Ali K ....


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Jun 24, 2008
Did anyone hear Ali K reading out some tweets on the TSV repeat hour this morning, I did feel rather sorry for her, but I do know she can get carried away while presenting, anyway one of the tweets said 'why don't you shut up and let MF speak' she said something like and a happy christmas to you too. Imho it is time they finished with the ipads, they are just a nuisance.
This has happened on a number of occasions and yet nothing changes - Ali K (bless her) still rabbits away without letting the guest speak and, glued to her ipad, gormlessly reads out unpleasant tweets without screening them first. It's cringeworthy on all counts.
I remember JR inadvertently reading out a tweet from someone being cruel about the bags under her eyes,she was presenting Kipling bags at the time.
Did anyone hear Ali K reading out some tweets on the TSV repeat hour this morning, I did feel rather sorry for her, but I do know she can get carried away while presenting, anyway one of the tweets said 'why don't you shut up and let MF speak' she said something like and a happy christmas to you too. Imho it is time they finished with the ipads, they are just a nuisance.

I saw literally 4 minutes of the midnight hour and that was the bit I heard! I don't think she read it by mistake, as in didn't realise what it would say but started so had to finish - unlike Julia R in Lynn's post above. Ali seemed quite keen to read it out. I am sure many would disagree and I know she gets criticism for the rapid fire speaking, but I like her self-effacing style and apparent lack of pretentiousness. Unfortunately, she does go on a bit about people and events which I'm not interested in and is welded to the tablet but I am sure that's because she's told to.
I saw literally 4 minutes of the midnight hour and that was the bit I heard! I don't think she read it by mistake, as in didn't realise what it would say but started so had to finish - unlike Julia R in Lynn's post above. Ali seemed quite keen to read it out. I am sure many would disagree and I know she gets criticism for the rapid fire speaking, but I like her self-effacing style and apparent lack of pretentiousness. Unfortunately, she does go on a bit about people and events which I'm not interested in and is welded to the tablet but I am sure that's because she's told to.

Ooh now that's interesting - freely admit I didn't witness this time, only previous similar incidents, but do you mean almost as in a (polite) 'up yours' to the tweeter???
Ooh now that's interesting - freely admit I didn't witness this time, only previous similar incidents, but do you mean almost as in a (polite) 'up yours' to the tweeter???

I could be wrong, Tarketta, but I saw it more as an apology. I don't know if Kathy would agree? Alison seemed to find it amusing, rather than insulting, and I don't think she was having a go at the tweeter.
TBH if I had been on twatter I would have done that as well. She was an absolute pain in the butt at the start but was a bit more subdued (only a bit mind you) but as I had blanked her out after 10 minutes I don't know if the twatt had anything to do with it.

She really needs to shut up and take a breath and let others talk. She gets on my thrupenny bits when she shouts over everyone and needs to lighten up on the family/wedding talk.

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