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    Bare Minerals Skincare

    Hi! Was just wondering had anyone tried the Bare Minerals skincare. I've read a few things that would suggest it might be good for my problem, hormonal skin type! But was hoping you guys could give me your opinion? Thanks
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    Lip Exfoliator

    On QVC Mally, Philosophy, Shiven and Laura Geller all have one. But I found the Body Shop one really hard to beat!
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    Trinny and susannah TSV 28/3/13

    Has anyone tried these before? I've seen them before and wondered if they were any good? I really don't think I could bring myself to send back tried on knickers if they were rubbish!!!
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    What is Zalza?

    Oh my! I don't know if I could buy a fitness DVD featuring Russell Grant!!!! No, no, I just couldn't bring myself to do it!!! It feels like it should be some sort of Comic Relief sketch in my opinion!!!
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    Alpha H Try me

    The right skincare is like the right man! There's not one to suit everybody, you have to try a few first but when you find the perfect formula you know you're set forever!!!! :hi:
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    Please help me choose which eek pendant to keep!

    If you can keep both then do as they are both stunning! I personally prefer the Circle one, it's so eye catching and classic. Happy Birthday!!!!
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    Alpha H Try me

    I tried this range about a year ago. It left my skin roaring red and very painful! I looked like my skin had been badly sunburned! I thought I was a perfect candidate as I had awful congested, oily, spotty skin. But alas no. I did however find my skin did a complete turnaround with...
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    Red Carpet Manicure - farce continues

    I'm exactly the same! The guys at RCM deserve full praise, QVC however deserve a towel to wipe all that egg of their faces!!!
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    a WOW for QVC !!!

    I ordered the POTM at the same time as the Thursday TSV, TSV stuff came on Monday but still no sign of the Mally item. Free P+P must mean pigeon post!!!
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    Red Carpet Manicure - farce continues

    Hey Bluebell, try this guy, he's been really helpful: [email protected]
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    Red Carpet Manicure - farce continues

    UPDATE: RCM emailed back within literally 5 minutes. They apologised on behalf of QVC and said they would send my BOLD colours out today. I would advise everyone to contact RCM and not QVC.
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    Red Carpet Manicure - farce continues

    This is ridiculous! Every time I phone QVC they say someone will phone me back, but glad I'm not holding my breath waiting on that call! I've emailed RCM this morning to see what they say! What a farce, guess that's the last time we see an RCM TSV!!! Someone should get the press involved...
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    Pipa is so pretty she could carry off most things but I think it looked so bad because it was such a different colour to her fringe! The red haired model looked completely bored and miserable!!
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    Perricone MD TSV 07/03/13

    Ohhhhh would love to treat myself, here's hoping for easy pay!!!!
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    Red Manicure TSV Order - You may not get what you expected!!

    Am so grateful for everyone on this site for drawing my attention to this! I phoned QVC and apparently I will receive French instead of Bold, was gutted until she told me I would get both sets...........Might just drop RCM an email too though just to be sure ! Thanks everyone!!! Although I...
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    Perricone MD TSV 07/03/13

    Hi, I'm new, but having been reading everyones posts for a while (not in a stalker way I promise!) This site is fab!!! Just wondering, do you know what is in this kit?? Stupid work internet won't let me on QVC site!