Crikey moses I'm an unintential racist !


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Apr 27, 2009
After reading the furore surrounding Princess Michael wearing a Blackamoor brooch, l fear that I too may be put in the same category !

In recent years I purchased a lovely faux pearl choker necklace with a jewelled Blackamoor head pendant from.............BUTLER & WILSON on QVC !!!!

I've worn it numerous times without fear or intent, and not at all like B & W's sometimes 'cheap' looking offerings. Now what do I do ? We are living in an increasingly 'offended and unacceptable' world where the few are putting the fear of God into the rest of us. Will the RSPCA tell us to boycott B & W for making of fun of animals in his brooches and pendants ? I don't know what to think anymore.

I'd appreciate the thoughts of others on here.
What about African artefacts? Will they have to be removed from places that Meghan visits? The worlds gone mad I tells ya.
Wear it.
Getting really fed up of the perpetually offended.
There’s an almighty row going on at the moment here in Lancashire. Lancashire County Council has voted to ban halal meat being supplied to schools for dinners. The Muslim community is kicking up an almighty fuss & threatening legal action. At present all schools & hospitals serve only halal meat, unbeknownst to most people, to bow down to minority Muslim sensitivities despite such slaughter being against all the animal welfare laws of this country.
It’s opened the eyes of the majority of people, non Muslim, who are talking of making it known in no uncertain terms that they object very strongly to having been given no choice but to buy ( unlabelled as such) halal meat or have their children eat it without being told or given any choice.

It has been reported here that Asda & most takeaways, even big chains, use only halal meat without advertising the fact.
What about African artefacts? Will they have to be removed from places that Meghan visits? The worlds gone mad I tells ya.

the blackamoor pin princess michael was wearing knowing she would be meeting megan merkel is not an african artefact
Suspect very strongly that 'Princess Michael' knew exactly what she was doing when she got dressed to go to that party. She is not an unintentional racist.
Wear it.
Getting really fed up of the perpetually offended.
There’s an almighty row going on at the moment here in Lancashire. Lancashire County Council has voted to ban halal meat being supplied to schools for dinners. The Muslim community is kicking up an almighty fuss & threatening legal action. At present all schools & hospitals serve only halal meat, unbeknownst to most people, to bow down to minority Muslim sensitivities despite such slaughter being against all the animal welfare laws of this country.
It’s opened the eyes of the majority of people, non Muslim, who are talking of making it known in no uncertain terms that they object very strongly to having been given no choice but to buy ( unlabelled as such) halal meat or have their children eat it without being told or given any choice.

It has been reported here that Asda & most takeaways, even big chains, use only halal meat without advertising the fact.

I agree Breeze, first and foremost this is a British country, and why Halal was ever allowed anywhere in this country due to the horrific nature in which the meat is obtained is an absolute disgrace and that's not being racist, it's being compassionate. But unfortunately in this country, to speak the truth makes you a racist, for instance a Muslim shop owner will sell none Halal meat, and alcohol for money, but won't eat or drink it, some principles they've got going on there hey were money comes first.
the blackamoor pin princess michael was wearing knowing she would be meeting megan merkel is not an african artefact

It’s a representation of Balthazar, one of the three Kings who visited Jesus in the stable, is that racist at Christmas?
It’s a representation of Balthazar, one of the three Kings who visited Jesus in the stable, is that racist at Christmas?

moors lived in europe in the middle ages. they were muslims hence the headscrarves. othello was the moor in one of shakespeare books "othello". maybe these items are just a bit old fashioned as well as offensive to some people. they show subservant harking back to slavery therefore some people may find them offensive. imo they just look out of date i can think of nicer items of jewellery to wear ....diamonique anyone :mysmilie_17:
The majority of people in this country aren't racist, it's just the media and people in power who like to get overtly racist and over sensitive on our behalf. I don't give a toss about colour, creed or the Muslim religion, if you're a nice person you're a nice person, if you're not you're not, however, I do have a problem with animal cruelty.
The majority of people in this country aren't racist, it's just the media and people in power who like to get overtly racist and over sensitive on our behalf. I don't give a toss about colour, creed or the Muslim religion, if you're a nice person you're a nice person, if you're not you're not, however, I do have a problem with animal cruelty.

My thoughts exactly. I've often wondered if we're related, Merry Christmas twinie.
I have a Moorish head vase from Sicily; he is a black king complete with green turban & his crown of lemons & I love him. There are many legends about these & the art of making them was brought to the island by the Arabs in 11th century. A few years ago Dolce & Gabbana produced jewellery depicting these heads & there were many who were offended by their insensitivity. I've just remembered that I have a scarf with a Russian doll print & wonder if that is offensive to anyone who is Russian, slightly rotund or a mother with a large family of girls, I pity the person who sees me as racist or practising tokenism.
I get annoyed when people go back centuries to equate to how particular people are treated now.

Back then everyone but the very upper classs had a ****** awful life no matter colour or creed, hiring fairs in every town were basically selling children into servitude.

It’s not that long that work houses were still in existence ( I was born in one albeit one converted into a maternity home).

Even as recent as pre Ww2 folk had a hard hard life even if you had a job and if you didn’t lord help you. It was really only in the 50’s that some semblance of 20 century life came into being, 50 years after the Victorian era finished.
Times have moved on and I hate racism as much as the next person but I truly believe some people see racism where there is none. It sometimes seems to be a bandwagon some people jump on and just for the sake of it.
When I was a child I had a golliwog, as did many of my friends, did we see it as racist, nope, it was just a toy much the same as my rag doll, my baby doll and my other toys. We also had a money box which was the head of a black person, you put a penny on his hand, pushed a lever and he swallowed the coin, we didn`t think twice about that too and were more fascinated by the mechanism than the fact the face was black.
I was reading an article a while ago where a Muslim lady had brought out a range of dolls which she advertised as suitable for Muslim children. The dolls had covered heads, fully covered bodies dressed in the Muslim style and the underwear was permanently attached so it couldn`t be removed. Do I see that as racist against me, do I hell as !
My son has been in the Army for almost 25 years, during that time he`s served in many Muslim Countries and also alongside many Muslim personnel. In his last job he worked with interpreters employed by the Army in this Country and several of them didn`t dare tell their families who they were working for. Is that racist ?
On the other hand, years ago he joined the Parachute regiment and they all had nicknames. His was Splat because he has lots of freckles and Army humour being as it is, they said he looked like he`d been splattered with sh^t. Was he offended, nope and neither was a fellow soldier who`se nickname was Strangely Brown because he was of mixed race and each of his colleagues had equally near to the knuckle nicknames. Those guys loved each other and looked after each other in many dangerous situations.
I find the World today is a minefield and the safest way is to say nothing at all, which saddens me.
People who have a chip on their shoulder will play any card which suits.

Either you are a good hard working law abiding person or you are not - class, colour or creed does not come into it.

The thing that gets on my thrupenny bits is when people leave their own country for a better life elsewhere and then expect to be able to live according to their old countries ways. I mean this every bit as much to Irish who go to America, Brits who go to Australia as to people who come to uk. If the country you left was so ****** wonderful that you need to live in ex pat communities in the new place why did you leave!

If you feel another country will give you a better life then you should embrace it and their laws and culture (eg no booze) . Cake and eat it comes to mind.
Yes Lati, if you move from the UK into Spain , or anywhere else you are an ex pat but if you come to the UK from anywhere else you are an immigrant.
Thanks one and all for your comments, and I concur with all of them. Vienna, we must be of similar age as I too had a golliwog, and clearly the same money box too !

I've decided that as I bought the jewellery because it was attractive, and gave me no thoughts of race nor creed, I'll continue to wear it. I shall take the view that the company I wear it in, know me well enough to know that I'm neither a racist nor bigot.

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