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Apr 27, 2009
I have avoided these at all costs, because.....

a) proximity to loos are a must as we age, so time is of the essence to speedily undress.

b) Nappies at the beginning and end of life are a given, but do I want to hasten the process by wearing a Grannygro ??


c) QVC have 114 on their website, ranging in price from around £40 to £130 (gulp!) so not a price I want to pay for a 'try-on'.

SO, rivals IW had a fairly decent one available - with pockets for £24.99. Arrived today, and honestly ? pleasantly surprised in design and fabric. Took a bit of shoe horning in around the busties and hoiking over the shoulders, but I got there in the end. Looks good, but might prove tragic if nature calls. Are press studs between the legs a step too far do you think ???
I have avoided these at all costs, because.....

a) proximity to loos are a must as we age, so time is of the essence to speedily undress.

b) Nappies at the beginning and end of life are a given, but do I want to hasten the process by wearing a Grannygro ??


c) QVC have 114 on their website, ranging in price from around £40 to £130 (gulp!) so not a price I want to pay for a 'try-on'.

SO, rivals IW had a fairly decent one available - with pockets for £24.99. Arrived today, and honestly ? pleasantly surprised in design and fabric. Took a bit of shoe horning in around the busties and hoiking over the shoulders, but I got there in the end. Looks good, but might prove tragic if nature calls. Are press studs between the legs a step too far do you think ???

I have avoided these at all costs, because.....

a) proximity to loos are a must as we age, so time is of the essence to speedily undress.

b) Nappies at the beginning and end of life are a given, but do I want to hasten the process by wearing a Grannygro ??


c) QVC have 114 on their website, ranging in price from around £40 to £130 (gulp!) so not a price I want to pay for a 'try-on'.

SO, rivals IW had a fairly decent one available - with pockets for £24.99. Arrived today, and honestly ? pleasantly surprised in design and fabric. Took a bit of shoe horning in around the busties and hoiking over the shoulders, but I got there in the end. Looks good, but might prove tragic if nature calls. Are press studs between the legs a step too far do you think ???

I purchased a black jumpsuit for a wedding, it’s been invaluable. Even took it on holiday. Great to dress up or down.
But, a bit of a bugger when nature calls I have to admit.
I had one years ago with a halter neck but I was about two stone lighter. Looked great. When I tried one on last year I looked a right frump so no longer something that suits me.

I wore them in the 80s and it was fine then but I have no desire to repeat the experience. Like bodysuits. I don't really understand the appeal - I guess everything is reinvented eventually.
Some people wear them well, but I would never be brave enough to try to get into one. I'd be afraid I wouldn't be able to get it off in a hurry.:mysmilie_17:
I couldn't stand the thought of a part of it touching the floor in a loo. I don't know if it's just me but public toilets these days are just shocking. I don't know what some of the cleaners do before signing the sheet on the wall, but it obviously isn't cleaning. Not cleaning the way I do it anyway. A swish of blue stuff poured around the bowl is NOT cleaning as far as I'm concerned.

Then there's the people using them. I use disabled toilets and twice in the last few weeks I've waited for an apparently able-bodied person to finish doing a smelly one, have heard a flush then they come bolting out, obviously having not washed their hands.

Then there's the hoverers. I have no problem if that's your style, but please at least try wiping your wee (or worse) off the back of the toilet seat before you leave.

I'm a bit fed up with water (I hope!) all over the floor by the loo, too. Don't know if anyone else has used a disabled loo, but they put in these stupidly tiny sinks that are so small that when you turn the tap on the water sloshes straight out all over the floor (if you're lucky). Then, with all that space they stick them so close to the toilet you have to sit sideways because your leg doesn't fit in. Oh, and you have to pull the paper out of the dispenser before you go because it's IMPOSSIBLE to reach back to get it without dislocating your shoulder (and to make sure there's paper in there - and that's minutes after the cleaner has signed the sheet!). Who the F designs these toilets.

I use a wired device that stimulates my leg to help me walk. I struggle getting the wires out of the way and back into my jeans without all the trials of the above. I'd NEVER manage it in a jumpsuit especially while trying to keep bits of it off the wet/dirty floor.
What? Never had your clothes round your feet and someone barges in??? :mysmilie_11: A big CC YESSSS AND???? Usually backs them out pronto :mysmilie_17:
On a recent plane journey Hubby opened the toilet door to a women bending down towards the toilet with her pants around her ankles and her bottom in the air. He quietly closed it. She was not aware he had been behind her. Needless to say I used the other toilet later.
I couldn't stand the thought of a part of it touching the floor in a loo. I don't know if it's just me but public toilets these days are just shocking. I don't know what some of the cleaners do before signing the sheet on the wall, but it obviously isn't cleaning. Not cleaning the way I do it anyway. A swish of blue stuff poured around the bowl is NOT cleaning as far as I'm concerned.

Then there's the people using them. I use disabled toilets and twice in the last few weeks I've waited for an apparently able-bodied person to finish doing a smelly one, have heard a flush then they come bolting out, obviously having not washed their hands.

Then there's the hoverers. I have no problem if that's your style, but please at least try wiping your wee (or worse) off the back of the toilet seat before you leave.

I'm a bit fed up with water (I hope!) all over the floor by the loo, too. Don't know if anyone else has used a disabled loo, but they put in these stupidly tiny sinks that are so small that when you turn the tap on the water sloshes straight out all over the floor (if you're lucky). Then, with all that space they stick them so close to the toilet you have to sit sideways because your leg doesn't fit in. Oh, and you have to pull the paper out of the dispenser before you go because it's IMPOSSIBLE to reach back to get it without dislocating your shoulder (and to make sure there's paper in there - and that's minutes after the cleaner has signed the sheet!). Who the F designs these toilets.

I use a wired device that stimulates my leg to help me walk. I struggle getting the wires out of the way and back into my jeans without all the trials of the above. I'd NEVER manage it in a jumpsuit especially while trying to keep bits of it off the wet/dirty floor.

This is the elephant in the room when they're flogging these on QVC. I agree, its bad enough dropping trousers in a public loo and trying to keep them off a wet floor without having to extricate yourself from a grannygro. Perhaps they're ok for plush hotel visits, or maybe this is where Tenaladies come into their own !!!!
I wore them in the 80s and it was fine then but I have no desire to repeat the experience. Like bodysuits. I don't really understand the appeal - I guess everything is reinvented eventually.

Are you saying you don't miss those poppers pinging on your bodysuit? I remember it well!
I couldn't stand the thought of a part of it touching the floor in a loo. I don't know if it's just me but public toilets these days are just shocking. I don't know what some of the cleaners do before signing the sheet on the wall, but it obviously isn't cleaning. Not cleaning the way I do it anyway. A swish of blue stuff poured around the bowl is NOT cleaning as far as I'm concerned.

Then there's the people using them. I use disabled toilets and twice in the last few weeks I've waited for an apparently able-bodied person to finish doing a smelly one, have heard a flush then they come bolting out, obviously having not washed their hands.

Then there's the hoverers. I have no problem if that's your style, but please at least try wiping your wee (or worse) off the back of the toilet seat before you leave.

I'm a bit fed up with water (I hope!) all over the floor by the loo, too. Don't know if anyone else has used a disabled loo, but they put in these stupidly tiny sinks that are so small that when you turn the tap on the water sloshes straight out all over the floor (if you're lucky). Then, with all that space they stick them so close to the toilet you have to sit sideways because your leg doesn't fit in. Oh, and you have to pull the paper out of the dispenser before you go because it's IMPOSSIBLE to reach back to get it without dislocating your shoulder (and to make sure there's paper in there - and that's minutes after the cleaner has signed the sheet!). Who the F designs these toilets.

I use a wired device that stimulates my leg to help me walk. I struggle getting the wires out of the way and back into my jeans without all the trials of the above. I'd NEVER manage it in a jumpsuit especially while trying to keep bits of it off the wet/dirty floor.
I have a shewee so I can wee like a man. It means that I don’t have to sit on dubiously clean toilet seats. When I first got it I practised with it by weeing standing in the bath, then I moved on to weeing standing next to the bath, then weeing into the toilet and finally I practised just undoing my zip on my jeans and using the device. The shewee is anti microbacterial so can just be put back in its case or a plastic bag and washed in soapy water and dried at home. The girls in the army use them.
I couldn't stand the thought of a part of it touching the floor in a loo. I don't know if it's just me but public toilets these days are just shocking. I don't know what some of the cleaners do before signing the sheet on the wall, but it obviously isn't cleaning. Not cleaning the way I do it anyway. A swish of blue stuff poured around the bowl is NOT cleaning as far as I'm concerned.

Then there's the people using them. I use disabled toilets and twice in the last few weeks I've waited for an apparently able-bodied person to finish doing a smelly one, have heard a flush then they come bolting out, obviously having not washed their hands.

Then there's the hoverers. I have no problem if that's your style, but please at least try wiping your wee (or worse) off the back of the toilet seat before you leave.

I'm a bit fed up with water (I hope!) all over the floor by the loo, too. Don't know if anyone else has used a disabled loo, but they put in these stupidly tiny sinks that are so small that when you turn the tap on the water sloshes straight out all over the floor (if you're lucky). Then, with all that space they stick them so close to the toilet you have to sit sideways because your leg doesn't fit in. Oh, and you have to pull the paper out of the dispenser before you go because it's IMPOSSIBLE to reach back to get it without dislocating your shoulder (and to make sure there's paper in there - and that's minutes after the cleaner has signed the sheet!). Who the F designs these toilets.

I use a wired device that stimulates my leg to help me walk. I struggle getting the wires out of the way and back into my jeans without all the trials of the above. I'd NEVER manage it in a jumpsuit especially while trying to keep bits of it off the wet/dirty floor.

"doing a smelly one":mysmilie_8:
I have a shewee so I can wee like a man. It means that I don’t have to sit on dubiously clean toilet seats. When I first got it I practised with it by weeing standing in the bath, then I moved on to weeing standing next to the bath, then weeing into the toilet and finally I practised just undoing my zip on my jeans and using the device. The shewee is anti microbacterial so can just be put back in its case or a plastic bag and washed in soapy water and dried at home. The girls in the army use them.

I too have one but am a bit scared of it....I used it in india, but had a mishap in the 'loo' on the train. Fortunately I stood by the open door whilst in transit (no H &S in Inja) & blew off. Mr B was most amused....
"doing a smelly one":mysmilie_8:

I know two people who have Crohns, they have keys to certain toilets & also have to use those designated for people with disabilities. Because theirs is an invisible disability both of them have faced criticism for using these facilities when they look able bodied. In addition 'Spray before you go' products get ridiculed, however, they have saved both these women a huge amount of embarrassment. It must be a grim task cleaning public toilets & I assume people must leave their own in the same state - disgusting.
I once had a nasty experience with a stretchy bodysuit but in my own defence it was years ago when I was much younger. I`d gone to a friend`s hen party and had a wee bit to drink. I needed the loo and was wearing a stretchy bodysuit under my clothing and it was one of those which fastened with poppers between the legs.
I used the loo and then bent down to reach for the back bit of the bodysuit which has pinged upwards as they do and to pull it to meet up and fasten with the front bit but because I`m tall the back bit had hooked on the door catch of the loo door. Everytime I pulled it to unhook it the back bit just stretched and refused to budge and I coudn`t turn around far enough to unhook it.
In my inebriated state all I could do was laugh hysterically and in the end my friend climbed over from the next cubicle to unhook me. I daresay if I`d been sober then I`d have managed things differently and I hang my head that in my much younger days I was guilty of getting in such a state but the same friend still reminds me of the incident to this day and I daresay it is something I will never live down.
I once had a nasty experience with a stretchy bodysuit but in my own defence it was years ago when I was much younger. I`d gone to a friend`s hen party and had a wee bit to drink. I needed the loo and was wearing a stretchy bodysuit under my clothing and it was one of those which fastened with poppers between the legs.
I used the loo and then bent down to reach for the back bit of the bodysuit which has pinged upwards as they do and to pull it to meet up and fasten with the front bit but because I`m tall the back bit had hooked on the door catch of the loo door. Everytime I pulled it to unhook it the back bit just stretched and refused to budge and I coudn`t turn around far enough to unhook it.
In my inebriated state all I could do was laugh hysterically and in the end my friend climbed over from the next cubicle to unhook me. I daresay if I`d been sober then I`d have managed things differently and I hang my head that in my much younger days I was guilty of getting in such a state but the same friend still reminds me of the incident to this day and I daresay it is something I will never live down.

Vienna, that is a GREAT story, nowt to hang your head for but definitely something to be reminded about :mysmilie_15:

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