Natasha - Another new presenter


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Jun 24, 2008
Q has another new presenter, Natasha Asghar, her first shows were today on QVC Style.
There's a constant stream of new models as well. Mind you, my Border Terrier could strut her stuff and she'd be far more watchable !

As for the new presenter, it would have been good to have another competition - like the one which Craig won, so at least we could see the choice of talent available, and give us something else to moan about !!
I haven't seen her but reading bits on her, if she's practicing Muslim, I wonder if she'll be excluded from the food and drink presentations? :mysmilie_11:
I haven't seen her but reading bits on her, if she's practicing Muslim, I wonder if she'll be excluded from the food and drink presentations? :mysmilie_11:

She may also have an issue with shapewear demos. She's an intelligent woman, I don't know whether any of the other sales assistants have a Masters, so what on earth is she doing nailing her colours to this creaking mast?
She may also have an issue with shapewear demos. She's an intelligent woman, I don't know whether any of the other sales assistants have a Masters, so what on earth is she doing nailing her colours to this creaking mast?

Probably using it as a spring board to mainstream Tv, although the other presenters end up on QVC when mainstream Tv has failed, any port in a storm I suppose. :mysmilie_17:
I haven't seen her but reading bits on her, if she's practicing Muslim, I wonder if she'll be excluded from the food and drink presentations? :mysmilie_11:

She can't be that devout if she chooses not to cover her hair. Re food & drink - it's just the pork & alcohol that are 'forbidden', again it depends on how devout she is. My S.I.L
is technically a muslim, but enjoys a bacon sandwich & doesn't cover. I dunno if she prays or not....
I see she hasn’t made it on to Q “community “ blogs but then the other 2 binlids were on “style” for ages before being acknowledged.

Do you think there will come a time when we wish Marv back:mysmilie_11:
She seems to be big into cooking and mentions Color (grits teeth) TV UK a lot! Does she present on this?

She might be able to do special vegan foods for Chuntley.
She can't be that devout if she chooses not to cover her hair. Re food & drink - it's just the pork & alcohol that are 'forbidden', again it depends on how devout she is. My S.I.L
is technically a muslim, but enjoys a bacon sandwich & doesn't cover. I dunno if she prays or not....

I didn’t say she was “devout” I said I wondered if she was a “practising” Muslim, I’m aware that pork and alcohol are “forbidden” hence the question about food and drink hours including the “Piggin’” pork scratchings and “Laithwaite” hours amongst other ranges.

Out of curiosity, how can your s.i.l be a Muslim and eat bacon butties if pork is “banned”? Is that not like me “technically” being a vegetarian but still eating chicken (which I don’t) You can’t be a little bit vegetarian you either are, or you’re not.
[mum writes]

I liked her and thought she did a decent job. She did speak quickly but at least it all seemed to be about the products and less of her life history and corporate drone mentality. I saw her when she was on with Glen and they seemed to work well together. She knew her stuff and Glen seemed to like that, without being interrupted by a load of whittering nothing. I hope she doesn't turn into a QVC robot once she starts to settle in. Would rather see her than the most recent three they've added lately. I really don't like to watch any of them. Let's give her a chance :)
I only channel hop on QVC for seconds at a time and I rarely do that now, I haven’t bought since I closed my account over five years ago, but for the first twenty years I was a customer and can safely say, as I’m sure others feel the same, that a presenter, their lives or their loves, didn’t influence my buying in any way shape or form, I made my own mind up and if I wanted it I bought it, if I didn’t I didn’t, my only influence as to what my purchases may be, was me and my family :mysmilie_3:
I saw Natasha yesterday on style, she did speak rather fast but I expect she was a little nervous, she seemed a bit more relaxed when she was on with the fashion guru Glen.I didn't last the full hour, but nothing to do with the new presenter.... it's just seeing more of the same all the time.
Haven't seen her yet but looking forward to it so I can make my mind up. Can't be worse than Eilidh surely and I'm not sure about Alex either.


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