Anniversaries and pubs!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Random combination I know, but I'll start with the anniversaries bit. I've been married for some years and our celebrations have ranged from simply having a nice meal in, going out for a meal, a daytrip/hotel stay, going to see a show that sort of thing - never would it possess me to celebrate by way of a pub crawl with my mates. Call me old fashioned if you like, but a wedding anniversary, especially the early ones are something to be enjoyed as a couple and for the milestone ones maybe a bigger celebration is called for. My friend of course has chosen to invite all and sundry on a pub crawl this weekend, it's not really my scene, however as I was her witness last year I'd feel uncomfortable making excuses especially when it's my weekend off. I shall go along for a few drinks but I shall be making a polite exit sometime during the afternoon. Her actual anniversary is on Friday and when I asked her whether they were doing anything on the day, she replied no it's a work day so nobody would be able to come, and when I asked whether they'd be going for a meal or something in the evening, she said no...ok whatever floats your boat!
I don't know who can afford to drink in pubs these days? All our "locals" have been turned into gastropubs and are more like Creches than pubs. I don't mind breaking up a shopping trip with a quick drink in Wetherspoons or popping into a country pub on the way back from somewhere for one drink if it's a nice day and there's a garden to sit in but gone are the days when I'd go the pub just for the sake of going to the pub...I don't mind a pub quiz but other than that I try and keep myself away from pubs. I'd much rather have a drink indoors or in the garden or at friend's place some much more relaxing and a lot cheaper, and you can choose your own music!
Survived the day! I stuck to lager which is not usually my drink of choice but for that reason I drank up very slowly so in the first pub I managed to make a couple of halves last more than an hour. Then we went to this other place which was a tap room that she was extremely excited about because it's new and she discovered it by chance and she said there's always a couple of street food vendors on site too. Sadly when we got there it there was no food vendors on site, went to get a half lager to find they didn't sell it, it was ale (which I can't stand) or wine/ I had a g & t thankfully most of us (not my mate, she likes to just drink) were really hungry so we ended up going to the nearest fish and chip shop and took food back to her place, via the Co-op for more alcohol supplies....I didn't have any more drink so I had my chippy tea, stayed and chatted for a while and left about an hour later with another person who had to walk to the station to get home. I've just heard from her and she says she's extremely hungover and a bit peeved that most of the other people left quite shortly after we did and they live locally so no excuse...I've said this a million times I know, I really appreciate that she likes to get people together but I think many people especially as they get older prefer small gatherings or one to ones and need a bit more than just boozing! On that note she's also having another get together next week and she's told me she's had a couple of cancellations (I wonder why?) I can't go 'cause I'm working in the day and have a Eurovision party to go to....I love the eurovision friend allocates us a country (a random draw) and we have to bring a plate of food from that country for the buffet, we have score sheets and quizzes put on by her and party bags with silly bits and bobs and whilst we bring our own booze she gives everybody a bucks fizz on arrival - It's so much fun!
Don't get me wrong .....I LOVE my mate but prefer enjoying her company on our own or with one or two others!
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