to splash all over - can make one ot two bottles last a year!

I love the Eucalyptus but only use it when I have a cold (which can be 5/6 times a year!). We've a store in Nottm and you can also get it in John Lewis & House of Frazer, but I don't bother and you seldom see folks in the store as others have said on here...I don't miss it on QVC but I think it's their loss.
Great idea, this has made me realise just what a sucker I am for these so called 'premium brands'!!If you like something above everything else then that's a different matter, but honestly I can take it or leave it as far as MB are concerned.
Yes at least we are spared the 'gushing' descriptions the guest ( can't remember her name) used to trot out!!!

Jill Goldsmith

QVC's answer to Mrs Overall.
It's nice but no better IMHO than L'Occitane or Philosophy. As for being exclusive - my local hospital gives away little kits when you stay in overnight. As I live in a particularly rought part of Essex maybe they are more downmarket than they realise :giggle:
my local MB shop is always empty even the bit they have in john lewis there's never anyone looking around i used to love MB would always get one of their gift boxes for xmas not had one for yrs i use baylis and harding now also liz earle as someone mentioned also used to be a fan but again use something else now the cleanse and polish stopped working on me :(
I do like some of the bath and shower gels but they are very over-priced - I think they are £17 now. Would never pay the full price for them - will see what is on offer in the imminent sales :happy:

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