Anti-colour fading shampoo


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I Love Chocolate

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Jun 24, 2008
Can anyone recommend one of these that really works? I am a dyed redhead and the colour fades sooooo quickly.

Thanks in advance.
I've often wondered if it is more the straighteners and associated products that strip it at least as much as shampoo.

I have very short hair which is home coloured each time I get it cut (about 6-8 weeks) use plain old Pantene but don't used anything else other than the odd drop of argon oil (plain old Avon) but apart from a short burst of the hair dryer I rarely use any straighteners. If I wasn't cutting it short I would probably get a bit longer.

No doubt there is a hairdresser on the forum who will be able to give a more accurate answer
Sodium is the enemy of colour, so in theory any sodium-free shampoo would help greatly. However, I don't know if they are sodium-free, but I had forgotten how good the Aveda colour shampoos and coordinating conditioners are - it's what I always used to use and I've recently returned to it and am loving them again.
I use Tresemme's, when it's on offer you can get nearly a litre for a fiver, and it's as good as any expensive brand (and I've tried a lot)

Red colour is notorious for fading so good luck. Some colour safe shampoos have tint's in them, so one with a red hue may help.
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I have never found anything, dear or cheap, which really prolongs colour. However I never buy a colour and shine shampoo as they just dry my hair and produce no shine at all. I have gone off the dearer brands as they did not seem to produce any better results so for me it is Pantene or John Frieda these days.
I like ojon colour sustain, am not sure how good it is as keeping my red colour in but it certainly does not seem to do it any harm and makes it nice and shiny x
I hardly dare stick my head above the parapet and suggest Wen again. I had red hair again until recently, now I'm blonde again I find the only problem with Wen is that my hair grows quickly as the roots come through in a matter of a week or so. But when I had red hair I didn't see the rinsing water tinted red as often happens with bog standard shampoo. I have an inch cut off every 10 weeks.

Now that my hair's lighter again Wen stops the colour oxidising and becoming brassy.
I have never found anything, dear or cheap, which really prolongs colour. However I never buy a colour and shine shampoo as they just dry my hair and produce no shine at all. I have gone off the dearer brands as they did not seem to produce any better results so for me it is Pantene or John Frieda these days.
must admit I've gone back to the cheaper brands of late too. I'd always avoided Pantene, but the new Keratin range in the black bottles (bit dearer than reg Pantene) has made my hair noticeably shinier. I had been using Wen, but the amount used meant it was not lasting long and to be honest, my hair now looks and feels better with the Pantene.
Unfortunately red is the one colour which will fade the quickest.

But I use Wen(blond dyed), and I get people asking 3 weeks after I colour if I have just coloured it.
I've noticed that Boots are selling a range called Grow Gorgeous ,it's a one step cleanser like Wen,you can get it for Different coloured hair,it is expensive though.
Lynn :mysmilie_48:
i have highlights including some red ones and i use Aveda colour conserve twice a week and i find my colours last unto 6 months without me needing to have them redone... i swear by it.
Ive found the Wella Pro (red bottle) quite good for not stripping colour. Some shampoos and conditioners especially Pantene coat the hair in silicone and it can form a barrier against the colour taking properly and can fade even more easily. Red is notoriously a fast fader though.
I'd agree a red tinted shampoo and/or conditioner will keep the tone topped up although it makes the shower look like a scene from Psycho!
I'm a brunette and been home colouring my hair red for years, and i have tried everything under the sun for it to keeps it's colour for more than 6 weeks before the roots come through and sadly mines especially my fringe is grey.I wonder if it's an active ingredient they all have cheap or dear, that strips the colour,,maybe deliberately:mysmilie_10: so we will keep the circle going of getting our hair coloured and keeping the beauty industry in their billions.
I've read numerous things before that say the whole thing's a myth and nothing works to make it last longer. Obviously anecdotally that could be wrong and something could work for someone, but I doubt there's any ingredient that makes any major difference generally. I think it's a case of colour stripping or more colour stripping as opposed to anything colour safe.

I dyed my hair red for years because I loved it, but most of the colour was gone within 2 or 3 washes. It was the most disheartening thing because it looked so lovely just done. At one point in my teens I dyed it with permanent dye every week. Terrible idea, but I couldn't accept that my hair refused to not be brown.
Weirdly, my partner now dyes his hair bright red and it lasts a lot better. He doesn't use anything out of the ordinary on it, he uses the same shampoos I did and do, but the colour doesn't fade from his hair for about 5 weeks or so. He uses the same dyes I did too. The only difference I can think of is that his hair is a lot lighter than mine, it's like a dirty blonde/sandy colour. The red still came out pretty bright on me, though. /waffle
The thing with silver/grey hair, it does not hold onto the dye unfortunately. I love the ads for hair colours saying covers grey, yes for the first application but you wash your hair and it back to grey very very quickly. Its to do with the hair texture and the inner part of the hair shaft.

I am lucky in a way I was blond as a child and even now my hairdresser tells me my original colour would be classed as dark blond. What has happen now is the parts of my hair which were lighter blond have turned a true silver at each side at the front plus a dusting throughout the top. So I look like I have very fine highlights on top of the hair dye. I have been asked a few times if I had flashlights put into my hair, I always say no its the silver coming through. It is pure silver not even grey.
Scott Cornwall Colour Restore is excellent for reviving a faded colour (albeit not permanently). I've used the red one and it's very RED! Just be careful of your towels/bathmats/hands/tiles etc. You can buy it in Boots. Around £11.99 but you get several goes out of a tube.

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