Another annoying thing they've done!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Despite me slagging off these channels quite a lot, I am actually quite a good customer, and I come back because I've bought some really good things that you can't always find on the dreaded high street. Before I tell you what's peed me off now, I need to just say - Don't touch their duvet covers with a bargepole...well just make sure they're not 100% polyester cause they'll last less than a week, their feather duvets are more than likely unethically filled, so another one to avoid, and don't bother with the footwear - it's the soles, they wear out in a matter of a few weeks...complete waste of money.

Anyway...BID..The first thing I noticed that the search facility on the website has disappeared, I can't actually see any reason for this other than perhaps they're hoping that rather than you keying a word in and they don't have anything, you'll have to trawl through everything and will end up buying loads of stuff you didn't intend to buy..who knows! I have also noticed that with the exception of the gardening section, NOTHING is available on "buy now" everything you buy from them now has to be a separate transaction so it'll be £7.99 every time.....B'stards!!!!! You were able to pay £7.99 per order or free P&P if you were to spend £50 or more. I thought they would at this stage be trying their hardest not to lose customers. I suppose they think that with all these 1p and £1 deals people won't notice..yeah they're great if you're looking for frumpy clothes in massive sizes or cheap bracelets you could buy in poundland......what a bunch of tossers!
I hadn't noticed the search facility had gone but I don't use the website very much; a cheeky way of getting us to trawl through loads of stuff we don't want!
It's interesting that you mention quality; my first ever purchase was egyptian cotton bath sheets quickly followed by a twin pack of duvet cover sets, this was many years ago and both products are still going strong wash after wash.
However, I recently bought a twin pack of toe post sandals and on first wearing of one pair the sole came unstuck and peeled off. On the first wearing of the other pair the inner lining came unstuck and peeled off.
So I'm still a customer, I'm just a bit more selective about my bargains now!
I hadn't noticed the search facility had gone but I don't use the website very much; a cheeky way of getting us to trawl through loads of stuff we don't want!
It's interesting that you mention quality; my first ever purchase was egyptian cotton bath sheets quickly followed by a twin pack of duvet cover sets, this was many years ago and both products are still going strong wash after wash.
However, I recently bought a twin pack of toe post sandals and on first wearing of one pair the sole came unstuck and peeled off. On the first wearing of the other pair the inner lining came unstuck and peeled off.
So I'm still a customer, I'm just a bit more selective about my bargains now!

I wonder why or how they decided to go from quality goods to tat. You are not the first person to say that but even if you were the only one I would anyone can see from your posts you are fair and truthful :)

I wonder why or how they decided to go from quality goods to tat. You are not the first person to say that but even if you were the only one I would anyone can see from your posts you are fair and truthful :)


I suspect it's because the profit margins when selling unbranded, unheard of tatt, at seemingly low prices but with a cheeky little tenner added costs is far more profitable than trying to sell very well known brands that everyone knows the true value of.

I know I always use it as an example but take those ID Stamps at over £10 delivered. They surely must cost them less than £1 a unit to buy in those volumes and probably no more than £1 to deliver. Nice work if you can get it.

I suspect it's because the profit margins when selling unbranded, unheard of tatt, at seemingly low prices but with a cheeky little tenner added costs is far more profitable than trying to sell very well known brands that everyone knows the true value of.

I know I always use it as an example but take those ID Stamps at over £10 delivered. They surely must cost them less than £1 a unit to buy in those volumes and probably no more than £1 to deliver. Nice work if you can get it.


...And that's the annoying thing...Ordering via the website could mean you could buy let's say a well known fragrance at a reasonable price, even with the p&p, and perhaps add the set of ID stamps, a couple of t-shirts or whatever, and it won't cost you any more..but by them removing the "buy now" facility means that every transaction needs to be separate, therefore will carry a £7.99 charge..bang goes your saving. Mind you, you could say they're saving you buying extra bits of tat you don't want...but I just think the whole business of them doing this, and removing the "search" facility is mean spirited and basically puts two fingers up at their loyal customers. I most certainly will be buying less..I can't afford it any more!
Very cheap from that website but. Aren't the ID stamps useless? Has anyone brought them ? I have not brought anything from sit-up ltd.
I came across this site
Bidtv might be buying from this website.

Trodat are a well-known and respected stamp brand. It appears the pattern printed is more complex:

I would also imagine the ink would last longer, and be darker. It still would have similar pitfalls of laser-printed text being readable as it is reflective, I would say. I suppose you could stamp before you shred for a even more security.

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