Ho... Dear


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Feb 25, 2011

It is absolutely dire and more amateur than the majority of the local TV channels that have launched... loved The Craft Channel wishing them luck on Facebook, they must have been laughing their asses off when it went on air yesterday - certainly showed them how NOT to do it next month!

A lot of people are jumping to their defense on Facebook about not knowing about some problems until you go live - that is absolute nonsense. You don't have to go live to know you haven't acoustically treated your studio space which is just a glorified open plan office... they even have bare breeze blocks on show. You don't have to go live to know text sizes on graphics are too small (unbelievable they still haven't sorted this out).

No website to order (although remember how many years it was before Ideal and C&C launched theirs) even though the gothic presenter is telling people to checkout their baskets. No mention of delivery times or money back guarantee. They haven't really made it clear to viewers when they're live (9am - 9pm). Many products available cheaper elsewhere.

The sets are dark and drab, hardly creative and inspiring plus the area that is just blinds in front of a real window is the biggest TV no no ever... yesterday the 'Queen of Crafts' was constantly washed out as the sun came in and out.

As for the presenters... not one who has a good history of actually being able to sell on TV - Matt has to be the most awkward presenter to watching and everyone loves Lee Clark but he was booted from several channels including most recently Ideal World and Create & Craft because he doesn't pull in the sales. Also, people are loving the more laid back approach, no heavy pushing from presenters but again that doesn't sell so don't get too use to it.

It's surprising that the production quality is so bad as they've poached a lot of experienced crew from Ideal World / Create & Craft - not that it shows. Although not helped by their equipment, they are mixing different types and models of cameras (hence no 2 shots match in colour) and remote operated cameras are such a bad idea for shopping TV unless like QVC you buy the best of the best and have decent operators.

On a plus note, the VT's are pretty decent - have these been made by an outside agency or freelancer?

I don't appreciate the various digs at C&C they've made including in the launch show i.e. "don't have to pay for calls" "more than just card making" - let's not forget it was Paul Wright & Val Kaye at the helm of C&C when they brought in premium rate numbers, hard selling, heavy repeat of same lines etc. Let's be honest, the only reason Paul & Val have had success previously is because Ideal World went up in flames and the insurance kick started the channel which had pretty much flat lined in the first year or so on air. Don't take any notice of their passion for this venture, it's even stated on the Crowdcube page that they expect to sell the company within a few years.

Then what will they do? Start another craft channel?


I really thought HOCHANDA were going to be the ones to watch out for...
Well if you asked people about the early days of QVC, IW and C&C, there are some dire stories about presentation, plus their websites have all had their moments.
If you honestly expected it perfect from the start then you were bound to be let down.
I think it's off to a good start and expect it to improve steadily. At least I haven't had to listen to presenters that try to be funny or have in-jokes and conversations with the gallery or think that the show is all about them so they talk over the guests. No long boring walks down the counter - instead good detailed demoes that I haven't been able to fast forward (unlike most of what's on C&C). Too affordable one day specials not huge bundles of whatever.
The volume has improved but the product details are still too small when watching on tv but they are fine when it's viewed online and I was able to watch without the horrid buffering last night which is also an improvement on the previous day.

As for products cheaper elsewhere it certainly won't be on C&C where they charged £59.99 for a WRMK washi tape dispenser that can be bought online for £19.99.
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I watched about 5 minutes of it yesterday on Freeview channel 39, and IMO it was lifeless and boring. Lee Clark was presenting, and I agree with your comment, Insider - he's a nice bloke, but has a track record of coming and going on several other channels, including TJC, IW and Gems (and as a guest 'expert' on QVC) - not lasting on any of them. When he was on TJC, I thought he was more interested in telling you about his Mum who lives in Spain (or abroad somewhere) than he was in telling you about the jewellery he was selling. Every time I switched over and he was on, Mum seemed to get a mention. Matt Macnamara (ex-Gems) seems a nice bloke, and I'd love him to do well, but his knowledge is gemstones and somehow I can't see him adapting to crafts. I hope I'm wrong. I also think the name of the channel is dreadful, sounds like a Mexican dance.

This venture needed a lot more preparation and planning before it went 'live' - from what I saw yesterday, the set-up looked amateurish and ill-prepared - which probably means the presenters are likewise. I hope I'm wrong, and that it will sort itself out.


It is absolutely dire and more amateur than the majority of the local TV channels that have launched... loved The Craft Channel wishing them luck on Facebook, they must have been laughing their asses off when it went on air yesterday - certainly showed them how NOT to do it next month!

A lot of people are jumping to their defense on Facebook about not knowing about some problems until you go live - that is absolute nonsense. You don't have to go live to know you haven't acoustically treated your studio space which is just a glorified open plan office... they even have bare breeze blocks on show. You don't have to go live to know text sizes on graphics are too small (unbelievable they still haven't sorted this out).

No website to order (although remember how many years it was before Ideal and C&C launched theirs) even though the gothic presenter is telling people to checkout their baskets. No mention of delivery times or money back guarantee. They haven't really made it clear to viewers when they're live (9am - 9pm). Many products available cheaper elsewhere.

The sets are dark and drab, hardly creative and inspiring plus the area that is just blinds in front of a real window is the biggest TV no no ever... yesterday the 'Queen of Crafts' was constantly washed out as the sun came in and out.

As for the presenters... not one who has a good history of actually being able to sell on TV - Matt has to be the most awkward presenter to watching and everyone loves Lee Clark but he was booted from several channels including most recently Ideal World and Create & Craft because he doesn't pull in the sales. Also, people are loving the more laid back approach, no heavy pushing from presenters but again that doesn't sell so don't get too use to it.

It's surprising that the production quality is so bad as they've poached a lot of experienced crew from Ideal World / Create & Craft - not that it shows. Although not helped by their equipment, they are mixing different types and models of cameras (hence no 2 shots match in colour) and remote operated cameras are such a bad idea for shopping TV unless like QVC you buy the best of the best and have decent operators.

On a plus note, the VT's are pretty decent - have these been made by an outside agency or freelancer?

I don't appreciate the various digs at C&C they've made including in the launch show i.e. "don't have to pay for calls" "more than just card making" - let's not forget it was Paul Wright & Val Kaye at the helm of C&C when they brought in premium rate numbers, hard selling, heavy repeat of same lines etc. Let's be honest, the only reason Paul & Val have had success previously is because Ideal World went up in flames and the insurance kick started the channel which had pretty much flat lined in the first year or so on air. Don't take any notice of their passion for this venture, it's even stated on the Crowdcube page that they expect to sell the company within a few years.

Then what will they do? Start another craft channel?


I really thought HOCHANDA were going to be the ones to watch out for...
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They had a lovely dog in the studio this morning so they can't be all bad ! It's a bit eclectic and probably will improve when they find out what sells.
I'm on Sky and had a look on 663, to be honest it did look amateurish. As for Lee Clark, wonder if he'll be having any full on fist fights in the studios car park, he loves a good fisticuffs does Lee.
Aww, I missed the dog! You - and others on here - are right when you say all channels need time to settle in, but I have to say I was not impressed yesterday - and Lee Clark is an experienced presenter. I'll be popping back from time to time to see what's happening. I just hope they haven't employed any relations of Pope Pete - or certain people from Q - as they will scupper the channel before it's been on a month.
They had a lovely dog in the studio this morning so they can't be all bad ! It's a bit eclectic and probably will improve when they find out what sells.
I'm intrigued, shopperholic! Don't tell me he has previous for getting into punch-ups with Del Boy Mason? I can see it now, as they both roll across the studio floor, punching each other's lights out, and all over who gets the last Kinkycade picture! Or - perish the thought - the last piece of priceless value Holy Stones jewellery (it's gold - no, it's gold plate - it's silver - no, it's silver plate). Perhaps I'm allowing my imagination to run away with me here, but you've got my mind running riot!

I'm on Sky and had a look on 663, to be honest it did look amateurish. As for Lee Clark, wonder if he'll be having any full on fist fights in the studios car park, he loves a good fisticuffs does Lee.
I'm intrigued, shopperholic! Don't tell me he has previous for getting into punch-ups with Del Boy Mason? I can see it now, as they both roll across the studio floor, punching each other's lights out, and all over who gets the last Kinkycade picture! Or - perish the thought - the last piece of priceless value Holy Stones jewellery (it's gold - no, it's gold plate - it's silver - no, it's silver plate). Perhaps I'm allowing my imagination to run away with me here, but you've got my mind running riot!

'Ang abarht that's uncannily close........joking! Lee got into a fight over his then (or still now) girlfriend, although your version is a lot more interesting. :giggle:
By heck, just shows you appearances can be deceptive...I would never have thought he'd have it in him, always seemed so laid-back he was almost horizontal to me. Love it! (tee, hee!). Hopefully he won't slug any of the guests or other presenters - although some of the products could go flying across the studio, I suppose.....

'Ang abarht that's uncannily close........joking! Lee got into a fight over his then (or still now) girlfriend, although your version is a lot more interesting. :giggle:
By heck, just shows you appearances can be deceptive...I would never have thought he'd have it in him, always seemed so laid-back he was almost horizontal to me. Love it! (tee, hee!). Hopefully he won't slug any of the guests or other presenters - although some of the products could go flying across the studio, I suppose.....

ooooh almost worth watching just in case........wah hahahahaha! :mysmilie_500:
She wasn't his girlfriend, she was his wife and had an affair - their marriage was short lived. Understandably, Lee was rather upset.
That must another fight he had, the one I heard about was years ago and she was definitely his girlfriend not his wife but the fight wasn't over her, to be honest I'm not really interested in him, just something I've heard that stuck in my mind but not to worry.
I really enjoyed watching the lady make the doggy coat and the gorgeous model was so gentle she needed a sit down. I like the laid back, no stock updates, innuendo laden, mug to the camera, magic hands chaos. Hope it stays calm like this.
As previously said I'm not a crafter but am learning things by watching some of the shows and its not all card making. Maybe they are going for a more homely atmosphere.
I am not a crafter...but I did have a nose this morning, sorry to say I thought it looked like a jumble sale shop...three women sitting about chatting...It didn't look very professional.
I've popped back and forth and the only presenter I've seen has been Lee (minus his boxing gloves so far)!!

That must another fight he had, the one I heard about was years ago and she was definitely his girlfriend not his wife but the fight wasn't over her, to be honest I'm not really interested in him, just something I've heard that stuck in my mind but not to worry.
Not impressed so far with Hochanda - it's hard to watch with the blurry picture, and tiny product information on screen, and hours and hours of presentation of the same product (clock!!).
I just hope The Craft Channel won't have the same teething problems, because the presenters signed so far are all very likeable professionals that I'm looking forward to seeing again, so it will be very disappointing if they get let down by poor production, and product stock as well - because right now Create & Craft are looking more slick and professional than they've ever done before! lol

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