Just who do you believe??????


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Nov 9, 2008
I`m beginning to think I`m hearing things after my call to a very not so helpful QVC operative !!! As customer services were very busy she said she could take the call. I wish I had waited as my blood pressure wouldn`t have suffered!!!
My enquiry concerned the non delivery of a Christmas present that was despatched on the 18/12. I quoted what I had heard on screen about Christmas delivery promises oherwise I wouldn`t have placed the order ..I was told that no such promises were ever made as they never do and its in the hands of the Royal Mail.
I then said it had also been quoted on screen that QVC had also been promised by their couriers that Christmas deliveries would arrive in time if ordered by the QVC cut off date. The girl continually spoke over me and finished by saying I could still speak to CS but would only be told the same which I did ...eventualy spoke to Collette who redeemed QVC`s reputation for customer care She apologized and said I was correct as they were all working around the clock and that I shouldn`t have been spoken to in that manner ..she wanted to know who it was but I couldn`t remember!!!!
Apparently they can`t track RM deliveries but said it should be delivered tomorrow at the latest.
If my initial experience this morning is anything to go by QVC won`t be getting many more `awards` for the `customer care`!!!
most of the opreatives i have spoken to are fantastic but you do get some that are not up to the job life i suppose
I seem to recall the word "guarantee" being used on a number of occasions regarding delivery in time for Christmas.
They said over and over again that delivery by xmas was GUARANTEED.

Personally I thought this was rather optimistic, but they kept repeating it.

I would have thought that if you ordered on that basis, you could return it if it arrived after xmas (if you wanted to) and have ALL postage refunded, and possibly a credit as well.

If I am ordering something, I usually record the TV presentation in case it didn't match up to the product.
They did keep saying it, but I don't know how they can promise.I was missing a part order from an M and S order that was sent recorded, only turned up 2 days after I got on to M and S.
They said over and over again that delivery by xmas was GUARANTEED.

Personally I thought this was rather optimistic, but they kept repeating it.

I would have thought that if you ordered on that basis, you could return it if it arrived after xmas (if you wanted to) and have ALL postage refunded, and possibly a credit as well.

If I am ordering something, I usually record the TV presentation in case it didn't match up to the product.

strato - you're so organised! a video and a word doc??
I don't see how they can guarantee that RM or 5000+ couriers are going to be able to deliver before Christmas. What they really mean is, they are guaranteeing that the item will leave their depot and be in the hands of the delivery agent i.e. RM and/or Hermes (not necessarily individual couriers) by Christmas. Any number of factors could prevent a successful delivery - weather being the most obvious when you consider what it was like this time last year!
Just because they say it does not mean it's going to happen. Great if it does, but there are so many external factors in getting a delivery to you that I would never believe a sales person if they tell you they will guarantee. Especially as there is going to be a significant increase in deliveries too
I remember a few years back my order didn't arrive. They said it had been lost so I said as they had 'guaranteed' Christmas delivery they had better get an express courier on the case. Of course they didnt want to know and said in their opinion they had done all they needed as they sent it and it wasn't their fault it was lost!! Never really had much faith in their 'guarantees' since then. And it didn't arrive until January......
I have to say that yes QVC said over and over again about this WILL be to you in time for christmas - so the person you spoke to,shouldn't have said different - I mean,doesn't she watch QVC like the rest of us??!! :tongue:

I have to say I ordered a couple of last minute things - but they were/are for me,so I wasn't too bothered about the presenters guarantee.I don't think I would have ordered if they were for presents - I don't think my nerves would have coped with it!! I do all my christmas shopping quite early,as I like as much as possible a stress free december.

I think its very hard as on one hard you've got QVC presenters guaranteeing all over the shop - but like its been siad,once it leaves their hands,who know how long it will take :sad:
Seems like that person acted out of turn and tried to handle an area that just wasn't her job. I'm not surprised you're annoyed, I do sympathise. I've had several (admittedly non QVC) things turn up broken because of bad packing, or with items I have been charged for missing from the order. In both cases when I tried to follow up on it I was told customer services and whole operation shut down till Jan 3rd in a recorded message!! I really hope you get your parcel tomorrow, I think often a backlog of guaranteed for Xmas items arrives in a flurry on Christmas Eve. Mostly CS at QVC have been good, but I've definitely been told a couple of things that were just wrong, and I think they're going to have to work hard on it. Partly because if you send people dodgy items, which they've been doing more of it seems, and you charge a lot of P and P, then people are going to get an impression of bad customer service whatever the call centres say.
Thanks everyone
The thing that swung it for me was when they said on air that they had been assured by their couriers that weather permitting all orders placed before the cut off time would be delivered..and the CS assistant confirmed that to me ..Don`t have much option at the moment but to buy online ...health reasons..or lack of it :-(
It didn`t arrive today and if it doesn`t arrive tomorrow I won`t have my husbands Christmas present !!!
A first in 45 years!!!
I'm waiting for one present to arrive as well. Mine is only a Lola Rose bracelet for one of my granddaughters and if it doesn't arrive on time I do have alternative. Hope yours comes today. I'm sure your husband will understand.................but QVC shouldn't make promises which are totally out of their control. Like you, because of health reasons, I have done all my shopping on line and I have found it all rather scarey wondering if things will arrive on time. Hope next year we will be able to shop in the 'normal' way. Hope your parcel arrives - fingers crossed. Enjoy your Christmas and have a Happy, healthy New Year. x
Thanks Poppy
Thankfully it arrived yesterday afternoon !!
Hope you are better next year too!!
I`m resigned to being like this as it`ll never be any different ..just think I`ll have to get better on the computer and have the confidence to order from other suppliers and not have to rely on one.!!
So pleased that your parcel arrived - at last. Mine didn't as it happened but as I said I do have an alternative. Hope you and yours have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. x
I`m beginning to think I`m hearing things after my call to a very not so helpful QVC operative !!! As customer services were very busy she said she could take the call. I wish I had waited as my blood pressure wouldn`t have suffered!!!
My enquiry concerned the non delivery of a Christmas present that was despatched on the 18/12. I quoted what I had heard on screen about Christmas delivery promises oherwise I wouldn`t have placed the order ..I was told that no such promises were ever made as they never do and its in the hands of the Royal Mail.
I then said it had also been quoted on screen that QVC had also been promised by their couriers that Christmas deliveries would arrive in time if ordered by the QVC cut off date. The girl continually spoke over me and finished by saying I could still speak to CS but would only be told the same which I did ...eventualy spoke to Collette who redeemed QVC`s reputation for customer care She apologized and said I was correct as they were all working around the clock and that I shouldn`t have been spoken to in that manner ..she wanted to know who it was but I couldn`t remember!!!!
Apparently they can`t track RM deliveries but said it should be delivered tomorrow at the latest.
If my initial experience this morning is anything to go by QVC won`t be getting many more `awards` for the `customer care`!!!

You can't get the staff these days!
In my experience where Royal Mail is concerned nobody can guarantee anything unless they pay for recorded delivery or some such extortionate service! I always find the Hermes courier service much better than RM. I have a very reliable courier but RM are useless.
In my experience where Royal Mail is concerned nobody can guarantee anything unless they pay for recorded delivery or some such extortionate service! I always find the Hermes courier service much better than RM. I have a very reliable courier but RM are useless.

i agree rooby. i know it's hit and miss whether you have a good hermes courier - i'm lucky, mine is lovely - but the RM are just plain awful. i have no end of problems and a friend in the states who i regularly send choklit parcels to, said half the time they look like they've been run over by a truck. she knows it's not her end cos she gets parcels from other parts of the world with no problem.

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