Danielle Nicole !!


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Nov 9, 2008
Danielle Nicole ...... Yes I can just see Miss Kabler taking Tinkerbell out to dinner!! Both raving about a child's handbag by a New York cult designer!! The floor manager is obsessing about the Ursula bag!!
Or is it me being 'old fashioned?'. Surely people are buying for children?
I've just posted my opinion of them in the "stop telling me how to wear them" thread.

You're singing from the same hymn sheet as me. Surely adults wouldn't leave the house wearing such garish and juvenile bags? However, for a child, they'd probably make a good gift although a lot of young girls nowadays have more fashion sense than some of the so-called fashion 'experts'on QVC so who knows.
Bit expensive for a child. My great niece is into Frozen and Princesses, Great nephew loves Spider-Man. I buy brightly coloured (garish !) plastic shopping bags printed with these characters in B&M, put a few colouring books, some grapes or tangerine and a bag of sweeties in and they love them. They put all sorts in them next to their beds. Total cost less than £3 per child.

(I just want to make clear that these are just treats when I see them, not birthday or Christmas presents, I’m quite generous then, because I love shopping !).
I agree, its crackers. I've just muted the sound on the Lunchtime show, to hear someone waxing lyrical about a garden ornament - a gypsy (oops can we still say that ?)caravan that is made and painted in china is more than I can bear.
I think some young women in their twenties are still into Disney princesses, or so I have heard from friends who have daughters that old. Unbelievable to me but there you go. Creeping infantilisation if you ask me. I saw these on a show some time ago and also could not believe that the sales pitch was towards adults. If someone gave me a Disney bag it would go straight to a charity shop I'm afraid.
My 11 year old grand daughter wouldn`t be seen dead with one, her 9 year old sister maybe but I think even she`d think twice. The 11 year old loves bags and jewellery but she`s a huge primark fan and can frequently be seen spending her pocket money/birthday/Christmas money in there.
My daughter is 22 and loves all things Disney and she has a display of items including Bambi bedding from Primark, a Chip mug (Primark I think) and I bought her a couple of Danielle Nicole items for Xmas and her birthdays. Maybe it's a reaction to the speed with which she and her friends have grown up; it seems like a harmless collection to me. She does use the bedding but never drinks out of the mug or uses the bag as a bag.
I'm not a collector at all, never have been but there's worse things out there for a 20 something to fix on.
I think some young women in their twenties are still into Disney princesses, or so I have heard from friends who have daughters that old. Unbelievable to me but there you go. Creeping infantilisation if you ask me. I saw these on a show some time ago and also could not believe that the sales pitch was towards adults. If someone gave me a Disney bag it would go straight to a charity shop I'm afraid.

Hit the nail on the head there. Becoming an 'adult' used to be the age of 21, then it slipped down to 18, but since the 'education, education, education' mantra of a certain prime minister and opportunities of Yuni, then responsibility and being 'grown up' is now around 30. Just look at the twentyteens who are obsessed with video games - can't ever imagine my late husband or his mates playing amusement arcade games in their 20's, which is what it amounts to.
I agree, its crackers. I've just muted the sound on the Lunchtime show, to hear someone waxing lyrical about a garden ornament - a gypsy (oops can we still say that ?)caravan that is made and painted in china is more than I can bear.

Mr CC is very proud of his gypsy heritage so yes, you absolutely can say it - and we've got a caravan :mysmilie_19: We don't live in it full time though.

I personally like Disney, always have and I have a mickey mouse watch (understated). Not sure I'd have a snow white handbag or whatever but I do know adults that are mad on that kind of thing.

I think some young women in their twenties are still into Disney princesses, or so I have heard from friends who have daughters that old. Unbelievable to me but there you go. Creeping infantilisation if you ask me. I saw these on a show some time ago and also could not believe that the sales pitch was towards adults. If someone gave me a Disney bag it would go straight to a charity shop I'm afraid.

Nothing wrong with being into Disney - but some young women I know act like they ARE Disney Princesses. Their parents treat them as if they are, too, but they're the only ones that have bought into it. Most people dislike these women because of their petulant behaviour.

It's a shame really. It's like they've never been allowed to grow up and will suffer in the long run. At least when you see spoilt younger children being bratty you know there's a chance they may grow up.

Is it some kind of reaction that some parents have due to the pressures that expose their kids to a grown up world too early, as it seems the way the world is these days?

ETA: Just read Akimbo's post in full so it looks like I'm not barking up the wrong tree.
I know that many women in their 20s and older have Disney Tattoos, Tinkerbell is big with both sexes. A girl in her late teens I work with has Piglet on her shoulder, she loves Piglet since she was a little girl. Another woman I know in her late 20s with three children so hopefully responsible has Mickey Mouse ears Tattooed on her ankle. Each to their own.

The Disney jewellery etc it 99% of the time is adults wearing it, well look at the prices they charge.
I bought my daughter 31 at the time the Jasmine purse, her fav princess, we love Disney and have pj’s of various characters. There’s nothing wrong with liking Disney as adults in moderation. I also have Shaun the Sheep pj’s, fab programme. News is depressing, escapism is necessary.

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