Return of Adina, making no sense whatsoever


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Feb 16, 2015
Presenter Adina has returned from maternity leave, and whilst I wish her and her family well, I watched a bit of her show tonight, and had to switch over. She's just the same as before, half-words, half-sentences, not making herself clear, lots of 'er's' and 'umm's', long pauses between comments. I just do not know how she still has a job - I know she's easy on the eye (on Halloween night, I thought "don't cough, luv, or everything will come out") "and that may appeal to some, but if you want information (preferably accurate), she's a dead loss. She's also got a terrible habit of repeating herself excessively for example not just saying "it's truly, truly great", but "it's truly, truly, truly great". It's not as though she's new - she's been on Gemporia for donkey's years, and ought to have her presenting style off-pat by now, but the mistakes she makes "it's in white gold - no it's in yellow gold", and her dithery presentation IMO highlights the fact that she doesn't have good knowledge of the products she's selling. The pity of it is that another stand-in presenter has probably had their hours cut or has not had a contract renewed now she's back. I cannot think of another presenter who comes across as amateurishly as Adina does.
Presenter Adina has returned from maternity leave, and whilst I wish her and her family well, I watched a bit of her show tonight, and had to switch over. She's just the same as before, half-words, half-sentences, not making herself clear, lots of 'er's' and 'umm's', long pauses between comments. I just do not know how she still has a job - I know she's easy on the eye (on Halloween night, I thought "don't cough, luv, or everything will come out") "and that may appeal to some, but if you want information (preferably accurate), she's a dead loss. She's also got a terrible habit of repeating herself excessively for example not just saying "it's truly, truly great", but "it's truly, truly, truly great". It's not as though she's new - she's been on Gemporia for donkey's years, and ought to have her presenting style off-pat by now, but the mistakes she makes "it's in white gold - no it's in yellow gold", and her dithery presentation IMO highlights the fact that she doesn't have good knowledge of the products she's selling. The pity of it is that another stand-in presenter has probably had their hours cut or has not had a contract renewed now she's back. I cannot think of another presenter who comes across as amateurishly as Adina does.

I thought exactly the same when I saw her last night. I suppose they had to give her her job back due to maternity rights. Even so they could have put her behind the scenes. Mind you there are not many presenters I can listen to for any length of time. They really go for the hard sell. I used to like Kate McCarthy but Ive gone off her now as she is beginning to sound desperate.
She makes me think of Kathy Taylor on QVC with less clothes. Mumbles and stumbles her words.

Perhaps she has dirt on Steve and his wife?:mysmilie_59: Hence she gets to stay.
I hardly ever watch Gemporia now, so I haven't seen her since her return from maternity leave, but I do seem to recall seeing a feature or documentary on Gems and as soon as she (and Victoria Norris) came on there was a huge spike in sales.
I'm still laughing at this! In a nutshell, donna255. Thank goodness Kathy hasn't resorted to 'barely there' clothing like Adina - it's bad enough having your eye poked out in the evenings, without daytimes too!

She makes me think of Kathy Taylor on QVC with less clothes. Mumbles and stumbles her words.

Perhaps she has dirt on Steve and his wife?:mysmilie_59: Hence she gets to stay.
I hardly ever watch Gemporia now, so I haven't seen her since her return from maternity leave, but I do seem to recall seeing a feature or documentary on Gems and as soon as she (and Victoria Norris) came on there was a huge spike in sales.

I have to turn to another channel when either of these two are on then keep flicking back if it's an hour I want to watch, they waffle on for 20 mins before they start to sell, no wonder they always run over the hour.
I have to turn to another channel when either of these two are on then keep flicking back if it's an hour I want to watch, they waffle on for 20 mins before they start to sell, no wonder they always run over the hour.

Oh God this is why I don't like to watch Adina - she drones on for ages before selling any items. It really gets on my pips, well is used to do as I can't watch her for long now. I was disappointed she came back after maternity leave, and I though she looked awful on Halloween.

I tend to watch less now as it is all hard sell, and high squeaky pitched voices, saying the same thing over and over. It is a shame as I have some lovely gems from them, but there are only one or two presenters now who I can watch - I do like Ellis.
Oh God this is why I don't like to watch Adina - she drones on for ages before selling any items. It really gets on my pips, well is used to do as I can't watch her for long now. I was disappointed she came back after maternity leave, and I though she looked awful on Halloween.

I tend to watch less now as it is all hard sell, and high squeaky pitched voices, saying the same thing over and over. It is a shame as I have some lovely gems from them, but there are only one or two presenters now who I can watch - I do like Ellis.

I hardly watch anymore for the same reason as you. It used to be on in the background when I'm sorting my son out for school but know they have a shouty screechy woman on in the morning, that's just too much.

I did buy a nice little pair of earrings yesterday when Victoria was presenting but that is the first thing in nearly a year, I used to buy quite a bit.
Presenter Adina has returned from maternity leave, and whilst I wish her and her family well, I watched a bit of her show tonight, and had to switch over. She's just the same as before, half-words, half-sentences, not making herself clear, lots of 'er's' and 'umm's', long pauses between comments. I just do not know how she still has a job - I know she's easy on the eye (on Halloween night, I thought "don't cough, luv, or everything will come out") "and that may appeal to some, but if you want information (preferably accurate), she's a dead loss. She's also got a terrible habit of repeating herself excessively for example not just saying "it's truly, truly great", but "it's truly, truly, truly great". It's not as though she's new - she's been on Gemporia for donkey's years, and ought to have her presenting style off-pat by now, but the mistakes she makes "it's in white gold - no it's in yellow gold", and her dithery presentation IMO highlights the fact that she doesn't have good knowledge of the products she's selling. The pity of it is that another stand-in presenter has probably had their hours cut or has not had a contract renewed now she's back. I cannot think of another presenter who comes across as amateurishly as Adina does.

I can't bear to watch her either. She's intensely irritating. She repeats the same words over and over again because I think she's trying to think of her next sentence. It seems that she comes from that same training school as so many others now where SHOUTING, and SCREECHING are the norm. She also splays her fingers like claws and thrusts them at the camera. It's intensely annoying. Can't bear to watch her. So many other presenters now are copying her style and she channel is fast becoming unwatchable.
It's that star shape she keeps making with her hands that also irritates me, and I wish someone would tell her to smarten up. She was on the other night with a guest - a gem-hunter - and apart from the fact that I don't think he knew where to look while she was talking to him, as her off-the-shoulder neckline was somewhere near her wrists on one side of her body(!), her hair was a total mess. It was just in a scruffy, piled-up 'heap' at the back of her head, held with a clip and with strands of hair constantly falling near her face, so she was pushing them back all the time. She looks scruffy and sloppy, as though she's slept on a park bench. Smarten up, Adina, you are on telly.

I can't bear to watch her either. She's intensely irritating. She repeats the same words over and over again because I think she's trying to think of her next sentence. It seems that she comes from that same training school as so many others now where SHOUTING, and SCREECHING are the norm. She also splays her fingers like claws and thrusts them at the camera. It's intensely annoying. Can't bear to watch her. So many other presenters now are copying her style and she channel is fast becoming unwatchable.
It's that star shape she keeps making with her hands that also irritates me, and I wish someone would tell her to smarten up. She was on the other night with a guest - a gem-hunter - and apart from the fact that I don't think he knew where to look while she was talking to him, as her off-the-shoulder neckline was somewhere near her wrists on one side of her body(!), her hair was a total mess. It was just in a scruffy, piled-up 'heap' at the back of her head, held with a clip and with strands of hair constantly falling near her face, so she was pushing them back all the time. She looks scruffy and sloppy, as though she's slept on a park bench. Smarten up, Adina, you are on telly.

I absolutely agree with you. I saw her the other night with her off the shoulder dress which she has had for years and, as you say, her hair is a complete mess. I'm really surprised they let her go on screen dressed like that. I know a lot of the presenters are a pain but at least they look as though they have put some thought into what they wear and their hair is tidy.
She seems to be one of the "untouchables" on Gemporia, who get away with what they like. I'm also finding the same with Angeline - I used to like her, but lately she's got rather up herself. The other day she made a mistake by saying Prince Charles and Princess Di got married in 1988: a few people messaged in to correct her, and say that it was 1981 and she was quite snooty about being corrected! Sorry, Ang, but if you make a mistake on telly, chances are someone will correct you - so suck it up, be pleasant about it and move on, girl. Don't chuck teddy in the corner.

I absolutely agree with you. I saw her the other night with her off the shoulder dress which she has had for years and, as you say, her hair is a complete mess. I'm really surprised they let her go on screen dressed like that. I know a lot of the presenters are a pain but at least they look as though they have put some thought into what they wear and their hair is tidy.
I hardly ever watch Gemporia now, so I haven't seen her since her return from maternity leave, but I do seem to recall seeing a feature or documentary on Gems and as soon as she (and Victoria Norris) came on there was a huge spike in sales.

Although that is factual, it is also misleading as she usually works the hours considered prime time... so logically there would be a spike if anyone was on there at 7pm.
Neither of which seems to fit her properly, as she appears to be falling out of both! She's got a nice face, but IMO she is terribly scruffy and needs to smarten up. Her hair needs to be done properly or cut into a bob or something - she always wears it pulled back and held by a clip, but then spends the whole of her shift pushing bits of hair back behind her ears. A few coloured (not black) dresses that actually fit her properly would make her look much better.

Me and my ex, noticed that Adina only seems to own two dresses.
Adina seems to have a new dress tonight, not seen this one before, a bright red off the shoulder number. Still looks like she's about to spill out with all that bouncing around.
Adina seems to have a new dress tonight, not seen this one before, a bright red off the shoulder number. Still looks like she's about to spill out with all that bouncing around.

I was channel hopping while downloading a film on Sky and landed on, what can only be described as an "oh! my! word!" moment, do they put her in that nearly there dress to keep the female viewers watching thinking she's going to fall out that dress and the male viewers hoping she's going to fall out that dress? I bet if you asked a male viewer one minute later what exactly she was selling, I bet none of them could tell you. :mysmilie_17:

To be honest when I first looked, and after the initial shock had wore off, I thought she'd slapped them both on the table, to take the weight off. :mysmilie_17:
I'm not watching them at present, but if it was one of her one-shoulder numbers (and she rarely wears any dress other than the one-shoulder number), then I know what you mean! I've often thought in the past that she would fall out any minute, and said to myself "don't cough too much, love". I can't see how it sells any jewellery, because I'm sure a lot of people just tune in to see if tonight's going to be the night it all collapses and lands on the desk while someone shouts "timberrrrrrrrr!" or they look just to have a good giggle at the waving hands, dithering and unfinished sentences. The only dresses she wears (as mr tom commented a while back) are a black halter neck or a black one-shoulder dress - or occasionally a red one-shoulder dress, and in all of them she's abandoning ship, if you know what I mean. :mysmilie_17:

I was channel hopping while downloading a film on Sky and landed on, what can only be described as an "oh! my! word!" moment, do they put her in that nearly there dress to keep the female viewers watching thinking she's going to fall out that dress and the male viewers hoping she's going to fall out that dress? I bet if you asked a male viewer one minute later what exactly she was selling, I bet none of them could tell you. :mysmilie_17:

To be honest when I first looked, and after the initial shock had wore off, I thought she'd slapped them both on the table, to take the weight off. :mysmilie_17:
I was channel hopping while downloading a film on Sky and landed on, what can only be described as an "oh! my! word!" moment, do they put her in that nearly there dress to keep the female viewers watching thinking she's going to fall out that dress and the male viewers hoping she's going to fall out that dress? I bet if you asked a male viewer one minute later what exactly she was selling, I bet none of them could tell you. :mysmilie_17:

To be honest when I first looked, and after the initial shock had wore off, I thought she'd slapped them both on the table, to take the weight off. :mysmilie_17:

She really needs to invest in a good support bra, considering she's not long had a baby they need all the support they can get, they were bad enough before.

It's getting so they take the emphasis of off the jewellery, all you focus on are the boobs.
She really needs to invest in a good support bra, considering she's not long had a baby they need all the support they can get, they were bad enough before.

It's getting so they take the emphasis of off the jewellery, all you focus on are the boobs.

She needs a better fitting "Shoulder Bolder Holder" by the sounds of things. Ahem, may take a sneaky peak myself later.:mysmilie_17:

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