Under £10 days


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Why oh why oh why when it is under £10 day do we start auctions in the hundreds and slowly drop bit by bit to £9.99 ! and the host act so surprised. It is under £10 day so we all know it is going to be £9.99 or under so why so much faffing about and fake shock horror surprise. Gets on my blooming nerve.
Carmel is one of the few that states it will be £9.99 fairly early even tho graphics are still much higher. Grhhhh
I don't watch the under £i0 days because it seems like tat these days. Agree Carmel is much better on this channel than she ever was at QVC.
I used to love watching TJC when they had much more of the higher quality jewellery and lots of artisan .Occasionally I bought,but lately there is nothing that I would buy.
I don't get the falling price thing at all. What the **** is the POINT of it? I just want to know how much the f***ing thing is so I decided whether to buy it or not. They always make claims that the "start price" is "no indication of value or worth," but they clearly ARE suggesting at a value or worth. Why else do it? And if the start prices are "randomly generated," why are they always SO much higher. Why don't we see a start price much closer to the end price? I also hate their "we really shouldn't be doing this" routine. "Ooh I hope the manager's not watching right now." So fcking what if he is, he agreed it to be that price you stupid ******* IDIOTS! Do they think we are stupid or what?
I think it's a game auction house

Yes it is ,but everyone knows that the price is going to fall significantly so why start it at an artificially high price.Unless they figure some people really believe the enormous price drop..

With under £10 day they should just start at £10 and work down but they persist in the pretence of higher prices.Thats what some people find frustrating I think.

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