Ojon Tunu Hair Tamer


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miss molly

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Our House
Anyone know if this has gone for good, not seen it on Q for ages. Any alternatives as i love this product and i am coming to the end of bottle:confused:
Tunu has definitely gone, I used to like the spray, I don't think they produced a replacement for it, could be wrong though but, haven't seen anything on QVC
Sorry Miss Molly can't help with your question but you gave me a laugh because when I first glanced at thread I thought it said tuna hair tamer:grin:
Justbeautydirect still has some of the range I believe. Its in clearance.

More like Estee Lauder saving money and discontinuing, hey look at Aveda and the loads of it they discontinued. Elxir yes I do mean you.
Thats rather scary, I have very thick hair so haven't noticed any loss and have been using Ojon for 3 years, I wonder how hair products can cause hair loss, very strange :thinking:

Can't comment on Ojon, but the Effects of SLS - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is one cause. I know to my cost.

When my hair started falling out a few years ago, I put it down to a number of very stressful things that were happening in my life at that time. Those bad time went, but still my hair fell out.
A long story, but after a lot of research & having to look at what products I was using, I cracked it.
I have new hair growth all around my hairline & when I hold a clump of my hair up, I can see the bottom half is much thicker through new growth. Even my hairdresser commented.

EDIT: ..... don't I recognise the model in the above link?
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I get allergic conjunctivitis or pink eye as soon as I touch the stuff - or it touches me I should say.

It's in toothpaste as well you know!
I now buy my toothpaste from Aldi or Lidil.
The Wen brand which a number have been asking about on here(QVC US sell it), a number of people swear it makes more hair fall out compared to a normal shampoo and conditioner cleansing.

I use Kevin Murphy or John Masters and they both don't use the SLS. What I have noticed is your hair does not have that sleek thing, it is a bit more fluffy.

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