Howard Howard Howard - Shut up


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Last night Howard was selling spin bikes, we heard about his 22 stone younger brother and why Howard does not have or want a dog, as dog walkers now have to pick up warm dog poo in a bag and put it in their pocket to take home, actually Howard all the dog walkers l know and myself pick it up and carry in the bag until we find a bin, l have not seen anyone put it in their pocket, and l am so glad he would not have a dog because Howard is so in love with himself the dog would be subjected to a sad life.
I just wish Howard would keep his mind and mouth on the subject he is selling and not bring warm dog poo or his 22 stone brother into his selling pitch. Howard you are not a saint or someone that we would aim to be like but a very irritating self obsessed little man that turns my stomach, and by the way you gave been selling Nutribullet for weeks at £ 84.99 so stop telling us every time it is about to sell out when it obviously is not as still on sale again and again! Better still find another job please
I was just about to vent my spleen about this very microbe, and do you know of someone with an old war wound, with a prostate problem that does morris dancing on the bed ? and his parsimonius habits, of using the same teabag 3 times, please howard take a trip to Dignitas PLEASE. :mysmilie_51:
I was just about to vent my spleen about this very microbe, and do you know of someone with an old war wound, with a prostate problem that does morris dancing on the bed ? and his parsimonius habits, of using the same teabag 3 times, please howard take a trip to Dignitas PLEASE. :mysmilie_51:

Wishing him dead is a bit harsh lol
Isn't he a horrible little man? He talks utter garbage and is SO in love with himself he'd marry himself if he could! Only Howard would put a bag of warm dog poo in his pocket - OK, he talks a load of dog poo, we all know that, but does he have to put it in his pocket? Howard, have you not heard of placing the bag in another bag, and holding on to the HANDLES (you know, those sticky-out things either side of the opening of the bag) until you reach a doggie waste bin to deposit it in? Gawd, talk about dim as a dark night! Don't bother calling the Brain Surgeon, he won't find anything... My Dad would say "dim as a Toc H lamp", but without looking it up I can't remember what Toc H is! I wish Howard would walk off on those spindly legs of his in their too-tight trousers and just keep walking......Dover's that way, Howard, or try Edinburgh.....

Last night Howard was selling spin bikes, we heard about his 22 stone younger brother and why Howard does not have or want a dog, as dog walkers now have to pick up warm dog poo in a bag and put it in their pocket to take home, actually Howard all the dog walkers l know and myself pick it up and carry in the bag until we find a bin, l have not seen anyone put it in their pocket, and l am so glad he would not have a dog because Howard is so in love with himself the dog would be subjected to a sad life.
I just wish Howard would keep his mind and mouth on the subject he is selling and not bring warm dog poo or his 22 stone brother into his selling pitch. Howard you are not a saint or someone that we would aim to be like but a very irritating self obsessed little man that turns my stomach, and by the way you gave been selling Nutribullet for weeks at £ 84.99 so stop telling us every time it is about to sell out when it obviously is not as still on sale again and again! Better still find another job please
The man is a fool, who on earth puts dog poop in their pocket?.......I know!...........HOWARD!!
My nan used to say "take a long walk on a short pier" although I think she may have used that phrase about politicians who she was not keen on. Sadly she died before experiencing shopping telly, I'd love to know what she would have said about the presenters!
My nan used to say "take a long walk on a short pier" although I think she may have used that phrase about politicians who she was not keen on. Sadly she died before experiencing shopping telly, I'd love to know what she would have said about the presenters!

Mine too, after going through the war years my nan (loved my nan, she passed about eighteen years ago) would've said to me "name one thing on there that you need, just one?" and you know what, I don't think there's one thing I could've told her that I needed from a shopping telly, only what I wanted................then my nan would've tutted, shaken her head, then swore at me, she was like Mrs Brown my nanl
shopperholic, Lol! Anyone normal (yes, Howard, I did say anyone normal, so don't bother reading further) would be ashamed to make such a twitbrain of themselves, wouldn't they? He has no shame whatsoever and seems to think he's hilariously funny or wittering on about something we all have a problem with that he's going to "solve" for us (imagine, if you will, half the population of the UK walking about with dog poo in their pockets, not knowing what to do with it...., yes folks, welcome to Planet Howard). Howard makes even Pope Peter look relatively normal - and I never thought I would say that! He'd keep a team of analysts happy for about 5 years.:mysmilie_13:

The man is a fool, who on earth puts dog poop in their pocket?.......I know!...........HOWARD!!
Mine too, after going through the war years my nan (loved my nan, she passed about eighteen years ago) would've said to me "name one thing on there that you need, just one?" and you know what, I don't think there's one thing I could've told her that I needed from a shopping telly, only what I wanted................then my nan would've tutted, shaken her head, then swore at me, she was like Mrs Brown my nanl

My nan died when I was 15 and I think she was born in 1912 so lived through both wars (albeit it as a small child for the first one). They were a tough generation weren't they. My nan would have been the same, she was not at all materialistic and didn't buy things she didn't need. I can't imagine her impulse buying from a shopping channel!
shopperholic, Lol! Anyone normal (yes, Howard, I did say anyone normal, so don't bother reading further) would be ashamed to make such a twitbrain of themselves, wouldn't they? He has no shame whatsoever and seems to think he's hilariously funny or wittering on about something we all have a problem with that he's going to "solve" for us (imagine, if you will, half the population of the UK walking about with dog poo in their pockets, not knowing what to do with it...., yes folks, welcome to Planet Howard). Howard makes even Pope Peter look relatively normal - and I never thought I would say that! He'd keep a team of analysts happy for about 5 years.:mysmilie_13:

I can't believe that Howard was talking about carrying dog poo in his pocket. Well, actually I mean that I can believe it, he is rather a strange man. But then there are not many IW presenters that I would be happy being stuck in a lift with!
My nan died when I was 15 and I think she was born in 1912 so lived through both wars (albeit it as a small child for the first one). They were a tough generation weren't they. My nan would have been the same, she was not at all materialistic and didn't buy things she didn't need. I can't imagine her impulse buying from a shopping channel!

Oh yes totally agree, my nan would never have dreamt of spending £100 on a moisturiser (we had that in common) or even twenty pounds, she had lovely skin and all she ever used was soap and water, so proves this anti ageing stuff is rubbish, she would only buy what she needed and wouldn't waste it on beauty products or kitchen gadgets, she was an amazing cook and her roast dinners would've won awards. We're a totally different generation now, it's all about materialism.
shopperholic, Lol! Anyone normal (yes, Howard, I did say anyone normal, so don't bother reading further) would be ashamed to make such a twitbrain of themselves, wouldn't they? He has no shame whatsoever and seems to think he's hilariously funny or wittering on about something we all have a problem with that he's going to "solve" for us (imagine, if you will, half the population of the UK walking about with dog poo in their pockets, not knowing what to do with it...., yes folks, welcome to Planet Howard). Howard makes even Pope Peter look relatively normal - and I never thought I would say that! He'd keep a team of analysts happy for about 5 years.:mysmilie_13:

Howard was probably wondering why no one goes near him whilst walking his dog..............apart from the obvious, it'll be the smell of dog s**t coming from his pocket. :mysmilie_14:
Can't believe a presenter is putting poo in his pocket and talking about it on air to sell a product

Is Howard getting his inspiration from dodgy fetish web communities?

Nexus, my mind is boggling just thinking about him giving the viewers an "insider view" of his prostate problem! Thank heavens I must have missed that on-screen lecture (although no doubt he has mentioned it on several occasions). If ever proof were needed that care in the community 'ain't working, here we have it on the TV screen.......
I was just about to vent my spleen about this very microbe, and do you know of someone with an old war wound, with a prostate problem that does morris dancing on the bed ? and his parsimonius habits, of using the same teabag 3 times, please howard take a trip to Dignitas PLEASE. :mysmilie_51:
Nexus, my mind is boggling just thinking about him giving the viewers an "insider view" of his prostate problem! Thank heavens I must have missed that on-screen lecture (although no doubt he has mentioned it on several occasions). If ever proof were needed that care in the community 'ain't working, here we have it on the TV screen.......

That goodness you added "of his prostrate"!.............I was holding my breath (and stomached contents) while reading "insider view of"........... :giggle:
I don't want an "insider view" of any of Howard's anatomy, or frankly any part of his life. I am a sensitive lady who can't cope with such things!

I know exactly how you feel. I was watching Howard on the Nutrimaster hour last night, how on earth has this man still got a job there? Even the guest was getting more and more irritated by him as the hour went on. I only watched to get a few more recipes for my Nutrimaster but spent the hour gobsmacked at Howard's even more over the top antics than usual, all I can say is, he must have something really bad on whoever does the hiring over there at IW.
shopperholic, Lol, I certainly don't want an "insider view" of anything else belonging to this man! I'd be scarred for life! Howard is beginning to make Peter Simon's ramblings appear quite normal, which is something I never thought I would say. There's definitely a reason why they have to keep him on at IW - anywhere else and he would have been given the order of the boot ages ago, he can make really distasteful and unnecessary comments.
That goodness you added "of his prostrate"!.............I was holding my breath (and stomached contents) while reading "insider view of"........... :giggle:
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