Ali Keenan slow down


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Dear Ali, I know you have been off our screens for a few months but that doesn't mean when you come back you have to make up for lost time and speak at break neck speed and constantly speak over the guest that is trying to promote a product to us. If you slowed down a bit and let the guest talk without constant interruptions we would appreciate it a lot more.
Hugely annoying personage. After a night of curry and lager abuse, I thought I would settle down and collapse on the sofa watching a nice pots and pans hour with the magnificent Simon character before a comatose sleep soon followed. Then, who should I see but that woman in some kaleidoscopic patterned migraine inducing frock grinning at me. Even worse, she then began to speak. I mean..why use three or four words when a couple of thousand will easily do, as the great JT said.

In all seriousness, she should take a long hard look at her sales pitch and delivery. She may be under the illusion that her personality alone helps increase sales. I’m afraid in my opinion at least that does the complete opposite. She simply cannot be quiet and let the product do the work.
Dear Ali, I know you have been off our screens for a few months but that doesn't mean when you come back you have to make up for lost time and speak at break neck speed and constantly speak over the guest that is trying to promote a product to us. If you slowed down a bit and let the guest talk without constant interruptions we would appreciate it a lot more.
I have mentioned about this problem of hers in this forum a long time ago.
She used to make me feel breathless just watching her:D

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