Liz Fuller


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Feb 25, 2011
It was painful to watch the lovely Liz Fuller last night on The V.

Constantly directing from the floor but still they couldn't keep up with her - not intending to sound like she was being a diva, no she was actually just trying to show the product on a live shot rather than some pre-recorded hand with no close up's.

I suppose it doesn't help that the quality of their jewellery is really shockingly shite... and I'm sure the ASA would have a field day with them refering to "this should be £xxx" - on what basis?!

I guess her Hollywood career hasn't really taken off, but a shame to see her stoop this low.
Ooh when I saw the title of this thread I thought great, at last some class returning to TJC. I didn't see the show because in the main their jewellery is rubbish now and I just don't bother to watch anymore. Such a shame how the channel has gone downhill but I hope they sort some decent stuff out for Liz to present.
I was channel hopping the other evening and saw Liz Fuller on. Unfortunately, the description she was giving didn't match the on-screen one!!!!
The V channel is a graveyard for UK presenters. There have been a series of Brits trying to make it work in LA. Most recently, there was a fanfare for Rob Locke and he lasted about 6 weeks, if that, and was gone as if he'd never been there.

Never actually found out why he went so quickly. Maybe got an acting job seomwhere.

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