Morning Show Competition - Secret Santa


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Jun 24, 2008
What are people watching their QVC morning show on? A Bush telly from 1962, smeared with vaseline? Yesterday the photo was Kathy Tayler but a couple of callers got it wrong. A classic awkward moment for Mr Biagi when one lady said Debbie Greenwood! Then today the photo of Mally...a fairly distinctive skin-tone should have helped, but the first caller said Liz Earle!!! :mysmilie_14:

OMG get your eyes tested, clean your screen or stop entering the competition if you regularly get the answer wrong! :mysmilie_15:

It makes me wonder, when they order stuff from QVC, it must be a total surprise when the parcel arrives. :mysmilie_13:
LOL...Didn't see it but maybe the person who said Debbie Greenwood was trying to wind them up...........

I thought it was pretty difficult to get chosen (I've never tried to be honest) so you would think people would be extra certain they would be right.
Perhaps there is a reason why all those quizzes with 'obvious' answers, ain't so obvious to some after all !!!!!
I'm not sure they should be let loose with a credit card...or a phone! And I speak as one who probably falls within that category at times! I used to watch Jeremy Kyle if a I needed a feeling of superiority (or visit the out-laws) but now I just watch the competition to be reassured that I haven't lost all my marbles yet!
I saw the competition when the lady said it looked like Debs Greenwood and there a slight awkward pause from Simon!! I was dying to see what he would say to that (would he even admit she didn't work for qvc anymore?!) but he just said NO it's not and on to next caller ;)
I'm not sure they should be let loose with a credit card...or a phone! And I speak as one who probably falls within that category at times! I used to watch Jeremy Kyle if a I needed a feeling of superiority (or visit the out-laws) but now I just watch the competition to be reassured that I haven't lost all my marbles yet! way! How can it be? You are meticulous with the correct grammar and use of the English language. Seriously....Jeremy Kyle??????????!!!!!!!
A few people gave rung up and have no idea who the picture is. Surely if they watch qvc and have rung up the show they must know who the photo is. Also a few times people have got the wrong answer, and there's not been another caller waiting. I'm beginning to think its a fix! :mysmilie_11:
There was a woman a few weeks ago who said she'd come through tree times, how is that random?

Given the controversy around the Joan Collins auction for Breast Cancer Care being won for an acquaintance of Debbie Flint, I wouldn't be surprised if they filter the entrants to the daily competition.

ITV got into trouble for the way their competitions were run a while ago but maybe QVC doesn't attract the same scrutiny?
I agree with you Jude. It's got to be a fix, surely these people would know who these faces are. And as you said how could it be classed as random if the same woman gets through three times. Differently a fix!
Perhaps not many people call, and there's bound to be some who call in every day regardless of if they know.....

With regard to Jeremy Kyle, I watch him from the treadmill at my local gym, I go mid afternoon to avoid the post-rush-hour crowd of people straight off the train from London. Funny, the more excruciatingly awful the "guests" are, the further and faster I can run. Sadly no escape.
Psssssst ! someone put me out of my misery and tell me the people on J Kyle's show are not actors ! if not, where on earth do they get them from ? do these people actually apply to go on the show ? as they don't appear to be literate enough to string a sentence together let alone fill in a form !!! Or are they rounded up off the streets. How I would love to hear just one person be articulate enough to say to Jeremy Kyle "please do not shout, I am only 2 feet away from you" - his reaction would be priceless !
See's working already, giving you a heightened self of self-worth and self-esteem! :mysmilie_59: It's ITV's answer to Prozac (other meds are available)

What amazes me, the "guests" are put up in a hotel the night before but many don't think to use the little free shampoo in the room to wash their hair before they appear on the show. :emo:
Psssssst ! someone put me out of my misery and tell me the people on J Kyle's show are not actors ! if not, where on earth do they get them from ? do these people actually apply to go on the show ? as they don't appear to be literate enough to string a sentence together let alone fill in a form !!! Or are they rounded up off the streets. How I would love to hear just one person be articulate enough to say to Jeremy Kyle "please do not shout, I am only 2 feet away from you" - his reaction would be priceless !

I was watching the show the other morning & one of the guests did tell Jeremy not to shout.

His reply was along the lines of 'I can shout if I want,it's the Jeremy Kyle show' lol
or free/ low cost dental care

Yep! The 'eyes lot' or the 'teeth mob' hubby calls them, as quite a lot of them appear to have either manky teeth or dodgy eyes!

Of course i only watch it, so that i know what my dad is talking about when he rings me in the afternoon, during one of the shows. He loves watching JK!
It's not just JK guests. I work with a lady in her mid 30's with kids, well paid professional and I don't think she ever washes her hair. It is totally manky and I was determined that if we did secret Santa I was going to wangle her name and buy her some shampoo. It's not bad hair day as it is 365 days including the office dinner. The first few weeks of starting in the job was ok, bit shapeless but clean, went on holiday and on her return came in with this lank, mess ever since. I want to scratch my scalp just looking at her.
I`ve only tried to enter a few times and never got further than BT telling me the lines are busy to try again later :( That is one lucky woman getting through three times ...wonder if she is a lottery winner too!!
I`ve only tried to enter a few times and never got further than BT telling me the lines are busy to try again later :( That is one lucky woman getting through three times ...wonder if she is a lottery winner too!!

I've got through a few times but never been successful

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