every other day


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Apr 27, 2009
I've noticed - or rather I've taken note, these past few weeks, that there has been a Beauty TSV every other night - whether its skincare, cosmetics, or hair products. A tad overload methinks. Just saying.
Its all about the money! money! We found out over a year ago that beauty counted for 75% of QVC sales, might well have gone up by now.

But, I do agree it is total overkill and because it is 99% of the time the same old brands how can they expect the fans of those brands to just keep forking out for every show or TSV? As has been said before many brands use QVC as a stepping stone and then move on, whilst the others Elemis, Decleor, LG etc know they can make big money on there and keep hanging on.

QVC US manages to grab Urban Decay etc which would go down really well here(though they are getting bored with the endless versions of the Naked palettes), Tarte has far more products and new releases there whilst I think they are cutting back on QVC UK. Perhaps many of the cosmetic brands just don't need QVC UK or don't like the 30 MBG thing? I do think QVC UK have just got lazy as well and just push the no brainers which will sell.

Don't mention fashion, I remember the day when they actually sold reasonably priced wearable clothes. Hey, I have a leather coat which is still in great condition bought must be over 15 years ago from them. Now it is all flowy cheap stuff with cut out shoulders or shark hems. Yes, at 5'1 and a half that looks so good on me, NOT.

DIY died a death long ago. Gardening seems to have moved up due to the new guy. So expect beauty and gardening none stop. Jewellery, they threw the towel in years ago.
I totally agree. The only thing I’ve bought in the past year are 2 lots of plants and that was in the last 2 weeks.

I can’t believe that the newbies who are replacing those of us who have gone from weekly to annual purchases are making up the lost revenue. For a start they will only take the postage/returns/poor delivery/stupid vouchers debacle once before the decide Q are a retail joke.
I still have an Indigo Moon full length coat in camel colour with huge pop art appliqued flowers on, and I've lost count of the compliments I get when worn, AND asking where I got it from. I did have to fork out to have pockets inserted, but it was one of those 'one-offs' by a now defunct fashion brand that will never see the charity shop, not while I'm alive anyway. Sadly I cant say that of the stuff we get presented with now, as MOST of it ends up in the charity bag.
I've noticed - or rather I've taken note, these past few weeks, that there has been a Beauty TSV every other night - whether its skincare, cosmetics, or hair products. A tad overload methinks. Just saying.

Don't worry there will now be 3 fashion TSVs in a row!
I remember when Q brought unusual items, that we couldn't buy elsewhere, and a wider variety of stuff. Now, it seems to be all about 'Brands'. Q seems to have lost its own brand, somewhere among Lulu Guinness, Lakeland & Philip Kingsley. They've lost the plot, as far as, Quality, Value & Convenience go; maybe they should be renamed, 'D1RE'. No need for a mnemonic.
When I started out with QVC I bought a large model of Concorde, which is still on display here. Haven't seen anything like that in years.
I remember those Moth ! and what about all that china in blue and white that was supposed to have been brought up from a shipwreck - now that WAS different !! (Noritake ?)
Oh, I remember the shipwrecked stuff on here we joked they must be combing the sea for more as it sold so well.

The rugs Royal something(can't remember the full name), which sold even though expensive.

The comic book man that brought collectables Star Wars stuff etc.

Really good jewellery at reasonable prices, then the gold prices when nuts and gone. I know I have said this many times:)yawn: ), but I have 9ct white gold bracelets I still wear and the white gold never wore off bought way back all under £60 well one was more expensive but it is heavy. Real gemstone rings in gold even Diamonique in 14ct gold all very reasonable prices paid. Hell, the silver rings they sell now cost more than what I paid for mine.

Hey, who remembers Teletext and QVC every Tuesday and Friday around teatime they put up clearance? Of course no photos but you took the chance to buy by the description great bargains.
A couple of days respite, and we're back to having BEAUUUUUUUTY (in whatever form) for a tsv every other day again ! Pleeeeeeease NO MORE !!

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