Biggest load of rubbish I've heard so far!


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Jun 24, 2008
Last night, Sophie was presenting (a presenter I actually like as a rule). She looked straight down the camera and told the viewers that there's a price that the producers would like each item to sell for, and a absolute mininum price that they're allowed to go for. Under NO circumstances must the price go lower than this....if it does then there will be serious trouble...and "I'm not joking"...but guess what? I'm going to break the rules and go below that price because we're not busy,and also because I'm not one of the "watch experts".She went on to say " make the most of the lower price because if I was one of the watch experts then this would be going for a lot more than this! " Did any of that make sense? didn't to me either!

So let us get this straight Soph, If you break the rules you'll be in serious trouble..all I can guess is that means being put over the producer's knee rather than losing your job! In one breath you're telling us each item that goes to air has a starting price, a price they'd like it to sell for and a minimum price but if you're not an expert, you don't have that information so you have to throw in some random ball park figure, which for some reason you KNOW is a lot cheaper than it was supposed to be....yeah right!

I'd love to know who the watch experts are on these channels, as it seems to me that the watch manufacturers themselves wouldn't even qualify. FFS, how difficult is it to say this
"This next watch is supposed to look like the well known and respected Skagen brand, it even has a phony Scandinavian name"...."However this is where the similarity ends, it's a lot cheaper 'cause basically it's been made in a sweat shop in the far east from parts that were found by rummaging around the local landfill site with a holey bucket!"
But judging from watching people believe this rubbish. How anyone who works at Bid sleep at night I don't know.


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This is a favoured tactic of Gems presenters, who I'm sure take lessons from Sit-up. xxxxxxxxxx
It makes full sense to me.

E.g. They have a pair of shoes which have gone of the channels in the past, and the previous prices they went for were £9.99;£8.99;£9.99;£12.99;£6.99 and £7.99.

They would have a start price of lets say £40 (which would be their start price) they have gone for £12.99 in the past, (so that could be the price they want) but they've also gone for £6.99, (the lowest price they have gone for)

Then if they went for £6.99, she could say they would be in trouble for going below the price they shouldn't let it go below. Presenters do get in 3-5 hours before their show, and a lot of time will be taken uo in this way, and this information will be on the clipboard they have.

She wasn't saying she wasn't an expert, as you wrote it, she said she isn't a "Watch expert" that doesn't mean a producer hasn't set her a target to aim for.
Last night, Sophie was presenting (a presenter I actually like as a rule). She looked straight down the camera and told the viewers that there's a price that the producers would like each item to sell for, and a absolute mininum price that they're allowed to go for. Under NO circumstances must the price go lower than this....if it does then there will be serious trouble...and "I'm not joking"...but guess what? I'm going to break the rules and go below that price because we're not busy,and also because I'm not one of the "watch experts".She went on to say " make the most of the lower price because if I was one of the watch experts then this would be going for a lot more than this! " Did any of that make sense? didn't to me either!

So let us get this straight Soph, If you break the rules you'll be in serious trouble..all I can guess is that means being put over the producer's knee rather than losing your job! In one breath you're telling us each item that goes to air has a starting price, a price they'd like it to sell for and a minimum price but if you're not an expert, you don't have that information so you have to throw in some random ball park figure, which for some reason you KNOW is a lot cheaper than it was supposed to be....yeah right!

I'd love to know who the watch experts are on these channels, as it seems to me that the watch manufacturers themselves wouldn't even qualify. FFS, how difficult is it to say this
"This next watch is supposed to look like the well known and respected Skagen brand, it even has a phony Scandinavian name"...."However this is where the similarity ends, it's a lot cheaper 'cause basically it's been made in a sweat shop in the far east from parts that were found by rummaging around the local landfill site with a holey bucket!"

I think the problem is, that by and large they do not respect the intelligence of their viewers. They assume, in some cases quite correctly, that we are either immature or just plain thick. James Russell is the worst, but he's not the sharpest knife in the box is he? I rarely buy these days and only switch over between programs on regular TV.
It makes full sense to me.

E.g. They have a pair of shoes which have gone of the channels in the past, and the previous prices they went for were £9.99;£8.99;£9.99;£12.99;£6.99 and £7.99.

They would have a start price of lets say £40 (which would be their start price) they have gone for £12.99 in the past, (so that could be the price they want) but they've also gone for £6.99, (the lowest price they have gone for)

Then if they went for £6.99, she could say they would be in trouble for going below the price they shouldn't let it go below. Presenters do get in 3-5 hours before their show, and a lot of time will be taken uo in this way, and this information will be on the clipboard they have.

She wasn't saying she wasn't an expert, as you wrote it, she said she isn't a "Watch expert" that doesn't mean a producer hasn't set her a target to aim for.

Sorry to be pedantic, but the way it was put across is that the price is NOT allowed to go below a certain level under ANY I would consider the price of £6.99 if that was indeed the lowest price that item has ever gone for is still within the boundary. Sophie said she had "broken the rules"...if she hasn't broken the rules then she's just told a lie anyway!

Sorry I missed out the word "watch" when I said expert, I know that's what she actually said but quite frankly I didn't think it'd make one heap of difference in the grand scheme of things...of course she knows how much she's supposed to get for the watch...What I found a bit off that she was trying to convince us viewers that because she's no WATCH EXPERT that she'll being letting the item go for a lot cheaper than perhaps someone who did know about watches would! Of course it's rubbish..They'll say anything to try and make a sale these days.
I saw her selling Pulsar watches not long ago. As always, she was saying that she's no watch expert. She told us stupid viewers that the watches were made by Seiko, but unlike the Seiko brand, Pulsar sell for a much lower price. Well for a non expert, she was quite right about that. She went on to tell us that the Pulsar watches were a great buy, because a Seiko watch would cost more than her car! I wonder what she drives.............. a Sinclair C5 perhaps?

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