Watches - Brera Orologi - Unbelieveable Prices!


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Feb 16, 2015
Some of the ugliest men's watches I've ever seen, currently being shown by Paul Beque (master of the somewhat exaggerated comment) and the guest whose accent is unintelligible at times. I just cannot believe the prices they are asking - £549.99 for one of them, and as far as I could see, the cheapest was about £199.99!!! Paul Becque keeps saying "we have a technical sell-out" - which I find extremely hard to believe at these prices. Who, if anyone, is buying these things? They seem like a total rip-off to me. I'm now switching over, as Shrieking Sal has just come on to tell us that at 9 pm, she's going to change our lives. Well, the only way you could do that Sal would be to vanish from our screens....hurrah!!:mysmilie_59::clapping:
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Also they introduced the hour as "Maserati Timepieces", showed a few Maserati watches then soon moved on to concentrate on the vastly-overpriced and awful-looking Brera Orologi watches.

Presumably the Brera watches will soon be 'dramatically' reduced in price so that they can legitimately claim a discount :mysmilie_59:
As a scot myself i do understand his accent which is very broad but i can see it as a problem for some, as for those watches 5mins was enough for me.
Ridiculous looking watches at even more ridiculous prices! FGS, when are IW gonna realise that these hideous chunks of plastic/metal look cheap, and vulgar and are worth nowhere near the ludicrous amounts they're asking for them! IW there are not classy in any way shape or form and if I saw someone wearing one of those monstrosities I'd presume they paid about £15 to some fella flogging them out of a suitcase in the street or the back of an old transit van!
And as far as I could see, there wasn't a smidgen of gold on these watches - just leather straps and ugly, difficult to read dials. At least highwaymen wore masks when they robbed you....I'm curious to know just how they can justify these ridiculous claims and who would buy them at these equally ridiculous prices? You can see better looking watches in the Argos catalogue for about a tenner.


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