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May 24, 2017
Bought a pleasant paua unisex ring. Took the opportunity to Post this review:

SERVICE: Overall, service is "ok", although, no question that, in today's age, standard delivery is way too long but that's what is offered. Setting aside subjective opinions about the quality of gems being sold nowadays (as opposed to 5 or so years ago), the complete lack of variety and design in your normal ranges, the noticeable increase in re-constituted, coated or diffused topaz/quartz items, the significant drop in gold weight proportionate to the designs and the evaporation of the sense of "family" and "ethics" (when was the last time Steve came on and auctioned Samburu tribe pieces for example), there are two things that can be addressed immediately (and have been raised time and time again on reviews) that have nothing to do with Gemporia's decisions on commercial direction:

1. Showcase hours ALWAYS ALWAYS are 20, 25 minutes or half an hour late or don't really start because of inane chatter and hand-waving repeated phrases. Gone are the days when Scott or Rachel would actually get up and give a ten minute talk about facts (maps, specimen samples, treatments etc).


2. There is now a VERY noticeable use of the light box or recorded video presentation of an item. Oddly, the Outlet is now the best channel to see an actual item up close, all the way around and in context of the hand or neckline (Nick Davies is brilliant at this). This comment has been made hundreds of times in reviews. The video does indeed show up the item up close but it is now being used instead of showing the item in the studio. We would all agree that videos have their place in presenting an item to sell but not as a complete substitute.

Gemporia still makes lovely items but, as one reviewer has commented in a similar vein very recently, far less "Ooh, lovely, got to have it" and more "Mmm, nice but let's look it up and check all the details before deciding". Having lost that warm "family" feeling to the whole operation and having educated your early audience (for which we are very grateful), a purchase decision is now far more likely to be a hard-nosed commercial one, with comparisons with your online and on-screen competitors.

PRODUCT: Not yet posted but I referred to fact that the ring was made in China, not by Gemporia and that Lynn J proudly (and rightly) used to say that Gems didn't "scoop out" the metal in the ring shank. This ring had all the metal scooped out!
Above is a very good review which raises some important but true points.The old ideals seem to have gone and the quality of the products,on the whole,are not what they were.I have silver and gold gemstone pieces from Gems and the metal weight is good .Now what they offer in many pieces is not robust enough for daily wear in my opinion . Obviously metal prices rise but people would surely pay extra for something that will last than for inadequate metal in jewellery pieces.The use of so called rare gems amuses me as the price they go for is so low but they are always the'best' examples.I don't think so and wish they would tell the truth as the stones are still beautiful. The use of China as manufacturers is also a let down too as I believed the place in India with Gems employees was where Gems did the charity work as well as in Africa.Can only think it's cheaper labour or obtained from Chinese gem suppliers as there are lots of them.Does spoil the whole Gems ethos . Haven't bought for ages as my last ring,a black diamond and white diamond silver ring,had a scratch on the black diamond. Sent back-twice.It was made in China.Needless to say my review was negative.
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Bang on. It is now "on the whole". I virtually never returned anything.

My first wake up call was a pair of white gold diamond drop earrings which should have been a present. I was so shocked at the quality of the diamonds it took my breath away. I also had the same experience as you with black diamonds. I stuck with spinel instead. Now I categorically will not buy diamonds from Gems and, if a piece is accented with them, I just don't buy it - even if I want the gem. I'll look elsewhere. My other pointless venture was in to 'bi-coloured' tanzanite. Was stung by that too. I naively thought that the gold-set examples would be good. Now I ignore that as a factor.

As to metal weight, I agree. Prices fluctuate and we should expect an increase, especially if TGGC doesn't have the buying power or business model to hoard gold when prices are low. What I don't get is the price increase AND the drop in weight in the designs. More and more Feefo reviews say pieces being returned because the metal is so thin they were worried about wearability. Usually they also say that they'd pay more for a more robust design.
I agree with your review entirely. I haven't bought anything for a long time because Ive found that the quality has dropped and I'm sick of the hard sell from the presenter and the length of time they take talking about a gemstone before they start selling it. I'm sure a lot of people switch off through boredom. The only presenter I really like now is Jim Brooman, he does get a bit over excited but hes a nice bloke. I very rarely watch now because I don't see anything I really fancy any more. I don't watch the outlet but Nick is good too. Perhaps its jus the females. I didn't realise that some of the stuff was being made in China. I'm sure some of their gold rings must break because the band is so thin. I wonder if people buy them and then reset the gems into a better quality band. Just to add, I'm sick of the perfume and candles and other people joining the presenters. It is supposed to give the impression that they are some sort of experts.
I agree with your review entirely. I haven't bought anything for a long time because Ive found that the quality has dropped and I'm sick of the hard sell from the presenter and the length of time they take talking about a gemstone before they start selling it. I'm sure a lot of people switch off through boredom. The only presenter I really like now is Jim Brooman, he does get a bit over excited but hes a nice bloke. I very rarely watch now because I don't see anything I really fancy any more. I don't watch the outlet but Nick is good too. Perhaps its jus the females. I didn't realise that some of the stuff was being made in China. I'm sure some of their gold rings must break because the band is so thin. I wonder if people buy them and then reset the gems into a better quality band. Just to add, I'm sick of the perfume and candles and other people joining the presenters. It is supposed to give the impression that they are some sort of experts.

That's one of my pet hates, the length of time it takes the presenter/s to show the items for sale. Adina is the worst she can drone on for at least half an hour with numerous hair flicking and arm waving, and then say at the end of the hour, they have not had time to show everything. Wonder why that is?

I also, as I have said before on other posts, hate the light box where they show the item virtually all the time. A quick glimpse on the hand if you are lucky and sometimes not even that. I am not going to buy something I have not seen 'live' in the studio on the presenters hand, etc. I haven't seen anything I like either for ages.

Candles - why?
Candles....?I also don't know the answer to that one.Unless they need to sell other items if maybe the jewellery is not doing so well? OH says if Adina's chest ever gets free (of the shoulder less dresses) it will black both of her eyes.
I said he shouldn't be looking!!
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He's right about Adina, lol.

Tonight, though, two real examples of themes in the Feefo reviews; light box use & lack of details.

a) Light Box: Adina auctioned a beautiful Mawi kunzite ring in 14k gold. Only 4 made. The auction lasted about 3 minutes, I'd say. About 10 seconds total of the actual ring in the studio. The rest of the time shared with the pre-recorded turntable and airtime showing Adina looking at the call screen and jabbering, waving her hands in front of the camera. It's a big shame because the ring in real life looked different to the recording colour-wise but actually so much better. It really seemed to glow.

b) Details: They're selling an 18k VS1-2 diamond ring. Fantastic. So I check the details. First, the app doesn't show the clarity. So I go to the web. There are 42 diamonds in total apparently but there is an UNDECLARED number of VSI grade step cut gems (step cut baguettes HAVE to be clearer anyway by the nature of the cut. There's nowhere to hide in a step cut) and 42 single cut gems. Something wrong. Also, if you're cutting a diamond as single cut (only 17 facets) then surely it's the same as saying they're not VSI? You don't waste time & money with a brilliant cut if the diamond isn't worth it?

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Andy, lots of pertinent points here, let's hope they take note (although I doubt it).

Today, I flicked over to Gems on 4 different occasions, for 5 minutes each time, and each time there was either (1) a promotional advert. running OR (2) a presenter waffling at great length. Is it because they just don't have the stock to sell? I suspect it is. I would have added to the Feefo complaints that I don't want to keep on seeing candles being flogged - I am sick and tired of them, and don't watch a jewellery channel so that I can see candles. Candles are on Q, they are everywhere, and the presenters rave on and on about the fragrance - but unless we've got Smello-vision we can't smell it!! Personally, I don't want to see presenters and guests waffling on and on with inane superlatives, "beautiful", "fantastic", "stunning", etc. I want to see the jewellery on the hand or round the neck/wrist and I want to hear facts about the stones and the metal. If I want to listen to a load of inane waffle, I'll tune in when the Party political broadcasts are on. I'm sad to say that Ellis is getting to be one of the worst, and she was one of my favourite presenters. Now, she drones on and on about the same things. Is this because they are told by Steve to keep talking? Is it because they can't afford to buy and make the stock? It doesn't make me buy, it makes me switch off, and I'd guess that this channel are haemorrhaging viewers, whatever they say about items 'selling out quickly' - if so, it's funny that you can look on the website half an hour later, and see that they still have stock of most items! They badly need to get their act together - where is the Sarah Bennett range of jewellery these days, she seems to have vanished. As you say, oh for the days of Scott Worsfold, Fiona and Rae - people with genuine knowledge. I agree wholeheartedly about the designs - there is a lack of innovation (TJC are better), the same old settings and styles, and a lack of solitaires. I don't want the dreaded white topaz 'accent' stones, they bring the item down, in my view. Years ago, they did occasional small carat weight (20 point) coloured solitaire diamond pendants and rings, blue, green, cognac - even red diamonds, occasionally. OK, the solitaires were small, but you could treat yourself if you fancied a coloured diamond set in a decent weight of silver. Now, they are rarer than hen's teeth, and even the once-in-a-blue moon small solitaire set in silver is about £150 or more, which is overpriced.

Bought a pleasant paua unisex ring. Took the opportunity to Post this review:

SERVICE: Overall, service is "ok", although, no question that, in today's age, standard delivery is way too long but that's what is offered. Setting aside subjective opinions about the quality of gems being sold nowadays (as opposed to 5 or so years ago), the complete lack of variety and design in your normal ranges, the noticeable increase in re-constituted, coated or diffused topaz/quartz items, the significant drop in gold weight proportionate to the designs and the evaporation of the sense of "family" and "ethics" (when was the last time Steve came on and auctioned Samburu tribe pieces for example), there are two things that can be addressed immediately (and have been raised time and time again on reviews) that have nothing to do with Gemporia's decisions on commercial direction:

1. Showcase hours ALWAYS ALWAYS are 20, 25 minutes or half an hour late or don't really start because of inane chatter and hand-waving repeated phrases. Gone are the days when Scott or Rachel would actually get up and give a ten minute talk about facts (maps, specimen samples, treatments etc).


2. There is now a VERY noticeable use of the light box or recorded video presentation of an item. Oddly, the Outlet is now the best channel to see an actual item up close, all the way around and in context of the hand or neckline (Nick Davies is brilliant at this). This comment has been made hundreds of times in reviews. The video does indeed show up the item up close but it is now being used instead of showing the item in the studio. We would all agree that videos have their place in presenting an item to sell but not as a complete substitute.

Gemporia still makes lovely items but, as one reviewer has commented in a similar vein very recently, far less "Ooh, lovely, got to have it" and more "Mmm, nice but let's look it up and check all the details before deciding". Having lost that warm "family" feeling to the whole operation and having educated your early audience (for which we are very grateful), a purchase decision is now far more likely to be a hard-nosed commercial one, with comparisons with your online and on-screen competitors.

PRODUCT: Not yet posted but I referred to fact that the ring was made in China, not by Gemporia and that Lynn J proudly (and rightly) used to say that Gems didn't "scoop out" the metal in the ring shank. This ring had all the metal scooped out!
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Sums it up. And bi-coloured Tanzanite is just another expression for "pale, colourless, boring Tanzanite", in my view. I sent mine back and have never bought bi-colour again - the presenter went on at great length about how it was more desirable than the rare (so-called) blue Tanzanite - well, I must have poor taste, as I thought it looked dreadful. And don't get me started on the low metal weights - the rings look as though they'll bend as you put them on. Making pieces of jewellery with muddy diamonds is never a good idea, the customer can see at a glance if the stones are dark and cloudy, and/or chipped, so what's the point? Gems do not use only G-H colour diamonds, it seems painfully obvious they use low-grade pique diamonds in some of their pieces. Steve, I hope you are reading all this. If so, do something. Viewers who are 'old' customers are NOT stupid.

Bang on. It is now "on the whole". I virtually never returned anything.

My first wake up call was a pair of white gold diamond drop earrings which should have been a present. I was so shocked at the quality of the diamonds it took my breath away. I also had the same experience as you with black diamonds. I stuck with spinel instead. Now I categorically will not buy diamonds from Gems and, if a piece is accented with them, I just don't buy it - even if I want the gem. I'll look elsewhere. My other pointless venture was in to 'bi-coloured' tanzanite. Was stung by that too. I naively thought that the gold-set examples would be good. Now I ignore that as a factor.

As to metal weight, I agree. Prices fluctuate and we should expect an increase, especially if TGGC doesn't have the buying power or business model to hoard gold when prices are low. What I don't get is the price increase AND the drop in weight in the designs. More and more Feefo reviews say pieces being returned because the metal is so thin they were worried about wearability. Usually they also say that they'd pay more for a more robust design.
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Long ago there where members on this forum who really knew they stuff. Used to order two or three of the same item(in those days all they sold was size N/O), pick the best one and return the others. I remember it being said never go below 1.80 or 1.90 for gold as under it was far too thin. I see these massive stones in like under 1.40 grams and think that is like tin!
I remember a couple of the people you talk of - although I can't recall names, and I remember when sizing was just N-O, which was fine by me, because this fits me nicely, but when they added other sizes, they upped the price to compensate for the increase in labour costs, I suppose. Since then, the quality has gone downhill and now the prices are ridiculous for some items. I would not buy their diamonds because they are so poor - the complaints on the website reviews have escalated and there are much better deals to be had at other online jewellers. The small carat weights of stones in thin gold or silver look bad enough, but putting a solitaire of, say, 2.5 carats or above in under 2 grams of metal is just crazy, you would need to get it re-set in a shank with a decent metal weight or risk the thing snapping in half.

Long ago there where members on this forum who really knew they stuff. Used to order two or three of the same item(in those days all they sold was size N/O), pick the best one and return the others. I remember it being said never go below 1.80 or 1.90 for gold as under it was far too thin. I see these massive stones in like under 1.40 grams and think that is like tin!
Dear Lord save me!
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and looks like Adina has settled in the presenters chair at Gems until 11pm. Eight hours without a complete sentence - 'I know'!
I have suffered from it. I bought a black ceramic unisex ring that had a band of gold in it. I hardly wore it. Got it out to sell it and the band had spontaneously snapped. I really ought to have complained but ended up having to sell it as scrap. Quite worrisome.

I remember a couple of the people you talk of - although I can't recall names, and I remember when sizing was just N-O, which was fine by me, because this fits me nicely, but when they added other sizes, they upped the price to compensate for the increase in labour costs, I suppose. Since then, the quality has gone downhill and now the prices are ridiculous for some items. I would not buy their diamonds because they are so poor - the complaints on the website reviews have escalated and there are much better deals to be had at other online jewellers. The small carat weights of stones in thin gold or silver look bad enough, but putting a solitaire of, say, 2.5 carats or above in under 2 grams of metal is just crazy, you would need to get it re-set in a shank with a decent metal weight or risk the thing snapping in half.
:mysmilie_17: I thought exactly the same. I thought "What's going on? She's on early." So I checked the schedule...which is tosh anyway. Turquoise is on n gone but it's listed for later.

Dear Lord save me!
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and looks like Adina has settled in the presenters chair at Gems until 11pm. Eight hours without a complete sentence - 'I know'!
Dear Lord save me!
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and looks like Adina has settled in the presenters chair at Gems until 11pm. Eight hours without a complete sentence - 'I know'!

That's me out of watching then.
:mysmilie_17: I thought exactly the same. I thought "What's going on? She's on early." So I checked the schedule...which is tosh anyway. Turquoise is on n gone but it's listed for later.

She told Hattie last night that she was doing 8 hours. I thought, well that's 8 hours I wont be watching then.
Lol! It's the wild hair that she keeps scraping back because it's in her eyes (wear it in an updo, love, tie it back or get it cut) and the waving hands that get me - I keep thinking she's drowning, the way she claws the air constantly. For all the years she's been with Gemporia, and she still can't string a sentence together on air. She's one (among several) who should be shown the door. Someone brought in off the street couldn't be much worse.

Dear Lord save me!
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and looks like Adina has settled in the presenters chair at Gems until 11pm. Eight hours without a complete sentence - 'I know'!
I (very bravely!) switched over to Gems last night, when Adina was on with the male guest. Talk about a mutual admiration society or flirting-fest, then we had Adina telling us that she's going to the dentist today and her kids are going as well! Gosh, how interesting, Adina, do let us know how you get on! She goes from bad to worse, and the bloke with her was incredibly childish - if he's supposed to be a Gem Hunter, then things must be bad in the world of gemstones. Tuned in this morning, just before the 7 am handover between different presenters, and the outgoing one (don't know her name) seemed totally uninterested in what she was selling. The incoming presenter said something pleasant, along the lines of "hello everyone, and good morning" and smart-Alec outgoing one promptly said "and goodbye" in a supercilious voice, as though she was just delighted to be finishing. No personality, zero charisma, seemingly zero interest. Obviously Steve's recruiting them on the cheap, but he should apply for a refund from the Charm Academy pronto.......
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Andy, great review,spot on,totally agree with all the other comments. I fear gems are starting to scrape the bottom of the pot,the other day, i popped onto my computer for five minutes, to hear not once but twice Rosie Wells describe mookite jasper described as rare,which it definitely isnt,this sor of remark really annoys me, so i went onto gems facebook page and said so, gems did not reply,probably because they had no way to defend the comments the sales producer had told her to say. This morning a presenter named Jessica Foley was selling green onyx telling viewers it was unobtainable now, i fail to see how as it was dyed onyx. As to stock,about seven months ago i was trawling the webiste,which is now awful thanks to the changes they have made , i was looking for old stock peridot as old stock has considerably more silver weight, well they have loads and loads of old stock in different stones dating back to 2013 in some instances, i once heard a male presenter say they didnt actually know what they have in stock, now i do know that running a business stock is crucial to your profit margin. I dont think they will be clearing much now they have got rid of the load from code on the lounge.
Its quite sad to see it going the way it is. Ive had some nice pieces in the past but I rarely buy now and, if I do, its usually something under £20. I think Steve and his family have got delusions of grandeur and that they can sell their gullible buyers anything. I look at some of the things and think - what the hell would someone want that for. It would be interesting to know if people who buy to sell them on are making any money out of it.

I remember a few years ago when I was on a cruise, a fellow passenger had a tanzanite ring set in gold. She showed it to the onboard gem expert and he said that, although the gem itself was ok, the gold setting was far too thin and this is why you can buy them cheap. I bought a lovely tanzanite ring set in platinum in the Caribbean a few year back and you cant compare the thickness of the band with what Gems put on. It makes all the difference in the look of it. As a previous poster said, the size of some of those stones they put on a thin band look ridiculous and I can only assume that they have the gem reset into a better band

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