exercise bike help please!


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Jun 24, 2008
Back in the day (The 80's) I had an exercise bike. It was really simple and folded up as flat as an ironing board, you could also easily tilt the saddle back down for storage, and the pedals were just attatched to the actual frame, the handle bars quite short and were straight across, it didn't have a motor or computer.....well if I remember rightly it had a tiny little led display you could attach to monitor time, reps etc. It did tend to become a bit squeaky after a while, but it was brilliant and I'd love to have another one like it. Unfortunately even the cheapest ones nowadays are just to bulky for my small flat, even the ones that are supposed to fold have great big handlebars that jut out, pedals that do the same and I just wouldn't have any room to store it. I've tried those pedal only ones, but I find them awkward to use and they slide around all over the place. I've also got one of those things that you can use as a stepper, you can use it for crunches and sit on a chair and use it like an exercise bike, although it isn't really like a bike 'cause it's more of a stepping action. Don't get me wrong it is great and it folds away right under the bed, but you really need to get down and do a proper work out on it before it feels like you're achieving anything. All I want now is a bike like my old one, I can store up against a wall or behind the wardrobe, that I can get out, and sit down in front of the telly and pedal, instead of haivng to do a work out where I'm doing different things, counting reps etc.

I'm fairly tempted by the bike box as it does fold down into a small square,but I understand they are extremely heavy, and whilst there are a couple of places in my home I have ear marked as suitable storage spots, if it didn't work out, my husband would go ape and it would cost me an arm and a leg to return it. Any ideas, or better still has anyone seen one of these 1980's style exercise bikes to buy?

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