Its been confirmed.........


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Apr 27, 2009
Much has been made on here as to the age group of the 'behind the scenes' crew. Well if QVC are anything like IW then age ranges must be similar.

Watching an IW show, a comment was made about the birthday of the fashion show Producer. This is the Producer mind, not a runner or tea person. She was celebrating her 21st birthday !!!!! Now I'm all for young people getting on, and she may be incredibly bright, but it shows to me the age group of those running the show, and why there is so much naffness abounding in the programmes. It may well be true that Julia R is probably the eldest person at Q Towers after all.

If the early 20's is the common age for producers/directors, then the stylists/fashion buyers must be of a similar age and why we get the most awful stuff on air to buy,
It is akin to getting me an OAP as a buyer for a shop catering for 16-18 year olds. The only thing is an older buyer would probably have years of experience behind them.

What in gods name would a 20 year old know what we want - they think we are half dead anyway and would probably have us in a home. Pass the tartan leg blankets anyone?
I agree, I was watching QVC a few years back and they brought the producer on to say goodbye because it was her last day, and I'm not kidding she looked about 15, I honestly thought they were joking and she'd actually wondered on set by mistake because she was looking for her mum.
They won`t even pay wages for some of their studio staff because they`ll be University Media students doing placements. It`s a common practise and it`s a cheap way of companies getting studio staff and of students doing the practical side of their degree. My son`s friend did placements with Granada and also with Sky Sports.
I was looking at clearance and noticed a "find your fit" option on a few things. I remember this option from before but it is slightly changed. They ask for your height, weight and if your vitals falls into the small/medium/large category and what type of fit you wanted. So far ok, but it also asks what your age is. What the ??? has that got to do with the price of fish?

I'll bet that is some 14year olds idea.
They had the fashion buyer's photo on social media for a bit and she was indeed early 20s. I even remember a thread on here about her.

As I type they are trolling nursery schools for beauty,home and jewellery buyers.:mysmilie_15:
Doesn't it make you weep ! Without sounding condescending, how on earth does someone in their early 20's get a job like that ?? - fashion buyer ? where do they get the experience from ? and isn't there some sort of lengthy training to undergo before being let loose ? At the very least I expect this job to be in the hands of late 20s early 30's onwards. Anyone know a fashion buyer at Selfridges, Debenhams, John Lewis et al ? I'd love to know the age range.
Hmmm, I would imagine (pure speculation here, no insider knowledge) that QVC UK's input to what they stock as regards 'fashion' is severely constrained by the US head office honchos, hence the fact there is so much 'fashion' from the US. In fact, I'd imagine QVC US holds a very tight rein on all its offshoots and so someone being called a 'fashion buyer' within QVC UK is quite literally that, a glorified accounts clerk/relationship manager and probably not a very well-paid one to boot.

At the height of my QVC obsession (the shame) I toyed with the idea of applying for a role in their London office, but was quite put-off by all the personal requirements for a bog standard admin role (lots of euphemisms for selling your soul to the devil) and the final nail in the coffin was the cr*ppy pay!!!
Doesn't it make you weep ! Without sounding condescending, how on earth does someone in their early 20's get a job like that ?? - fashion buyer ? where do they get the experience from ? and isn't there some sort of lengthy training to undergo before being let loose ? At the very least I expect this job to be in the hands of late 20s early 30's onwards. Anyone know a fashion buyer at Selfridges, Debenhams, John Lewis et al ? I'd love to know the age range.

Hear presenters refer to the 'young ones:mysmilie_50:' a lot. Agree with you, surely it's all about experience which is only gained through the years!
Funny how the "designers" are all (well) over 40. Just imagine the meeting of 20year old buyer and 60 year old Michele Hope. Both Agreeing that your average UK woman wants to be seen in badly cut crimpelene, MH because she is still living in 1972 and the buyer because she doesn't know anyone over 40 living outside London and imagines that what the provinces are still yearning for.

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