"MY ACCOUNT" icon keeps disappearing


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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
Until recently, there was always a MY ACCOUNT icon at the top of the Q web page.

Over the last week, it has kept coming and going. When it is not there, you have to go into the menu to get to "my account" (and when the icon is at the top of the page, I don't think it appears in the menu).

I've been checking "my account" lots of times over the last week to chase up an item wich keeps going from "awaiting stock" to "in process" then back again.

At this very moment, it is "in process" again, and the "my account" icon is missing.

Has anyone else had this problem with the icon? It it there for you and what device are you using?
Until recently, there was always a MY ACCOUNT icon at the top of the Q web page.

Over the last week, it has kept coming and going. When it is not there, you have to go into the menu to get to "my account" (and when the icon is at the top of the page, I don't think it appears in the menu).

I've been checking "my account" lots of times over the last week to chase up an item wich keeps going from "awaiting stock" to "in process" then back again.

At this very moment, it is "in process" again, and the "my account" icon is missing.

Has anyone else had this problem with the icon? It it there for you and what device are you using?

It's there for me using Google Chrome browser.

Could this be a symptom of them tinkering to "improve" the website? Q working on their website puts me in mind of the expression "rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic".
I'm on Chrome and the My Account is there just now but now you've mentioned it, a couple of times it wasn't there and I had to go into the menu etc. I don't rate Chrome anyway so just thought it was another little thing to annoy me lol.

I'm not using Chrome, and I too don't have the My Account button. I have trouble with the 'Remember Me' button as well, - have messaged Graham, but as yet to no avail.
It's back, yay! But I wonder for how long this time?

In fact, I think other icons have been coming and going as well.


Now I've written these down, I can keep checking to see if others disappear.

BTW the item I'm checking has been in process since 13th July.
I was going to say phone them and find out what is going on Stratobuddy.

Do you use a tablet or phone for the web?

I am on a laptop and never had your problem, well so far.
Item arrived today, no advance notification, almost missed the courier, and STILL SHOWING AS IN PROCESS.

What a shambles!

If it was an item coming direct despatch and not from Q's warehouse then it often does not update until after it has been delivered, nothing new, been like that for years.
It is still a shambles, still showing as in process today, and I mowed the lawn with it last night!

The MY ACCOUNT icon has disappeared yet again, together with the TV icon.

What a shambles!
I have already given the game away that I bought a mower, so I logged in to QVC to write a review, mainly saying what good value it was. I was shocked to see that it had gone up £70 overnight!!!

And the video is still the original one, saying how unbelievable the low price is (as it was when the video was made, that's why I bought it, cheaper than Aldi, and I could test it and return it free if I wanted to, and it had free PP as well).


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