Tree Lily 9 Bulb Collection of Pink, Yellow, & White Varieties TSV 20/03/09


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Jun 24, 2008
Tree Lily 9 Bulb Collection of Pink, Yellow, & White Varieties
Item Number: 560248
QVC Price £16.50
Today's Special Value Price £13.47
Availability In stock
UK P&P £3.45

Fill your garden with the gorgeous scent of these beautiful tree lilies. Delivered as nine bulbs, you'll receive three of each variety. Satisfaction has dusky pink flowers with yellow centres; Garden Pleasures is white with dark pink centres; and Lavon is yellow with scarlet stripes. They put on incredible growth in just three years so you can enjoy the flowers at eye level. All bear up to thirty 20cm (8") trumpet-shaped flowers from July to September. Pollen may be poisonous to cats. Direct despatch: UK only. Allow 7 - 10 working days for delivery.
These are lovely, but 3 or 4 years ago I ripped all my lillies out of the garden when I read the pollen is fatal to cats. They get a bit of pollen on them, lick it off, they die in excruciating pain within 24 hours. If they chew a leaf it is deadly.

For people without a computer, I wish Richard Jackson would mention it when selling lillies, but he never does. I have emailed him about it and have been ignored. Even Dave on Ideal World says that lillies are fatal to cats. I am sure Richard could too, for the people who own cats and don't know they could be buying a plant that could well kill their pet.

I love my cats and it always makes me mad that they don't actually mention it on the shows.
These are lovely, but 3 or 4 years ago I ripped all my lillies out of the garden when I read the pollen is fatal to cats. They get a bit of pollen on them, lick it off, they die in excruciating pain within 24 hours. If they chew a leaf it is deadly.

For people without a computer, I wish Richard Jackson would mention it when selling lillies, but he never does. I have emailed him about it and have been ignored. Even Dave on Ideal World says that lillies are fatal to cats. I am sure Richard could too, for the people who own cats and don't know they could be buying a plant that could well kill their pet.

I love my cats and it always makes me mad that they don't actually mention it on the shows.

We've discussed this before on here too. Not enough people are aware of the dangers of lillies to cats. Tesco & M&S put warnings on their lillies ... QVC ARE aware of it because they've been informed on numerous occasions by people on here, but they obviously choose to do nothing about it. mrang
I have just emailed them again. It just makes me so mad. Someone living on their own, maybe a pensioner, who only has her cat for company, could buy these, not knowing it could be a death sentence for her beloved pet and companion. Gosh that sounds so sad, but I just think QVC are such a big company and they should make people aware. I think they have a responsibility to their customers to keep them informed. Bet I don't get a reply to me email.
I never knew that! Crikey, loads of people have cats and may buy lillies blissfully unaware they could be so harmful - fatal even. I think it's disgusting that QVC don't tell potential buyers about the danger.
Thanks for letting me know and I'll make sure I never buy any.
Thank you so much for reminding me of this. I caught the end of the presentation and as part of my therapy decided to sleep on idea before making a purchase. THANK GOD FOR THIS FORUM to tell me things that really QVC should!
I never knew that Lily pollen was poisonous to cats. I have no cats myself but I am glad I know now and I'll never plant in the garden. I'll also mention to friends.
A friends puppy chewed on some lily leaves and was violently sick and poorly for a few days. Its disgusting that QVC fail to give a warning...I just wonder how many cats have been killed by them with the owners unaware of the cause.
I can't see the whole plant, are these "real" trees, i,e. they stand up on their own, or are they just lilies with long stalks that need staking?

If the latter they will be very difficult to maintain with such big heads - one strong puff of wind and they could be decapitated. RJ has just said they will put up 7 stems over time - how would you stake them without tying them into a bundle which always looks so ugly?

Linda :33:

PS: RJ just said they will have stems upto 2 inches thick therefore don't need staking. I doubt if that would be sufficient, especially as they are likely to be green for the whole summer as I can't see how they could harden up in such a short time ??
On the QGossip, Gardening bit of the website, QVC do state lilies are poisonous to cats. However, do cats have a natural aversion to them? I've had lilies beside my front door for a couple of years and never seen a cat anywhere near them. They are scented lilies, so perhaps the smell puts them off. We do have quite a few cats leaving little deposits on our lawn and as our front lawns have no hedges, cats can wander on and off at will. We don't own a cat

I'm sure I heard RJ say that these lilies need to staking because the prime stem has a large diameter.
In qvc's defence - if you look on the red button information about the tsv it does say in there that they are poisonous to cats. But I do agree that RJ should say so as well.

I wouldn't buy as I have had the last 2 years lillies tsv's and they are lovely the first year and then the next they are rubbish.
I love lillies but I do not like these much. I think they look odd in the picture with the lady (look at the Thompson&Morgan site if it is not on QVC). Very top heavy. If you read further they turn to shrub bushes after a few years. I always read the T&M site when they do these offers as most of them seem to be identical (QVC usually cheaper) but you get more info.

I bought a plant that QVC failed to mention will not flower for a couple of years. This is not a problem but it is nice to know and the info was there on the T&M site..
Got an answer from QVC this morning. It is mentioned on the gossip bit on the web, but my mum doesn't have a computer and a lot of older people don't either, therefore they wouldn't ever get to read it, which is why I think it should be mentioned on live tv.

"Dear Jane,

Thank you for contacting QVC UK.

Please accept my apologies for any upset or inconveninece caused. I have
forwarded your comments to our studios in London to highlight this issue to

As we always aim for 100% customer satisfaction and welcome your comments.

All of us here at QVC strive to please our customers and to provide the
kind of programming and service that they demand and deserve.

Please continue to write or call with any suggestions or comments you have,
as we like to hear your views. As this helps us to provide a better service
to our customers.

If we can provide any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact

Again, thank you for your e-Mail and thank you for your interest in QVC UK.


QVC UK Webmaster Team."

I expect Richard to ignore me.
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A lady on another forum I'm on lost her Siamese kitten because it got lily pollen on its fur and ingested it. It was so sad.
I think Richard should state how poisonous lily's really are every time they are sale :(
I didn't know about the danger of lilies to cats either. I've no longer got a cat, but my neighbours do so I won't be ordering this, even though my garden is in need of some colour.

Maybe if we all emailed QVC about it, Richard might mention it during his presentation if only to shut us all up. ;)

Maybe if we sent this link they might listen.
As a garden lover, Richard probably hates cats, and so sells the lilies on purpose!!

I didn't know this about lilies either, and as my friend (a cat lover) gave me some, I bet she doesn't know either.

Thank you everyone for not only writing to QVC but bringing it to our attention on here.
I will not be having lilies again! And if I do get given any, out will come those pollen things.
I am not a gardener at all, but I do love.cats. I was quite unwell with a chest infection so I was watching quite a lot of Q and I found myself croaking "tell people lilies are poisonous to cats"!!!! So, thank you for making the effort to raise awareness of this.

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