Richard Jackson's 2.8kg Flower Power TSV 14/02/16


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Jun 24, 2008
Richard Jackson's 2.8kg Flower Power Premium Plant Food
Item Number: 507250
QVC Price £40.00
Today's Special Value Price £29.96
P&P £5.95

In a value pack that's bigger than ever before, Richard Jackson's top-rated, super-concentrated Flower Power plant food includes chelated trace elements for even faster nutrient uptake, and comes with a handy splash-proof, refillable and reusable plastic storage tub. Make your garden the envy of all your neighbours and grow a profusion of plants, fruits and vegetables with the help of this highly-effective plant feed favourite from Richard Jackson's much-loved gardening range.

Better and bigger than ever - Flower Power now comes in a whopping 2.8kg pack which makes up to 2520 litres of diluted feed. The formula includes chelated trace elements, which are used by professional growers to provide even faster uptake of copper, iron, manganese and molybdenum (especially important in soils and composts with higher pH levels).

Blooming lovely - the fantastic formula contains all the key nutrients plants need, as well as seaweed extracts for bio-stimulant growth, extra-high levels of potash and a wetting agent to help all those nutrients reach the roots. The result: masses more flowers, as well as tasty fruits and veggies!

An ever-growing fan base - tried, tested and trusted by thousands, Flower Power has received wonderful reviews from QVC UK customers and was shown to double the crop of tomatoes compared with the brand leading plants food in an independent test carried out by garden scientist Dr Arnold Rainbow.

Contains extra high levels of potash - the key nutrient for encouraging more flowers, fruit and vegetables
Flower Power-fed plants were the winners of over 40 gold medal and first prize awards last season at top flower shows throughout the UK
Super-concentrated; makes up to 2520 litres (554 gallons) of diluted feed
Easy to use with the Flower Power hose-end sprayer (sold separately) or in watering cans
Can be used indoors or outdoors on any flower, fruit or vegetable plants. It also produces great results with foliage plants too, like hostas!


1 x Flower Power plant feed (2.8kg in three sealed sachets)
1 x Flower Power storage tub - plastic tub that is splash-proof, refillable and re-usable
Er what!! They are selling the plastic tub? I've got one thanks, it came free with the giant size flower power I bought the last time. I'm getting a bit cross with Richard. Flower Power is good, in fact I find it very good and buy it all the time, however, this is trying to make out you're getting something special when it was standard packaging not so long ago. This is a carp TSV.

Er what!! They are selling the plastic tub? I've got one thanks, it came free with the giant size flower power I bought the last time. I'm getting a bit cross with Richard. Flower Power is good, in fact I find it very good and buy it all the time, however, this is trying to make out you're getting something special when it was standard packaging not so long ago. This is a carp TSV.


the reason is this is the bigger 2.8kg which is a size they have never ever done
miracle gro is the number one selling fertiliser and i think gives better results than flower power.
miracle gro is the number one selling fertiliser and i think gives better results than flower power.

I've used it Boffy but I still find flower power gives better results. I have, however, noticed that when I use it with Tref compost it works better so maybe its the compost that's working.

unless the flower power has anything else added to it which would not surprise me knowing him then he is taking the you know what coining it in with the same product.
Flower Power contains a higher percentage of potash than other plant food, which helps produce more flowers and fruit. However, potash easily leaches away through the soil so it needs re-applying regularly through the growing season, regardless of how high the concentration. For that reason I think the extra potash / higher cost of FP is a waste of money.

I buy a very cheap flower food, or sometimes tomato food (both of which have a higher ratio of potash compared to something like lawn food) and apply it every 4 to 5 days and I get marvellous results (modest, huh !!!). I get through probably 2 bottles of the stuff in a season, April to Sept, I buy it in Poundland if poss or otherwise in Home Bargains for £1.99. I would never pay for FP and don't believe I would get better results.

I've got some pics of my baskets and flowers somewhere - I'll post and you can judge for yourselves.
anather consideration is the plant varieties. no matter how cheap you plant food is buy the best F1 bred plants and you will get the best show all summer
miracle grow is the best selling plant food on the high street i suspect and its a quarter of the price. someone is conning someone
i keep forgetting to say i have some raymond evison clematis in pots that have not flowered for years. even with two years of using flower power constantly. to me personally its a case of emperors new clothes.
Richard Jackson's 2.8kg Flower Power TSV 14/02/16

QVC are really spoiling us this valentine's day.... hrs and hrs of the smarmy garden gnome...:mysmilie_10:
Richard Jackson's 2.8kg Flower Power TSV 14/02/16

QVC are really spoiling us this valentine's day.... hrs and hrs of the smarmy garden gnome...:mysmilie_10:

Yes Kathy, l thought exactly the same. I can't believe how luçky we are! Hours of viewing - NOT!!!
No wonder he has a smug look on his face i am selling the same product giving them a bit extra and they are buying in their thousands what a great salesman i am :mysmilie_59:
No wonder he has a smug look on his face i am selling the same product giving them a bit extra and they are buying in their thousands what a great salesman i am :mysmilie_59:

mossie269 I do believe you are my OH in disguise. He says that every time :mysmilie_17:


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