Bionova - sounds scary!


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Jun 24, 2008
Has anyone used this brand? From all the things Kathy and Sara are saying it sounds like a miracle product, but one which wreaks havoc on your skin initially! Is it as scary as it sounds? Does it work as well as they say? I can't afford it until November or I'll go over budget. But will my skin have time to settle down by the time Christmas parties start, or would I be better waiting for the New Year? My birthday is in late Feb and want to be as gorgeous as possible by then. I know miracles don't happen, but I have realistic ambitions!
I have to say I was a bit taken aback to hear Sara G speaking so vehemently about the products. She said the premise behind the products was that we are not made up of plant essences and ( something else - forgot!) so why should we think that putting essential oils and things on our faces will make any difference ? She was speaking quite passionately - I thought for a minute she was a guest presenter for the range ! I would be interested to see if she next appears on any of the Elemis/Decleor etc shows waxing lyrical about them as well ! I know they all do it to a degree but she was really dissing the idea of essential oils and the like!
i have been interested in trying the bionova stuff - looked at their website a while back where you can create your own personal products according to your specific needs and could not believe how expensive it all was. i don't know how much of it is yet another gimmick sounds very good, but then i don't think the woman presenting it is very compelling or convincing. would love to know if anyone of you all try it and how you get on though!!!
Let's 'face' it, if this worked and did all they say it does all other skincare companies would go out of business.
I have seen Sara raving about this range and then raving as vehemently about Decleor and Elemis within a few days, which was surprising since she had been saying that it was pointless putting essential oils and suchlike onto the skin. You don't think she could be telling porkies, do you?
Let's 'face' it, if this worked and did all they say it does all other skincare companies would go out of business.
I have seen Sara raving about this range and then raving as vehemently about Decleor and Elemis within a few days, which was surprising since she had been saying that it was pointless putting essential oils and suchlike onto the skin. You don't think she could be telling porkies, do you?

I think Sara was saying that she had switched to Bionova for some weeks, then back to her favourite Elemis products, which she said worked so much better after using Bionova. She said she would have another bout of Bionova in a few months.
Let's 'face' it, if this worked and did all they say it does all other skincare companies would go out of business.
I have seen Sara raving about this range and then raving as vehemently about Decleor and Elemis within a few days, which was surprising since she had been saying that it was pointless putting essential oils and suchlike onto the skin. You don't think she could be telling porkies, do you?

It is all well and good the presenters and AY saying that all the brands are great and we should be using them all - don't they know there is a credit crunch on. They obviously get free samples to try. We on the other hand have to watch the pennies and have to pick and choose more.
Couldn't agree more, that's why I don't take a blind bit of notice of anything they say and buy products I've researched myself.
I also think, given the financial climate at the moment, that the presenters should stop their endless on-air quest for freebies - it is insulting to the customer who has to actually pay for the stuff.
I agree they are always saying 'oh now I have used this lipstick (or whatever) I will have to take it home with me' - like they don't get enough free samples.

They are also saying that they have been given a product to try for a few weeks before it becomes a tsv.
I tried it once - quite nice but nothing that wonderful. Didn't bother to repurchase. It is a bit of a gimmick and no better than the likes of elemis, gatineau or decleor, whatever Sara may say - not that I ever believe a word of what she spouts :5:
Couldn't agree more, that's why I don't take a blind bit of notice of anything they say and buy products I've researched myself.
I also think, given the financial climate at the moment, that the presenters should stop their endless on-air quest for freebies - it is insulting to the customer who has to actually pay for the stuff.

Totally spot on! Do your own research and make your own decisions. I'd like to have a look at the 'over a hundred ingredients' on the Bionova label...
The only good thing is with qvc you can try something and return it if it does not suit your skin etc. I don't think Boots (or some other cosmetic retailer) would appreciate you returning a half used bottle of gunk!

Also you can get good advice on here of what people think of products.
The only good thing is with qvc you can try something and return it if it does not suit your skin etc. I don't think Boots (or some other cosmetic retailer) would appreciate you returning a half used bottle of gunk!

My Mum once got a voucher refund in Boots because some cream she had used on herself brought ME out in a really bad allergic rash! I only sat next to her and our arms brushed and up it came - it looked like I had been burned. Unfortunately we were in the US at the time and had to use some anti-allergy cream that smelled like fish!
These things always seem to happen to me when abroad - you'd be amazed at the exotic and foreign creams and potions I've accumulated over the years!
Tried it once (like Fulhamphil) - very expensive and no different from other brands - returned it due to the fact it made me come out in a rash!!!

Overpriced and overhyped.
I heard Alison saying Bionova is not to be used if your skin is in a sensitive state or if you have eczema. She said to use it if your skin is not being reactive in any way, but you find the stuff you are currently using has stopped having much of an effect. She says she gives it a 6 week use herself, then goes back to using her other brands.

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