Missing these channels now...oh why did they have to be so naughty!


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Jun 24, 2008
Silly I know but at this time of year especially, I'm missing these silly channels. The random crap they used to sell, the blatant fibs, and by that I don't mean the scaremongering and misselling to those who are particularly vulnerable...I mean the exaggeration, the "I bought something exactly like this,and it cost four times this amount". Just so boring now, I hardly ever by anything off the telly now. Most of the stuff QVC and IW sell are in the shops anyway and living in a large town I may as well just go and buy it! I thought of this this morning when I was putting on some cheap slap I bought from price drop. Make up is not something I normally bother to go out and buy, I rely on getting it as pressies, or from Avon if somebody throws a catalogue my way. This make up set was an impulse buy, and it's lovely, the colours are great, the quality's great, and I saw it being demo'd and thought yes, I'll have that. Ok, I know qvc do make up but it's all expensive branded stuff and you have to trawl through pages and pages of stuff to find what you want, or if it's on a show it'll be one brand and you'll pay a fortune for just one item!

I wish they hadn't been so naughty, perhaps if they'd been a bit more honest then they'd still be here this Christmas!
The problem is it got to the point where people were only watching for the entertainment of the awfulness of the channels and not buying anything so they couldn't survive like that.
The problem is it got to the point where people were only watching for the entertainment of the awfulness of the channels and not buying anything so they couldn't survive like that.

this is why I implore people to make enjoyment out of ideal world before the bubble bursts in general. QVC are big enough to survive on name alone, but everything else will be killed.
I'm so sad BID is no more.for a while I thought it might make a return somehow but alas it was not to be.
Still missing Bid? "The Channel we really hate to love..."

This totally made my day...

Here's Peter Simon at his very best...

"It's like flicking through a catalogue at home. And I remember as a child, I mean we were quite a poor family, and I remember my mother once saying oh I love this dress, and my father said oh yes, so he cut it out and gave it to her!"

"It's humorous, it's engaging, in the end all I want to do is tell you it cleans and you can frigging sleep on it! I mean for goodness sake! And you're going to get it for a couple of Bob!"

Price Lock!

Maybe Bid should have listened to Nikki Grahame? I reckon she would have loved working alongside Peter Simon. But now we will never know.
Good afternoon anyone who still has a gander in here.

Interesting tid bit that since the closedown, peter simon's chief viceroy Helen bates, changed her last name to barker and worked on gems tv.... but after a cup of coffee I discovered she is now on rocks & co.

I noticed she has adopted the peter simon trait of just shouting at the tv in her northern accent and essentially trying to force people to pick up the phone.

I wonder why she didn't last long at gems tv...

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