Kars Tritton and Kara Baker mentioned in Morning Show Comp?


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Mar 18, 2010
I was astonished when they popped up in a possible answer for the morning show comp, i always thought one gone never to be heard off or mentioned again.

Kathy, when she mentioned Kara T, she said i think you might have heard of her.

Question was about Strictly by the way.
The answers to the Question was:

a) Kara Tritton
b) Kara Tointon
c) Kara Baker.

Just found it weird as we bang on here, about QVC, not mentioning presenters names after they have gone, then bring them up in a competition.
I really liked Kara Tritton, but not so Kara Baker... she never seemed to stop talking about herself.....
Yeah Kara B seemed a bit self absored, used to think she was posh, but she was besties with Claire Sutton though wasnt she, sure they used to have very intelligent convos.

Kara Tritton, not sure how she would come over these days, with the hard sell, however Kara Tritton, combined with Will and Charlie from Charlie Bears, would be an insight.
Didn't one of them used to present the doll shows and sit them on her knee and make them "come alive" with silly voices and making them wave at the viewers , it was cringe making to watch.
I thought they both left to have babies or to spend more time with their families.
Yes that was Kara Tritton, she had a very unique way of talking to the dolls, and making them come alive, but of course voiceovers, was her other job outside of QVC, being the voice of Blues Tunes/Tones one of them/

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