Anyone know what's happened to Liv Edmonds on Gems?


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Feb 16, 2015
Has anyone heard what's happened to Liv Edmonds on Gems? She used to present the early morning shows, sometimes later ones as well. I haven't seen her for months, and though I can't watch every day, I haven't heard anyone mention her when I do watch! I hope she hasn't left, a lot of the older presenters have gone. I liked Liv - crazy as a box of frogs, but likeable with it!
Oh no! Not another one jumped ship - and to blurdy Rocks & Co. as well! What the heck is going on at Gems that so many of the established presenters have left?
Her facebook page says that she is starting with Rocks & Co in December - think it was 16th.
Hi all, I didn't realise Liv had departed Gems, I thought she was on maternity leave again! Also not aware that Scott and Fiona had left either, thought they were just working behind the scenes so to speak. Don't watch as much as I used to so miss snippets of info, was unaware of the new Bennett arrival too till after he'd been born. I've noticed a lot of different presenters on and the usual ones in new time slots so the cynic in me is thinking all is not well at Gems, there seems to be a lot of reshuffling and too many set price hours where everything is going round and round on the wheel and not much room for negotiation. Just tuned in tonight for a while and noticed Rachel Hatton looking a bit chubbier than usual, or maybe it was just the top she was wearing- does anyone know or heard if she is also pregnant? (sorry Rachel if there's another reason or you've just gained a few pounds recently!) None of my business really but any other gossip I may have missed out on? The sell off of Jewellery Maker is quite surprising too, I wonder what's going next.
Hi TopazT, No I don't have any other info. on Gems, but totally agree with you that it's gone down the tubes a lot over the past few months, and I feel that everything in the garden isn't lovely. Liv, Matt, Fiona, Scott - all long-serving presenters and all gone this year, and the established presenters, like Ruth, Rae, Alex, Jim and Vicki are on screen much less frequently. Wonder what is happening with the Jewellery Maker presenters as well? Don't know anything about Rachel, but I do wish we didn't have to have Adina on our screens so much in the evening slots. Seems she only ever does evenings when everyone else has to fit in as and where, and I cannot stand her style of presenting.
Hi all, I didn't realise Liv had departed Gems, I thought she was on maternity leave again! Also not aware that Scott and Fiona had left either, thought they were just working behind the scenes so to speak. Don't watch as much as I used to so miss snippets of info, was unaware of the new Bennett arrival too till after he'd been born. I've noticed a lot of different presenters on and the usual ones in new time slots so the cynic in me is thinking all is not well at Gems, there seems to be a lot of reshuffling and too many set price hours where everything is going round and round on the wheel and not much room for negotiation. Just tuned in tonight for a while and noticed Rachel Hatton looking a bit chubbier than usual, or maybe it was just the top she was wearing- does anyone know or heard if she is also pregnant? (sorry Rachel if there's another reason or you've just gained a few pounds recently!) None of my business really but any other gossip I may have missed out on? The sell off of Jewellery Maker is quite surprising too, I wonder what's going next.
She is now this minute 3.30pm on Rocks, she doesn't seem as hyper as she was on Gems.

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