Do you have a "Gift Bed"?


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Dame Fondacox

Registered Shopper
Jul 10, 2011
The latest must have, according to CHuntley.

A "Gift Bed" is when you leave some L'Occitane bathing products, hand creams etc. on the fresh towels you leave out on the bed for your guests to use while they're staying with you, and to take away with them when they leave.

I've ordered several sets for my three homes and I'll have to improvise as all my guest rooms are en-suite.

She also mentioned "stocking-up for (whispers) Christmas"- it's STARTED!
Well when people come to me they are usually on a very limited baggage flight so I do supply toiletries for them, but they are either 3 for 2 type from Boots or unused bits that I have be given as part of a set and not interested in.

If they were coming on a very regular basis I would probably just keep their own stuff here.
Was it full of value? were they value goodies? oooh she does love her value does Chuntley in the world she lives in, which is a different one to the rest of us.
She really has become far too silly. They have never drawn me into the faux QVC family! Anyway they seem to have stopped saying that now. I find the whole ethos they project getting more and more repulsive. Silly, vain presenters who to me have become ridiculous and more or less unwatchable. There is a very silly clique of presenters running the show. How much longer can this go on? It won’t be long before they begin to notice that their sales do not reflect what has been on air. It will eventually dawn on them that the presenters are turning viewers away and many people are just shopping on line avoiding the nauseating presentations.
What is it with people. Ryan Air has the worst customer relations in the history of commerce yet they make money hand over fist because no matter what they do people just keep right on booking with them. I know the whole thing about cheap flights but I’ve never been convinced that was true when you add on the “extras like wanting a seat or go to the toilet “ diverted to airports miles away from you thought you were going and just by coincidence the fee for a refund costs exactly the price of the ticket therefore the refund in Nil.

I see a lot of RA in Q. They both treat the customers with disdain and they keep coming back for more.
Okay, I put my hands up and say yes I have been buying Xmas presents. I always buy when the sales are on and put away.

I only have one bed in my flat so with the cat and me sharing it no room for leaving L'Occitane etc out on it.:mysmilie_17:
When I first saw the title of the thread I had visions of using your under bed storage to house the present stash, when the traditional present drawer will hold no more!

Instead we are expected to make like a boutique hotel!

I have a stash of toiletries still, and I tell guests to let me know if they need anything, but all I put out for them is clean towels. Q still having delusions about their customer base. They need to get real.
CHuntley also persuaded me to buy several sets of L'Occitane foot cream, for the people I know who are on their feet all day. She's gifted sets to her hairdresser, postie (who's lovely). All I can say is that the lollipop lady I accidentally splashed when driving through a puddle one day and the Big Issue seller outside my local supermarket are both in for a treat.
When I first saw the title of the thread I had visions of using your under bed storage to house the present stash, when the traditional present drawer will hold no more!

Instead we are expected to make like a boutique hotel!

I have a stash of toiletries still, and I tell guests to let me know if they need anything, but all I put out for them is clean towels. Q still having delusions about their customer base. They need to get real.

Me too!!!! I thought it was a variation on the gift drawer, lol. I have put a new bar of soap out for people but as I only have one bathroom then they get to use my stuff. But if they were getting their own bathroom I suppose I would put fresh bath stuff for them in there but I wouldn't be providing body creams etc.
Okay, I put my hands up and say yes I have been buying Xmas presents. I always buy when the sales are on and put away.

I only have one bed in my flat so with the cat and me sharing it no room for leaving L'Occitane etc out on it.:mysmilie_17:

I buy gifts throughout the year. The sales staff at the Q are just reinventing the wheel, bless.

More hypocrisy from the only vegan in selly telly land. How can she endorse a company that tests on animals when she doesn't even drink milk? I also assume none of these products contain royal jelly or honey.
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Serial attention seeker. There have been so many examples, her one time embracing all things Welsh, the constant hair colour changes, the look at me I am a builder, poor me I am single, the constant I am a vegan, vegan,vegan, vegan..........
Will she don a white coat and become all scientific (with a Scottish accent) when next flogging creams and potions?

Remember when she was a dental nurse, obviously before they required qualifications, and a nail technician don’t hear that much now.

Will veganism last with her when it is no longer a novelty and no one bothers to post every morsel that goes in their mouth along with the smug “I’m better than you all” attitude.
I dare say staying true to your principles would result in a very short selly telly career. Better not to adopt a stance that could become problematic.

For years we have had vegetarian Julia on with Dennis Basso, and marvelled that she can do it. So now we have look-at-me Catherine and her vegan credentials and I'm sure we will find plenty more conflicts between being vegan and her job. Of course, there are dietary vegans and full-on vegans, so without knowing which she is, it would be hard to tell where any hard red lines are drawn for her.
Will she don a white coat and become all scientific (with a Scottish accent) when next flogging creams and potions?

Remember when she was a dental nurse, obviously before they required qualifications, and a nail technician don’t hear that much now.

Will veganism last with her when it is no longer a novelty and no one bothers to post every morsel that goes in their mouth along with the smug “I’m better than you all” attitude.

Yes, can’t wait for the Scottish accent to make an appearance . I wonder what her boyfriend’s scientific research involves. As JR would say, ummmm anyway.
Yes, can’t wait for the Scottish accent to make an appearance . I wonder what her boyfriend’s scientific research involves. As JR would say, ummmm anyway.

Forget about a Scottish accent I'm looking forward to her treating us to some Scottish Gaelic!
Chuntley’s style of veganism entails not BUYING animal products but using what you already own, preaching in the smuggest way possible, posting details every bite you eat and the resulting poo but not actually having any moral fibre about things which don’t get a zillion likes on SM.

She, and others like her, must have had hours spare in the day before they had to spend every minute detailing their sad lives to all and sundry. Where the heck do they get the time?
Arran Aromatics is the only Scottish brand I can name that has been sold on the Q. She'll have to do all her usual digressing to keep introducing the subject.
There may be many trips to Scotland which will require a Kipling/LG/Ashwood travel bag, overpriced toiletries because the hotel uses unbranded crap, pies and biscuits to break the journey because service areas are crap, smelly wax or Peony flowers to give to his family as a gift.

Plenty of opportunities for her.

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