Leslie Ebberts


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I had no idea Lesley Ebbets could be in her 70's or she had a son with Yorkshire TV's Richard Whiteley.She looks good although I agree (with Brissles) the hairstyle is clinging on to youth-- full fringe & flicks.I hope if I am still around in my 90's I am still applying the anti wrinkle creams & lip gloss!
I hope I will look half as good as Lesley when I reach her age.

I think her hair looks fine - I don't see it as particularly flicky - just looks like a long bob with a fringe to me. I'd take her hair any day over that ridiculous skunk-hairdo woman who fronts for the ghastly LOGO by Lori Goldstein range. Her hair is also considerably less dated and ageing for her than either Carla Laszlo's or Michele Hope's hairdos are for them.
Leslie is my favourite Ambassador I think she's very knowledgeable and I like her relaxed style, I also think she wears what suits her - like me, she lives black, neutrals and mono, but occasionally I throw in greys with pinks etc.

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