Diet chef lady never gets any smaller


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Now l cannot talk being an overweight lady myself, however l am not selling diet chef on tv.
This lady never ever gets any smaller and yet states if you follow the diet chef plan you will lose 1-2lbs a week.
Really? Then someone is not sticking to it regardless of telling us how wonderful it all tastes.
Not a good advert for the product.
Now l cannot talk being an overweight lady myself, however l am not selling diet chef on tv.
This lady never ever gets any smaller and yet states if you follow the diet chef plan you will lose 1-2lbs a week.
Really? Then someone is not sticking to it regardless of telling us how wonderful it all tastes.
Not a good advert for the product.

My thoughts exactly when I saw her on 1st January. She was almost evangelical about diet chef. She defo can't be sticking to the 'diet'. It's like working out with a 'fat' personal trainer. It just doesn't look right!
Gawd I was watching her on first January thinking that she has this carefully chosen clothes to cover all the bulge. She didn't convince me and definitely not a good advert for the brand. By the way, it was advertised as an affordable plan costing something around £5 per day. I think that I spend around the same or less cooking fresh from scratch and inclusive of fresh fish and veg.
Wasn't Marverine on diet chef too? Correct me if I'm wrong as I do try to avoid watching her shows but isn't she getting larger rather than smaller?
The 5:2 diet is free and it works. And once the weight is lost it stays off and your food bills go down as you spend less. It is a win all the way to the bank
Am I missing something? If you want to eat chemically processed food from tins and packets you can buy them from a supermarket and read the calorie count on the side. You add them up over the day and find out your total calories. You take your shopping bill from the supermarket and read the amounts you have paid for tins and packets. By a mysterious process of slimming down, the receipt from the supermarket till comes to a lot less than the price for tins of processed food from QVC.
Maybe a crafty ploy .....such as " we are not saying that diet chef makes people thin" .......stops the law suits .....
Just what I was thinking, such a strange choice to have an overweight presenter. It gives you no incentive at all to try their product.
I absolutely hated the 5:2 diet and wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but we are all different. I have simply reduced my carb intake which has worked wonders. I eat far more vegetables now and feel so much better and have no problems keeping the weight off. Wish I had known about this years ago.
The only thing you lose with Diet Chef is your money. It's an absolute con and although I know some people are desperate to lose weight there are better ways. See your GP for advice.
Diet chef adverts are also on main stream TV at present and in one of them they seem to be having a buffet - if it is just imagine what that would cost LOL
Am I missing something? If you want to eat chemically processed food from tins and packets you can buy them from a supermarket and read the calorie count on the side. You add them up over the day and find out your total calories. You take your shopping bill from the supermarket and read the amounts you have paid for tins and packets. By a mysterious process of slimming down, the receipt from the supermarket till comes to a lot less than the price for tins of processed food from QVC.

Maybe I am not the right person to opine on the subject (my weight problem is at the other end of the scale), but I agree. Decide how many calories you intend to consume and, eat whatever you want. as long as you are within the amount.
The Diet Lady admitted today that the loves her food and she is a professional chef (I didn't know this)
I don't think there are many that don't understand that less in and more out is the answer but it isn't as easy to do as it is to say and DC etc seems like an easy option.

And that is what it boils down to - EASY (or what seems easy)

Loads of diet plans will take the weight off but it is only by changing your lifestyle that you stand any chance of keeping it off, and that is anything but easy.
I guess if people go for the 12 month auto delivery option, one will defo see great results. I agree with what others have said though as making actual changes in the real world is the best way forward. I for one found the gym a great help plus portion control. I kinda got addicted to the gym for a while but that works for me. I always say it's better to be addicted to that than other more destructive stuff. 3 years down the line I have kept up with the gym and my lifestyle changes.
What did it for me was the guys holiday I went on with a friend I didn't like the holiday pics so joined the gym on my return. This was June of that year.....I don't always understand people waiting until January to make the change. It is usually short lived for most.
I know gillian mckeith annoyed a hell of a lot of people,but I liked some of her advice and bought a few of her books second hand .....I don't like mung peas so that ones out ...but I love her advice on the list of the Food Of Abundance ....all,the healthy food that we could eat and benefit loads from most of the time ....she said she never weighs her clients as if they eat most of the foods and recipies she suggests ...the weight looks after itself in a good way ....I actually take bits and bobs of info from lots of health food people,...don't like the word diet lol...and try as much as possible to help my health and my weight is not too bad ....I'm. It obese but I'm not skinny slim .....
My downfall with Diet Chef would be cheating - I could easily munch my way through a months worth of snacks in one evening.

Since last Feb I've cut back drastically on carbs and "junk" and lost 24 kg, got another 16 kg to go before I reach a "normal" BMI. I've done it mainly by eating fruit for breakfast, salad and lean protein for lunch and usually a Marks & Spencer "ready meal" for dinner, with a pile of veg or salad. No rice, very occasional spuds / pasta/bread etc. I agree with them about portion size, large portions is why I put the weight on in the first place !

Personally this works. I live alone and embarrassingly I don't really bother about making meals from scratch. I trust M&S food and get veg etc from our local farm shop. I doubt if the Diet Chef meals are as good quality as Marks'. I've also joined a gym in Sept and love it.
My downfall with Diet Chef would be cheating - I could easily munch my way through a months worth of snacks in one evening.

Since last Feb I've cut back drastically on carbs and "junk" and lost 24 kg, got another 16 kg to go before I reach a "normal" BMI. I've done it mainly by eating fruit for breakfast, salad and lean protein for lunch and usually a Marks & Spencer "ready meal" for dinner, with a pile of veg or salad. No rice, very occasional spuds / pasta/bread etc. I agree with them about portion size, large portions is why I put the weight on in the first place !

Personally this works. I live alone and embarrassingly I don't really bother about making meals from scratch. I trust M&S food and get veg etc from our local farm shop. I doubt if the Diet Chef meals are as good quality as Marks'. I've also joined a gym in Sept and love it.

Well done. I do buy the M&S count on you range from time to time when I have a break from cooking. I usually have it for dinner and pick up their 3 meals for a tenner deal on my way back from work. I always think to myself.....dinner sorted for 3 nights, lolll. I also try to make my own lunch for work.
I once gave up biscuits and lost a good amount of weight. I never said I can't eat biscuits, just that I don't eat them, and this was a psychological boost as it empowered me rather than making me feel like a victim. Since turning 40, I do feel the weight is creeping up, and recently told that I am on the edge of a too high BMI.

I too am eating more veg and fish and fruit. I am cutting back on pastries and cookies which are my down fall. I have realised that having a proper lunch stops me snacking after work, so am trying to prepare food that I can take with me.

I have also decided to do 30 minutes of "movement" a day - exercise always sounds so virtuous and like a chore. The 30 minutes can be made up of smaller chunks, but must have done it by bed time. I am going to give myself 1 star for each day I manage the 30 minutes. Once I have got 30 I can have a treat (beauty product rather than the chocolate variety).

Anyway, sorry to go on, but I am feeling inspired to make some positive changes.

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