Beauty Haul 3 hours of Chloe and Craig


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Mar 21, 2015
Has anyone been watching?
There was a trail spot with C and C trying to outdo each other in faux excitement. I thought it looked like a disaster in the making. I've steered clear most of the time, but now I'm watching a Becca segment just out of curiosity, and Chloe seems relatively calm. Although I'm now fixated on her hair... I think she's visiting the same coiffeur as Jackie Kabler for the lack of life and movement in her Barnet.

Bottom line though - 3 hours of beauty without a break!!!!!! too much QVC!

Now I just want to know it's a one-off not a regular feature... Though that was the implication of the trail in Ali K's show.
Flippin eck the makeover victims are model's not Joe public pouting and preening at the end of the runway.
Only flicked over to this but couldn't stand much of it. Craig got on my nerves + Chloe looked an absolute state, I thought it was April Fools Day and she was wearing her hair like that for a laugh!
No I didn't even get glimpse, but the thought of these two together for even three minutes is enough for me to put my concrete boots on and visit the seaside.
I flicked over too(ad break), didn't know it was 3 hours!!! Thought it was an hour show QVC had shoved in for more beauty. Craig was his usual bouncy self, Chloe standing leaning on the table like a drunk at the bar with IPad glued to her hand.:mysmilie_17:
As soon as I saw CR presenting beauty I switched off, anything is better than watching him telling us his beauty regime :grin: I doubt I would watch three hours of anything, but three mins of CR is more than enough for me... imo he is such an ass licking prat.
Did anyone see Chloe with the Revitalash woman Natalia ? What on earth had she done with her hair, the front had a bouffant to rival Mrs Slocombes and far bigger than Tova's. It framed her bright orange face and white neck (foundation stopped at her jaw line).
I normally don't mind Craig, but I saw the first couple of minutes and he was waving his hands and arms around manically, add to that Chloe bellowing over was a 'no' from me.
I can't understand why they put a presenter namely Chloe on a three hour Beauty show as her make up and hair are horrendous and the clothes she wears are so laddish and not suitable for presenting on TV and her co presenter well enough said already.
Chloe does love to sport the old "dragged through a hedge backwards" look, seems her years at QVC have taught her..........absolutely nothing.
I can't understand why they put a presenter namely Chloe on a three hour Beauty show as her make up and hair are horrendous and the clothes she wears are so laddish and not suitable for presenting on TV and her co presenter well enough said already.
Agreed. She's clearly not a "girly girl" (and there's nothing wrong with that), so when she tries to come across as amazed and fascinated by make up and skincare it's so false, it looks and sounds ridiculous.
If three hours of Craig and Chloe was bad enough, how are we going to survive 24 hours of Richard Jackson this weekend! I'll be running to the hills :D

My other peeve with these "events" is that they always take easy pays off the moment the show ends. I don't want to shell out £40+ plus postage, and it's not as though it's costing them anything so I don't get why they're so mean about it.

I normally love beauty shows, but this one bored me to tears. They should have chosen better presenters. I can't watch Chloe do anything, her stupid antics annoy me. I was surprised that Alison Y wasn't involved at all.
Maybe Q employs a complex algorithm which calculates the likelihood of sales given the presenter, type of product and time of show, hence the pairing of CR & CE????

Bah ha ha ha haaaaaaa, I jest of course - probably no one wanted to do a 3 hour stretch and they drew straws!
It's totally ridiculous that there should be 3 straight hours of any one type of product, be it beauty "fashion", Eek, gardening.
Chloe is like one of these Ladettes, remember when they were all a thing!

Craig talks as if he's addressing children all the time, can't watch more than 5mins of him! Can you imagine him and C Sutton doing a show together! :mysmilie_43::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_1:
No I didn't even get glimpse, but the thought of these two together for even three minutes is enough for me to put my concrete boots on and visit the seaside.

Bliddy hell, I spat tea all over myself when I read that. Nearly shorted out my keyboard! Shame on you shopperholic. Almost as funny as the Philip Kingsley/Janette Krankie thread many years ago. Those were the days...
It's totally ridiculous that there should be 3 straight hours of any one type of product, be it beauty "fashion", Eek, gardening.

Cruel and unusual punishment is what it is!!!!

QVC trying too hard, which is usually a recipe for car crash telly... And neither Chloe nor Craig are particularly credible fronts for beauty, IMO

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