When you have easy pays running


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Registered Shopper
Jul 30, 2010
When you have easy pays running on a credit card & the bank sends you a new replacement card, as your current one is due to expire in a month or so, how on earth do you get QVC to transfer all your payments to the new card?

Last time my card was renewed I had endless problems. Despite renewing my card online & phoning Customer Services just to be certain, I got irate evening phonecalls at least four times saying they could not collect payment. Each time they'd tried to charge it to my discontinued card, EVERY time I told them my new card details but STILL they kept ringing when a payment was due!

I've just received my next replacement card & am dreading the whole rigmarole starting again!
Is there ANY way to get them to transfer due payments to the new card or do I have to go through this farce again?
Breeze, I would love to know the answer to your question too. I've just received my new credit card in the post today and I'm dreading the trouble it will cause with the change over as it doesn't seem to register with QVC on-line no matter what you do. Last time I changed cards, they cancelled an order made on the website, having informed them two weeks before of the new expiry date, and when I phoned to say that I hadn't received my order, the item was out of stock! Best of luck, you'll probably need it. Daft system QVC !!!
Oh I had a new credit card recently and just updated my card details on Q's my account page,this was a few weeks back and I know an EZ payment has gone through okay,well I haven't heard anything to the contrary from Q, it shouldn't be that difficult for them should it, but who knows with Q!
When my card was due to expire last year and I tried to order on EP it wouldn't let me as the payments would go beyond the expiry date. Had to load up details of an alternative card to continue. Sounds like there is a different process now (unless they thought I wouldn't get issued with a replacement :confused2:)
I have had this issue, although I haven't had any irate phone calls, rather polite letters. However this was with an auto-delivery option. Knowing there might be a problem I rang up QVC once I had the new card and that I had easy pays and they were able to change the payment options over the phone. However, I did have a problem with an auto-delivery which had been 'cancelled' when the card (with the old date on) was refused. Unfortunately, when I rang up to sort this out, I found that my item had been re-allocated. So the next time I made sure to check the dates of when the auto-delivery payments were due to come out and rang QVC in the same way I had with the easypays and this time, so far and touching a big lump of wood, this has worked okay.
I had a lot of problems over the past few months as I couldnt order anything on EP unless it finished before the end of August when my card was due to expire!

And then when I updated my new card online I started getting letters and phone calls saying they couldnt get my payments
that were due on EP because my bank wouldnt authorise the payment on my old card

so unless QVC change their system I dont think there is any way of avoiding the hassle unfortunately
unless you can put all the payments on a different card for about 6 months :call:
Without wanting to be too much of a defender of QVC, I can explain what the issue is and why this is not as straight-forward as it seems. When you are ordering on EP, you are actually setting up a payment plan against your existing card only. QVC (or any merchant, for that matter) only has your authority to take those specified payments against that specified card, and once set up, this happens automatically via merchant services. QVC has to actively cancel these on-gong transactions if, for example, you return your item. If your card has expired and there are remaining payments due, a new authority has to be created for each transaction requiring easy-pays. Although this may sound quite convoluted, think about what the opposite would mean, that QVC could create on-going charges to your card without your permission?
I've never had any problems with this - whenever they've been unable to collect an easy payment because a card has expired I've had a phone message from QVC asking me to contact them, I've phoned them back given them the new card details and it's been very straightforward.
That's the exact problem I had Bluebell.

Dips, I understand the point you are making but surely it's not beyond reason that QVC could inform the relevant merchant services of the changes to an existing item's ongoing instalments when you have actually contacted them to give them your authorisation on the new card number.
Breeze, I would love to know the answer to your question too. I've just received my new credit card in the post today and I'm dreading the trouble it will cause with the change over as it doesn't seem to register with QVC on-line no matter what you do. Last time I changed cards, they cancelled an order made on the website, having informed them two weeks before of the new expiry date, and when I phoned to say that I hadn't received my order, the item was out of stock! Best of luck, you'll probably need it. Daft system QVC !!!

As with you both, the same thing happened with me and, despite explaining the reason, and giving my amended details, I was still contacted - the obligatory evening phone calls, so intrusive - because they were unable to take payment. All sorted now, thank goodness.
Breeze, are the details of old card still on your account? If so, go into your account online, and delete the card, enter the new one and, finally, contact CS, tell them to take the next payment from the new card. It should be ok, cos they won't have the old card number to try to take payment from that. If they do, then obviously they are retaining information they have no right to, which I don't think they would do.
It should be ok, cos they won't have the old card number to try to take payment from that. If they do, then obviously they are retaining information they have no right to, which I don't think they would do.
It doesn't work like that. At the time you take up easy pay, you are actually setting up a future payment programme against the specific card for that specific transaction within your card's merchant services gateway. The ongoing payments are settled from that original authorisation, there is no reference back to your current card details, as this is not a new transaction but the completion of an existing transaction. These rules are set by the card providers ie Visa and MasterCard, not the retailer. If the card expires, the retailer has to set up a new ongoing payment transaction for each outstanding order with your express permission.
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I've just had 3 new cards issued following "suspicious activity" thankfully spotted v swiftly by M&S Money and QVC rang about an easy-payment that was due. The caller then asked if I also had any auto-delivery drops due! Surely they'd be in a better position than I am to check this?

Off on a tangent: why is QVC the only on-line retailer that never asks me for the 3 security numbers from the strip on the reverse of the card?

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