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Jun 24, 2008
It seems not! I've been laid up in bed with a horrendous cold for the past couple of days and have watched more than my fair share of telly including Q of course....Did I really see that Ruth Langsford was charging £83.91 for a flaming pack-a-mac? Feeling somewhat better today I went online to see whether I had been hallucinating at the time and sure enough her camouflage print pack a mac is an eyewatering £78.96 plus £4.95 postage (yep it fits into a tiny bag) and it's not even bliddy waterproof!!! I think that is an absolutely obscene amount to charge. I have a completely waterproof packaway mac from Joules and it cost me less than £40 - I dunno how she gets away with it!!!!
It seems not! I've been laid up in bed with a horrendous cold for the past couple of days and have watched more than my fair share of telly including Q of course....Did I really see that Ruth Langsford was charging £83.91 for a flaming pack-a-mac? Feeling somewhat better today I went online to see whether I had been hallucinating at the time and sure enough her camouflage print pack a mac is an eyewatering £78.96 plus £4.95 postage (yep it fits into a tiny bag) and it's not even bliddy waterproof!!! I think that is an absolutely obscene amount to charge. I have a completely waterproof packaway mac from Joules and it cost me less than £40 - I dunno how she gets away with it!!!!

It seems not! I've been laid up in bed with a horrendous cold for the past couple of days and have watched more than my fair share of telly including Q of course....Did I really see that Ruth Langsford was charging £83.91 for a flaming pack-a-mac? Feeling somewhat better today I went online to see whether I had been hallucinating at the time and sure enough her camouflage print pack a mac is an eyewatering £78.96 plus £4.95 postage (yep it fits into a tiny bag) and it's not even bliddy waterproof!!! I think that is an absolutely obscene amount to charge. I have a completely waterproof packaway mac from Joules and it cost me less than £40 - I dunno how she gets away with it!!!!
I was watching when she showed the pack a mack. I couldn't believe the price, either.
It seems not! I've been laid up in bed with a horrendous cold for the past couple of days and have watched more than my fair share of telly including Q of course....Did I really see that Ruth Langsford was charging £83.91 for a flaming pack-a-mac? Feeling somewhat better today I went online to see whether I had been hallucinating at the time and sure enough her camouflage print pack a mac is an eyewatering £78.96 plus £4.95 postage (yep it fits into a tiny bag) and it's not even bliddy waterproof!!! I think that is an absolutely obscene amount to charge. I have a completely waterproof packaway mac from Joules and it cost me less than £40 - I dunno how she gets away with it!!!!
Don’t worry those ex Qurios will lap it up,especially you know who🤣🤔🤣
I honestly don't know how they have the nerve to charge the prices they do for Ruth Langsfords stuff. I personally find it very ordinary and think Ruth looks really old fashioned in those awful turn up jeans with heels imo. I would never buy anything, orange piping or no orange piping - I'm sticking with Next and M and S! And as for that awful pack a mac - is she serious!!!
I think she’s really pushing the boundaries now. Her prices are getting ridiculous, handbags well over £100, jumpers and run of the mill tops around £50, expensive boots , trainers and shoes. I honestly believe that QVC have realised that her adoring fans will buy all her stuff regardless, and are pushing the prices higher and higher, just to see if the gullible sheep will keep on parting with more and more money. Actually I do quite like Ruth, she works well with Jackie, and I admire her professionalism. I do think that she does have a fair bit of input into her range, and it all seems to be working, so I suppose you can’t blame QVC for using her as a cash cow ( and I don’t suppose she does too badly out of it, either!) It’s a win win.
It seems not! I've been laid up in bed with a horrendous cold for the past couple of days and have watched more than my fair share of telly including Q of course....Did I really see that Ruth Langsford was charging £83.91 for a flaming pack-a-mac? Feeling somewhat better today I went online to see whether I had been hallucinating at the time and sure enough her camouflage print pack a mac is an eyewatering £78.96 plus £4.95 postage (yep it fits into a tiny bag) and it's not even bliddy waterproof!!! I think that is an absolutely obscene amount to charge. I have a completely waterproof packaway mac from Joules and it cost me less than £40 - I dunno how she gets away with it!!!!
I have one from primark that cost less than £10. I’ve had it about four years and still in great condition.
I think she’s really pushing the boundaries now. Her prices are getting ridiculous, handbags well over £100, jumpers and run of the mill tops around £50, expensive boots , trainers and shoes. I honestly believe that QVC have realised that her adoring fans will buy all her stuff regardless, and are pushing the prices higher and higher, just to see if the gullible sheep will keep on parting with more and more money. Actually I do quite like Ruth, she works well with Jackie, and I admire her professionalism. I do think that she does have a fair bit of input into her range, and it all seems to be working, so I suppose you can’t blame QVC for using her as a cash cow ( and I don’t suppose she does too badly out of it, either!) It’s a win win.
Agreed, and I think the problem is where she's placing herself in the market. It seems to be forgotten that the quality end of the high street eg M&S & John Lewis are selling own brand products without such ludicrous price tags, you can pick up leather handbags, leather trainers, raincoats for under £100 a piece. Then you've got your midrange "designer" brands eg Radley, Kipling which are known and loved and you'll pay a little more for, then the sky's the limit when it comes to your proper designers (and often the bags aren't even leather) you're paying for the name alone. Ruth seems to have set herself in the middle with the Radleys and she doesn't belong there. If I wanted a decent leather handbag and I wasn't bothered about branding, then I would buy it from Marks or JL, if I wanted some kind of visible branding I know I'd choose Radley's iconic scottie dog over something I'd want to hide. Signs of a middle aged/middle of the road female tv presenter with a helmet haircut" isn't something I'd want to display to the world in any way shape or form.
Should her range be more realistically priced? Yes, of course they should, but whilst people are prepared to cough up in their droves, then nothing will change. In real world terms a Ruthie range would sit better in Bon Marche, Marks and sparks even but that's not where the money is. I know I've told you this before but my RWL sunglasses I bought in clearance - I will be telling people if they ask what RWL stands for I'll say "no idea, I bought them in a charity shop!"
It seems not! I've been laid up in bed with a horrendous cold for the past couple of days and have watched more than my fair share of telly including Q of course....Did I really see that Ruth Langsford was charging £83.91 for a flaming pack-a-mac? Feeling somewhat better today I went online to see whether I had been hallucinating at the time and sure enough her camouflage print pack a mac is an eyewatering £78.96 plus £4.95 postage (yep it fits into a tiny bag) and it's not even bliddy waterproof!!! I think that is an absolutely obscene amount to charge. I have a completely waterproof packaway mac from Joules and it cost me less than £40 - I dunno how she gets away with it!!!!
Yes, Merryone, i agree. I can’t get my head around the prices of RL’s ranges, especially her footwear and handbags. I too have a brilliant Joules Mac, that folds away into a pocket on the back of the coat. Genius, and less than £40.
Of course if you are happy to pay Ruth's prices for genuine leather goods I guess at least you're getting a durable product. If her initials emblazoned upon your clothes are something you'd be proud to display to the world, fair enough. If you're prepared to pay way way over the odds for substandard goods, eg a raincoat that won't even keep you dry then you need your head testing!
Don’t worry those ex Qurios will lap it up,especially you know who🤣🤔🤣
She's probably wearing it in the shower as we speak whilst attending to the best kept lady garden in the North West & I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't videoing it just in case they have a change of heart and bring the bugger back! "Hello Qurio's" postie's just been and he brought me this raincoat, so here I am testing it out in the shower...."I'm soaked to the skin but me old "ow's yer father's as dry as a bone"! "Still got 20 bottles to get through though - This 🌮 won't wash itself - laters!"
Of course if you are happy to pay Ruth's prices for genuine leather goods I guess at least you're getting a durable product. If her initials emblazoned upon your clothes are something you'd be proud to display to the world, fair enough. If you're prepared to pay way way over the odds for substandard goods, eg a raincoat that won't even keep you dry then you need your head testing!
She always mentions that her initials on her clothes are almost hidden, yet, she always points them out, which is a tad ironic. The pack-a-mac is a farce and I imagine it will soon be deeply discounted. Is camouflage clothing a trend?
She always mentions that her initials on her clothes are almost hidden, yet, she always points them out, which is a tad ironic. The pack-a-mac is a farce and I imagine it will soon be deeply discounted. Is camouflage clothing a trend?
I dunno, it's one of those things like animal print that goes in and out of fashion. I couldn't give a monkeys what's in and what's out at my age and I think I'd probably prefer my fashion choices to be "out" 'cause at my age I could do without being accused of trying to be "down with the kids" or to see everybody in the street wearing the same as me. I'd be more than happy to own a camouflage print packaway mac, but not at that ridiculous price, and more importantly it would need to be waterproof. Remember that awful "cold shoulder" look that was everywhere a few years ago? Apologies if you loved it, but hats off to you if you're happily still wearing it, you like what you like!
Going back to the subject of camouflage, "dry robes" anybody? Big coat -camouflage design being the most prolific. Designed for "cold water swimmers" but they're usually seen worn in supermarkets, on buses and high streets. There's a social media page entitled "dry robe wa*kers" (not walkers) where people post photographs of this garment being worn in the most inappropriate places!
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I dunno, it's one of those things like animal print that goes in and out of fashion. I couldn't give a monkeys what's in and what's out at my age and I think I'd probably prefer my fashion choices to be "out" 'cause at my age I could do without being accused of trying to be "down with the kids" or to see everybody in the street wearing the same as me. I'd be more than happy to own a camouflage print packaway mac, but not at that ridiculous price, and more importantly it would need to be waterproof. Remember that awful "cold shoulder" look that was everywhere a few years ago? Apologies if you loved it, but hats off to you if you're happily still wearing it, you like what you like!
Going back to the subject of camouflage, "dry robes" anybody? Big coat -camouflage design being the most prolific. Designed for "cold water swimmers" but they're usually seen worn in supermarkets, on buses and high streets. There's a social media page entitled "dry robe wa*kers" (not walkers) where people post photographs of this garment being worn in the most inappropriate places!
I still wear and love my cold shoulder top. I am looking to buy a "dry robe." It would be great for my part time job.
Wouldn't buy Ruth's stuff.

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