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Apr 19, 2012
Just watching the Zumba hour right now. The guests they have on always look amazing, but the whooping and clapping drives me crazy.

The only thing keeping me watching is that they have Kathy Taylor presenting and only 15 minutes in, she's wheezing and puffing as if she has been punched in the stomach.

Every time we come back from a recorded piece, I expect to see her leaning against a wall trying to catch her breath.

Kathy aside, it's amazing to hear the weight loss Zumba can bring.
I think Kathy is doing a brilliant job with the Zumba hour. I go to Zumba classes twice a week and there is no way you can get it perfect the first time you do it. So many of us at the class are all over the place at times, crashing into the wall etc. It takes quite a while to learn all the moves and routines. We saw that previously when Julia Roberts and jump jockey Miceal presented Zumba hours. You do get out of breath and hot too - otherwise, what is the point?
I really like Kathy and I agree, she is doing a good job on the Zumba presentation. She always comes across as a real person, genuine and not at all pretentious. Keep at it Kathy, you are doing great on the Zumba. Much better than I would be able to do.
I've been doing the Zumba from the first set of DVD QVC offered and I've bought additional sets and even the latest one (not yet available on QVC). I do it at home for three reasons. Firstly, I am very self-conscious of how uncoordinated/lumpy I may look doing it, and having it in the privacy of my own home is a great incentive. Secondly, I am asthmatic and sometimes need to take a breather (or an inhaler!) before I continue and having it at home means I can pause the DVD while I do this, rather than feeling like the weakly wheezy one at a class! And, thirdly, because I can do it first thing in the morning and I have no excuse not to get to a class. I love Zumba, it's worked wonders for me (although it's cost me quite a bit of money replacing baggy clothes!). It is the ONLY exercise routine I have ever stuck to for more than a few weeks. I've been doing it since mid-June last year and now do it five times a week. I can't recommend it enough. I think Kathy's doing a great job, considering it's her first time!
I went once to Zumba once.

I got fed up with having to work out what the next step was, which changed as soon as I caught up !!! I do think the instructors could 'walk it thru' a couple of times for the beginners in the class.

Having been going to tap classes for years, it would be chaos if the teacher just did the routine without showing the class what to do beforehand !
I went once to Zumba once.

I got fed up with having to work out what the next step was, which changed as soon as I caught up !!! I do think the instructors could 'walk it thru' a couple of times for the beginners in the class.

Having been going to tap classes for years, it would be chaos if the teacher just did the routine without showing the class what to do beforehand !

Agree. Our instructor is great and shows the routine first, but unless I am really thick, i need to do it a few times before i get the hang of it. Also our classes are in our village hall (we get a good deal for two classes a week). I think if I went to a posh gym or leisure centre it would all be very fast and less personal. I absolutely love it though and is the only exercise class I have stuck to. I was joining in with Kathy and co on the show this morning!!
My instructor shows you before she starts. Now there are ones I really dislike and cannot do properly. She just says give it a go and do what you can. Its not a dance competition where you will be judged on getting it totally right. If you are out of breath etc she tells us to just stop and stand at the side. No one looks to see how you are doing. Its all about moving and having fun.

I do laugh watching the QVC presentations, as they are moving so slowly compared to a real class. Another who buys thinking that is the speed you go is in for a shock.
Have they still got ex strictly dancer Matthew Cutler doing the demos? He's a cutie :) I bought the zumba tsv set from last autumn and like it. I try it do it as often as I can.. I do like the extra target zones dvds as well.
I love any kind of dancing....I have to be careful because of a weak lower back now and again but walking....well I absolute love it ...rain shine wind snow..it's been a lifesaver....keep ya jogging and ya gym ...I've done the gym but gawd got bored ....I walk to the shops ...daytime only ...nighttime with hubby...I'd walk to work if it wasn't so isolated....I think it is much under rated....it burns calories lifts the mood ...just love it ...I feel so blessed to do it because the times I have had a dodgy back I've hardly been able to and the thought of a wheel chair makes me feel very humble ....
My instructor shows you before she starts. Now there are ones I really dislike and cannot do properly. She just says give it a go and do what you can. Its not a dance competition where you will be judged on getting it totally right. If you are out of breath etc she tells us to just stop and stand at the side. No one looks to see how you are doing. Its all about moving and having fun.

I do laugh watching the QVC presentations, as they are moving so slowly compared to a real class. Another who buys thinking that is the speed you go is in for a shock.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more !!!!! it was seeing it done on qvc that prompted me to give it a go !!! and shock wasnt the word I would use, more like f........ 'ell !!! I also didn't realise that there was specific music, I thought it was all jazzed up latin american - er, wrong. It really is just a one beat exercise class.
I bought one of the TSVs ages ago - watched the instruction DVD - got bored after the 10th step and gave up. Watching the shows today has motivated me to try again but i think i will just dive into the full action and see how i get on!
Just watching the Zumba hour right now. The guests they have on always look amazing, but the whooping and clapping drives me crazy.

The only thing keeping me watching is that they have Kathy Taylor presenting and only 15 minutes in, she's wheezing and puffing as if she has been punched in the stomach.

Every time we come back from a recorded piece, I expect to see her leaning against a wall trying to catch her breath.

Kathy aside, it's amazing to hear the weight loss Zumba can bring.

omg, me too. do people do that at classes??

welcome to the forum jai :happy:
I love any kind of dancing....I have to be careful because of a weak lower back now and again but walking....well I absolute love it ...rain shine wind snow..it's been a lifesaver....keep ya jogging and ya gym ...I've done the gym but gawd got bored ....I walk to the shops ...daytime only ...nighttime with hubby...I'd walk to work if it wasn't so isolated....I think it is much under rated....it burns calories lifts the mood ...just love it ...I feel so blessed to do it because the times I have had a dodgy back I've hardly been able to and the thought of a wheel chair makes me feel very humble ....

What's your back injury? I've just been diagnosed this week with severe lumbar stenosis of the L3 to L4 vertebrae of the lateral recesses which is causing the L3 nerve to compress and my right leg hurts. All happened very suddenly, I can't walk far without resting. Waiting to see a neuro or an orthopedic specialist to see what should be done. A bit of a shock really as I thought I was in good shape and I did do lots of walking which I just love, like you in rain or sun.

I'm profiting from the setback to make a few indulgent purchases!
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With regards the music, I think all the instructors are given some free choice, as long as a certain percentage is 'official' Zumba music. There is, however quite a difference in beat and style of music in the official ones.
What's your back injury? I've just been diagnosed this week with severe lumbar stenosis of the L3 to L4 vertebrae of the lateral recesses which is causing the L3 nerve to compress and my right leg hurts. All happened very suddenly, I can't walk far without resting. Waiting to see a neuro or an orthopedic specialist to see what should be done. A bit of a shock really as I thought I was in good shape and I did do lots of walking which I just love, like you in rain or sun.

Sorry to here this!...mine the doc said is probably sciatica...has come and gone a few times but if I'm sensible...not carrying heavy bags ..not picking anything heavy up actually and bending properly ...then I'm usually ok ...fingers crossed for you I Love Shopping....maybe a matter of being careful too with any luckm:hi: When I can't walk I crawl up the wall so to speak

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