Lulu Guinness Typewriter Pencil Case


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Jun 24, 2008
Did anyone spot the grammatical error? "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

Really annoying. So much for quality control at LG.

I might have been interested in this otherwise.
Did anyone spot the grammatical error? "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

Really annoying. So much for quality control at LG.

I might have been interested in this otherwise.
I haven't seen the pencil case but I've seen the same error on one of the bags.
It's got something wrong with its grammar!

It is the possessive apostrophe rule that confuses people, as in John's car. But the apostrophe in IT'S simply denotes a missing letter so say it in your head as IT IS and if it makes no sense don't give it an apostrophe.

I used to get an email from an ebay seller saying "Its on it's way" - can't tell you how much self control it takes to let this go without comment! I've also had a couple of craft kits (from Q and IW) with mistakes including printing that said "Your the best Dad!" You're killing me! Get someone with an O level Eng. Lang. to proof read it FFS!
Oh dear, the dreaded apostrophe. Goes along with the fact she didn't know what to do with a wrist strap on yesterday's show. She got there in the excruciatingly embarrassing end.
The apostrophe is in the correct place in your posted quote. Didn't see the show, so don't know how it appeared on air.
I don't usually watch her shows, and am just basing my comment on what I have read on the QVC website. The description/measurements can be misleading, so I would suggest that, if you are considering purchasing one of her overpriced bags, watch them being presented live on air. The 'large' Jenny bag, 8.6x11.8x3.9; the 'medium' Franke bag, 15x8x5. Now, any normal person (unless I am not normal - not beyond the realms of possibility!) - would assume that the Jenny would be the more capacious bag. Although you are not buying the biggest in the range, the middle sized Franke bag is the roomier option.
Did anyone spot the grammatical error? "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

Really annoying. So much for quality control at LG.

I might have been interested in this otherwise.

Last year, I sent an email to LG, part of which is below:

'I am horrified that a brand such as Lulu Guinness would make such an egregious mistake. It would have been bad enough were the mistake to have been printed on one of your foldaway shoppers, but to find it printed on bags costing between £225 and £325 is absolutely shocking. I am astounded that no one in the company pointed out the mistake before the bags and purses went into production. If, however, the mistake had have been pointed out prior to production – “Hey Lulu, surely you don’t mean ‘Don’t judge a book by it is cover”? - then the charge of arrogance is added to one of ignorance.

I suggest that everyone at Lulu Guinness, including your press officers, read ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves – the zero tolerance approach to punctuation’ by Lynne Truss. Until such time, I suggest that you keep the written word off your bags.'

And the response?

'Thank you for your email.

The embroidered phrases used on our products are to represent a quick jot down by Lulu of a phrase she loves, it captures the actual musing of Lulu to give a sense of authenticity.

We will however pass your comments on the relevant department for future collections.'

What conclusions should one draw?

Okay so even the most creative of writers has their work proof read for errors. I don't mind that LG jotted this down incorrectly, I'm sure I've "jotted" and typed things incorrectly but going into production I'd want someone in my employ to spot this kind of howler before the item went into production!
I don't know if this is a generational thing (and I'm just getting older and grumpier) but it now seems like the majority of people just don't 'get' the importance of good punctuation. Sometimes it seems as though they just throw apostrophes in at random (if at all) and hope for the best.
I don't know if this is a generational thing (and I'm just getting older and grumpier) but it now seems like the majority of people just don't 'get' the importance of good punctuation. Sometimes it seems as though they just throw apostrophes in at random (if at all) and hope for the best.

I'm afraid it's always confused me, so I'm one of the many who do that. :confused:

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