Pippa With Sleeves


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Silver Fox

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Mar 14, 2010
Oh how I wish Pippa would go back to her previous look.She has the ideal face to take a cropped hairstyle & is lovely and petite.I am sure she wanted a change & grew her hair but on the 12:00-1:00 'With Sleeves' show she has aged at least 30 years.Not all down to the hair it is mainly the awful shapeless dress she is wearing.Being a presenter means they have to wear a range they probably wouldn't be seen dead in---I hope this is the case & she bins it on the way out.
I had to find a video clip of this to see for myself, I agree that hairstyle has aged her a lot! She looked so much better with her short pixie look, it suited her face so much better.
i love pipa but hate,hate her new hair.not only is it dated,its aged her and swamps her.she has totally lost her edgy style.some women just cant take longer hair and pipa's one of them.
Yes I agree the new barnet has made her look a lot older and it is very dated. The only thing it's good for is that it covers her huge ears and detracts the eye away from her big pointy nose.
She can cut her hair into a flourescent green mohican as far as I'm concerned :) She had her hair short for so long she was probably due for a change, like Kathy Tayler who had that short, spikey cut for ages. I'm more curious about Pipa's sabbatical - I thought I read on here that's she's supposed to be off for 6 months from 31st July? Or have I missed something (I probably have...)
Oh how I wish Pippa would go back to her previous look.She has the ideal face to take a cropped hairstyle & is lovely and petite.I am sure she wanted a change & grew her hair but on the 12:00-1:00 'With Sleeves' show she has aged at least 30 years.Not all down to the hair it is mainly the awful shapeless dress she is wearing.Being a presenter means they have to wear a range they probably wouldn't be seen dead in---I hope this is the case & she bins it on the way out.
I thought the same, Silver Fox. She looked a lot older with that hairstyle and dress.
Don't like Pipa's hair - from my own experience, curly hair ages you at some point. Pipa is still lovely but having looked great in everything she should now be choosy.

thing is though..i notice her ears and nose more since shes grown her hair!!

Me too! I preferred her with short hair too. Still, it won't matter for much longer; I heard her say that she was taking time off to write and will be back in the new year. I actually don't mind; Pipa used to be one of the presenters I enjoyed watching but lately she has been getting on my nerves, she seems a bit hysterical lately. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Oh dear just when you think it couldn't get worse I have just caught sight of her in Carole Hochman.Is It QVC revenge for taking time away?Yeah, Yeah!
It does
seem to be growing wild at the moment, needs cutting in some sort of style.
We all see things differently I never liked her cropped hair - didn't see it as young or edgy at all and I much prefer those flapping Bhudda ears covered up. I agree that the dress was dreadful on her as was the deep plum lipstick!
It seems to be the norm, for a QVC presenter to write a book. I know the presenters are freelance, but can you imagine popping into work one day, and asking for a 6 month break? There defo wouldn't be a job waiting for you to come back to! Why does she need to take a hiatus to write? Working, simultaneously, didn't seem to affect Debs and Julia.
It seems to be the norm, for a QVC presenter to write a book. I know the presenters are freelance, but can you imagine popping into work one day, and asking for a 6 month break? There defo wouldn't be a job waiting for you to come back to! Why does she need to take a hiatus to write? Working, simultaneously, didn't seem to affect Debs and Julia.

I had assumed her move was romantically induced and perhaps 6 months was a bit of a trial period. She said the sale of her house has fallen through so don't know if this will change her plans but would assume her kids starting at a new school will be the main factor in timing.

Mind you all seems a bit extreem to write a few chapters which may or maynot ever see the light of day. That on line magazine thing she was involved with was a bit of a damp squid. That together with her singing and radio work it's a wonder she was able to fit us in at all.

I always liked her, apart from the yeah,yeahs, but I read an article she wrote about a ring her ex bought just prior to the break up which I thought was a bit out of order. Whilst I have no idea of the cause of their break up personally I think it is poor taste to air this to the world and his wife but then I am anti facebook/twitter etc.
I wish her well with her time off whatever she decides to do. She did hint on the B&W show the other night that there was a partner in her life so good luck to her if there is. I'd love to take time off work to do my own thing so I think Pipa's lucky that she has the chance to do it. I will have to wait for retirement lol.


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