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cheeky chappie

Registered Shopper
Jan 2, 2013
That would be my impassioned plea if I could speak directly to IW viewers. I'm far from a regular viewer these days, however a couple of brief cursory hops on to IW this evening during breaks on proper telly has highlighted the following:

Vostok watch being sold for x (can't recall price) quick Google, there it is on Amazon about £70 cheaper with free p&p. Granted I don't think it had the extras (4 x straps and a waterproof box) however if those things aren't important to you or add no value (to you) then Amazon is the better deal.

Apple refurb'd iPad 3 64GB for £359.99. Never mind Amazon, Apple is selling these for £249.99 ... yep £110 cheaper! Again, IW is giving extras, a keyboard and security however it still has to be cheaper going with Apple and sourcing your own keyboard (if you need one) and security. And the £359.99 is their 'special' 60 min deal price?!?

I've said it before in other threads on here, I genuinely feel sorry for folk that buy thinking they're getting a true bargain. Ok, more and more folk are internet savvy these days and will check prices before buying, however I'm sure these channels must have a lot of buyers that, for whatever reason, aren't switched on to the idea of checking other prices first and believe the hype. E.g. the iPad, I picture a gran or tech ignorant parent thinking 'oh that would be a good gift for Johnny!' which it may indeed be, however little do they realise that 60 min special deal price is anything but ...

And that was only two brief hops on. I dread to think how many IW 'great prices' are actually complete and utter cack!!!
So right about many of their products, especially IT and electricals of any kind. To be fair, I've seen what appear to be some good deals on ladies fashions, (tops, trousers, etc). which do compare well with High Street prices even if you factor in p&p, but they really do hike up the prices on IT and electricals (I'm thinking the never-to-be-forgotten radiators that you are supposed to lug from room to room, which were astronomically priced - with a whole £5 off if you bought 2 (big deal) - and also the refurbished IT equipment. Don't even get me started on the watches you mention - the ones that 'collectors'(???) are queuing up on the phone to buy. There are MUCH better deals out there - like you, I've compared just some of them, and like you I feel sorry for those who do not have or can't use the 'net, as they are simply lining IW's pockets. I sit and watch the presenters telling us what a wonderful deal we're getting, and I fume.

That would be my impassioned plea if I could speak directly to IW viewers. I'm far from a regular viewer these days, however a couple of brief cursory hops on to IW this evening during breaks on proper telly has highlighted the following:

Vostok watch being sold for x (can't recall price) quick Google, there it is on Amazon about £70 cheaper with free p&p. Granted I don't think it had the extras (4 x straps and a waterproof box) however if those things aren't important to you or add no value (to you) then Amazon is the better deal.

Apple refurb'd iPad 3 64GB for £359.99. Never mind Amazon, Apple is selling these for £249.99 ... yep £110 cheaper! Again, IW is giving extras, a keyboard and security however it still has to be cheaper going with Apple and sourcing your own keyboard (if you need one) and security. And the £359.99 is their 'special' 60 min deal price?!?

I've said it before in other threads on here, I genuinely feel sorry for folk that buy thinking they're getting a true bargain. Ok, more and more folk are internet savvy these days and will check prices before buying, however I'm sure these channels must have a lot of buyers that, for whatever reason, aren't switched on to the idea of checking other prices first and believe the hype. E.g. the iPad, I picture a gran or tech ignorant parent thinking 'oh that would be a good gift for Johnny!' which it may indeed be, however little do they realise that 60 min special deal price is anything but ...

And that was only two brief hops on. I dread to think how many IW 'great prices' are actually complete and utter cack!!!
Good advice.

They have a halogen oven with a cookbook on at the moment in a "60 Minute deal" which is £39.99 with a huge clock on the screen to rush the buyers.

This halogen oven was on the other week for the same price, the only change is this hour.......the potential buyer is geting a cookbook with the "deal", think on any potential buyers.
You need to check no matter which 'selly telly' channel you are watching as you can guarantee that someone somewhere will be selling the product not only cheaper, but there is a 99% chance of the P&P being cheaper as well!

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