Who would I complain to, would it be worth it?


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Jun 24, 2008
Got bid on for entertainment in the background this fine morning and Andrea Maclean is presenting...a presenter I normally find ok...in the short time I've had the telly on, she's dropped in the "mistake" BS...Yep, they've "accidentally" told the viewers that a set of toiletries are going for under a tenner, but "whoops" they've said it, so they've got to stand by it.....Not her fault 'cause she's obviously been told by the producer to say that, also to say they're going to be in trouble after the show...Ok, I dont believe that for a minute.

However what happened next actually made me feel quite angry. She was selling a Slazenger watch with a pen, it was tat, she was saying how great it was....I don't believe this either but then she said...You'll pay NO MORE THAN x amount of pounds for this, and then with a shonky aftershave she told the viewer they'd be paying NO MORE than £14 for this.....YES YOU WILL....HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT YOU ALSO HAVE TO PAY £7.99 OTHERWISE WE CAN'T SEND IT TO YOU?.....GGGGRRR!

These are my questions

Because she said you'd be paying no more than £14 for the product, would this be true on a techincality, as the other money's actually for the postage, so it's ok to say it?

Because the actual prices are displayed on the screen, she can pretty much say anything she likes, as it can be legally passed off as an oversight/human error?

Who do I complain to? A.S.A? Would they need absolute specifics, time, place product?

CS...not by phone, as would be put through to overseas call centre

Letter or Email that will probably be ignored.

I really think it's high time the producers/presenters should be MADE to stop trying the pull the wool over the viewer's eyes....it's totally dispicable!

Is being a bit misleading ok, as long as they don't receive specific complaints from "mislead" customers? Or can anyone see this is wrong and should be prevented?
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The ASA is who you should complain to,but the examples you give in your post today are unlikely (IMHO)to be upheld and for the company to be censured.
Here are two recent examples of lies where I believe the ASA would have upheld the complaint.
1)' This (a Thomas Earnshaw watch)is from a british company which has been around since1805' Nicola George
This is untrue and the company would have been unable to defend the claim.
2) 'Just look on the internet for Dupont and see the luxury goods associated with the name' James Russell selling Jean Paul Dupont fragrance.
This is 'passing off' -Russell is passing Jean Paul Dupont off as ST Dupont a renowned manufacturer of luxury goods
The ASA does require accurate details rather than a half remembered account of a broadcast.Most of the advertisements they adjudicate on are in print or are repeated whereas Bid TV is live and there are variations in every presentation.The best way to nail a lie from this company is to record it and submit the recording to the ASA.
The ASA is who you should complain to,but the examples you give in your post today are unlikely (IMHO)to be upheld and for the company to be censured.
Here are two recent examples of lies where I believe the ASA would have upheld the complaint.
1)' This (a Thomas Earnshaw watch)is from a british company which has been around since1805' Nicola George
This is untrue and the company would have been unable to defend the claim.
2) 'Just look on the internet for Dupont and see the luxury goods associated with the name' James Russell selling Jean Paul Dupont fragrance.
This is 'passing off' -Russell is passing Jean Paul Dupont off as ST Dupont a renowned manufacturer of luxury goods
The ASA does require accurate details rather than a half remembered account of a broadcast.Most of the advertisements they adjudicate on are in print or are repeated whereas Bid TV is live and there are variations in every presentation.The best way to nail a lie from this company is to record it and submit the recording to the ASA.

That's what I thought....Wondered whether contacting a consumer show like Watchdog or Rogue traders might be worth a shout. I know this is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things, however, they do feauture "little snippets" showing bad service/bad practice etc I'm sure! Really something needs to be said. Though there's always an "off" button, I guess!

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