"Technical hitches", 1p deals and mistakes deliberate selling tactics!


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Jun 24, 2008
The latest ploy I've noticed is the "technical hitch"...normally it has something to do with the phonelines, but the latest one was an issue with the sound (Perhaps Mr Mason was tinkering around with the electrics!) Anyway these hitches all seem to lead to so called cheaper prices. Eg, as nobody could get through/hear us for the last 5 mintues we've had to drop the price to less than we intended to in order to clear the stock....."Come on, make the most of Our mistake GO, GO, GO"! Yeah right! They must think the viewers were born yesterday....Once may have been slightly feasable, but the amount of times these "techincal glitches" and mistakes by the presenters take place it's so obviously deliberate!

As for the 1p deals, I have my own little theory about that. I reckon they must have quite a few returns, and whilst they are raking it in by not refunding p&p most of the time, by selling some crap item for a penny pretty much means that the customer is not going to bother returning it for the sake of the penny they'll get back in return, and of course the extra postage they'll incur in order to send it back. I guess returns must cost them something, as many items won't be re-sell able, and those that do will need repackaging. They can obviously afford it anyway due to the extortionate p&p they charge for every item.....but I the less that gets returned the less hassle for them...cos it's all about them at the end of the day.

I am really starting to believe they're going to end up getting pulled some time soon due to their dodgy selling tactics!
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I have just witnessed the start of a 'jeopardy' deal. Who do they think is at jeopardy? Our bank balances I suspect.

Well said!!!! Our "classy" Andrea (a presenter I USED to really like) has just said that "because it all went wrong the begining, every things now got to go for under £4, they were aiming to finish around about the £25 mark"...Yeah right...It beats me how her nose doesn't grow every time she opens her mouth! And earlier on she was jumping up and down telling us to buy 5 and sell 'em on!
You'd have to sell 'em for over £20 each in order to break even! I'm getting throughly sick of all the lies on this channel!
Yup this is the TV shopping network where most of the profit comes from the extortionate p&p and premium rate phonecall charges.

When viewers call in and there is a technical hitch, it means that the callers have to put their phone downs and ring again when the technical hitch has been repaired.

So, more spondoolies for this nasty and cynical scummy outfit cowboy business!!! :taphead:
There's too many technical glitches, either the computer system is crewed time to buy a new one, or it a lie.Completly lies.

As for the 1p deals, I have my own little theory about that. I reckon they must have quite a few returns, and whilst they are raking it in by not refunding p&p most of the time, by selling some crap item for a penny pretty much means that the customer is not going to bother returning it for the sake of the penny they'll get back in return, and of course the extra postage they'll incur in order to send it back.

They sell there returns on Ebay or Amazon
I bought one of their TV Dongles (the freeview ones, not those dodgy streaming ones) from eBay.. delivered for free, worked perfectly, and cheaper than it was ever sold on the channels - £8 including postage.

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