JML halogen oven?


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milk in our tea
Jun 24, 2008
On a hill, at the end of the road, where the wind
there is an offer for 15% off and a code for free PP, the deluxe offer is £62 and you get a recipe book and other extra stuff. Plus there is 5% cahsback too.
I am fed up to use my oven all the time, which consumes a lot of energy, but will the halogen oven be another unused gadget like an ice cream machine, steamer....
I saw some in The Range the other day but they're much smaller than my old Prima (non-halogen but otherwise the same) oven, so make sure if you get one it has the large glass bowl. One year when my real oven was on the blink I cooked Christmas dinner (a turkey crown) in my counter-top oven, and while it was resting, I did the roast spuds and Yorkshires. It was a big success.
I love my halogen oven - so much easier than using my main oven if I'm only heating or cooking something small :)

It's the JML one and I think it was about £45 from Makro earlier on this year - highly recommended.
I bought my halogen from Coopers of Stortford via Amazon a couple of weeks ago, plus the accessories kit and lid stand. It was £39.99 plus extra for the bits and pieces but I'm very pleased with it. My parents have an identical model but bought from JML or similar for quite a bit more. My only negative comment would be that the instruction book isn't very useful as it only says how to cook meat/defrost, etc. I expect that one day things will have instructions on them for halogen in addition to normal ovens and microwaves but for the moment there is an element of trial and error. I've just bought the book advertised on the banner from Ideal World.
I noticed that Robert Dyas had a halogen oven cookbook for £4.99. I don't know how good it is, I didn't really look at it, but I have been thinking about getting a halogen oven.

I bought my mum this one. All of the tools come with it, including the extender ring, and a three year warranty. An absolute bargain. My mum did her sunday dinner in it, and it turned out great she said.
You'll save the £29.99 outlay on electricity bills / gas bills if you usually heat up a large oven to cook for just one person.
Well done Aldi!
As for JML and their halogen oven, it is over priced, and I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole; their cs is non-existent.
The JML halogen oven is excellent. So much so I bought another one for my mother. It is great that you can cook withot waiting for the oven to warm up.
I've recently bought 2 JLM halogen ovens, one for me and one for my DD. I also bought the extended guarantee which means you will get a replacement if bowl cracks/halogen bulb/rust faults appears. I read the reviews and apparently the element of the JLM version is more likely to rust plus many said the bowl cracks. So far I'm delighted with it -speedier cooking times, cost savings compared with both my single/double oven when cooking for one etc. Don't believe the self cleaning hype -when cooking roasts (great in halogen), the self cleaning doesn't get rid of the residue on the glass. I'm very pleased with it.
Purchased this yesterday in Tesco for £19!

Will get the extended warranty (£10)...

Thought it was a bargain:happy:

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