What nationality?


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
So many presenters refer to Engand when I am sure they mean UK? I was born in England, but I refer to my nationality as British or residency as United Kingdom.
If out Scottish friends decide to be independent then I might re think-- but to then I regard us as 'all one'!
So many presenters refer to Engand when I am sure they mean UK? I was born in England, but I refer to my nationality as British or residency as United Kingdom.
If out Scottish friends decide to be independent then I might re think-- but to then I regard us as 'all one'!

I get upset when online forms ask me to select my country of residence from a drop-down list, and it only presents me with the option: "United Kingdom." That is NOT a country! My country of residence is England. My nationality is British.
I am Swedish born but have been here since I was 14. I am also a British citizen and reside in England. It can all be a bit mixed up!

Inge :eek:)
My sister has dual nationality (British & Canadian) but could technically also have a US passport. Her daughter is settled in the US 20 years ago and has this triple option but only has a Canadian passport since that's where she grew up. I read somewhere that if you can trace an Irish ancestor, upto 2 generations ago, then technically you can apply for Irish citizenship (tho don't rely on this info because I can't remember where I read it). I suspect lots of UK residents can trace an Irish lineage (and a helluva lots of Americans, Australians and Canadians too)

I was at college with a girl whose great-granddad was Dutch. She got a First in Agricultural Chemistry and got a great job at a Government research place. But before she started they wrote and withdrew their job offer because of this family connection to another country. Who knew that The Netherlands were a security risk or indulge in Farming Espionage....although they're still striving to grown a perfect blue tulip!
Well I am in Northern Ireland and very very few drop down bars have it( in fact if they do they they want more money for shipping. I won't buy from them), so its a choice of UK or Ireland. So since our currency is Sterling I use UK, doesn't bother me.
Im the same as Donna - live in N Ireland or the island of Ireland but select British if nationality is required but I also have an Irish passport. No offence meant but many of those in England, especially London think the border begins and ends there!!
I was born in London and to be honest, I always consider myself a Londoner first, followed by an East Ender then a Southener LOL before considering any other part of the UK. London is where my :heart: is :cool:
If abroad and people ask if I'm English, I always say no, Scottish - never British.
I am British, but of half Lithuanian origins. As a child I would be ashamed of it but not any more. As I have got older I have become more at ease within myself. Plus I don't have to see the horrible teachers at school that used to make snipey comments.
If abroad and people ask if I'm English, I always say no, Scottish - never British.

If I am asked if I am English then I would reply saying no I am Scottish. My nationality is British, that is what I state on forms when filling them in.
When I went on holiday to London years back, my mum and I kept getting asking what part of Scotland we came from?

My granny on my mum's side was a Scot, my dad came from Kent.

I tell people I am really a Viking. Mum's side came from the Orkney Isles and the Vikings lived there, dad from Kent the Viking landed there a lot too. Granny was a Rowen which comes from the town of Rouen where the Normans lived, they actually started out as Viking who invaded and settled. So really I am a Viking. LOL
my Dad was russian and people have always queried my nationality due to my surname. I've always been proud to say English and Russian but since the end of the Soviet Union I should be saying that Dad was from Belarus - trouble is lots of people have never heard of Belarus, so I still say he was russian. !

Linda xx
I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't be able to put Belarus on a map...off to look at a current map online!
Lol it would be embarrassing if I could not put Belarus on a map, seeing as for 8 years of my life I lived just across the border! It's not so far from Vilnius (where I grew up) to Minsk. You can drive there in a short time. Belarus is a very corrupt country. It's like how Lithuania was many years ago but worse. It's almost like someone froze the clock. The president Lukaschenko is a corrupt, Hitler-esque thug that controls everything by means of oppression, violence and intimidation. He is not paticularly intelligent. He was just once the manager of a collective farm.
I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't be able to put Belarus on a map...off to look at a current map online!
I am English, combined with a little bit of scottish, and a sprinkling of irish. By virtue of being born in England, which is one of the four countries which constitutes the UK, I have no problem classifying myself as British because, technically, that is what I am. It is prevalent among scots, however, to consider themselves scottish, as opposed to British.
When I went on holiday to London years back, my mum and I kept getting asking what part of Scotland we came from?

My granny on my mum's side was a Scot, my dad came from Kent.

I tell people I am really a Viking. Mum's side came from the Orkney Isles and the Vikings lived there, dad from Kent the Viking landed there a lot too. Granny was a Rowen which comes from the town of Rouen where the Normans lived, they actually started out as Viking who invaded and settled. So really I am a Viking. LOL
I get the Scotland thing too. Once on a course the instructor kept making Scottish jibes. I couldn't work out who he was targeting at first but it turned out to be me. A friend of my brother from Larne, got tired of beings asked what part of Scotland he was from that he used to say "40 miles from Stranrar". :)
I'm N Ireland too but don't get hung up about things. On holiday I have been classed as everything from French/German/Australian and everything in between!

One thing I get really pissed off with is excess postage or worse still excluded from delivery althogether. Q has been guilty of this many times. And don't start me with custom declaration forms on items posted crom mainland.
If I'm asked when abroad where I'm from I say British. If asked here then the answer is Cornish. I don't object to being called English but I never use it myself.
I love it when I hear folk say they are Welsh or Scottish. In fact, theoretically, they are the only asylum seekers /immigrants who could cross the border to England with ease !!! lol !

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