I've had enough of.....


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Apr 27, 2009
The BA of ..... Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus, JD Williams, Bundleberry, tat show on equally tat channel E4, another tat show Britain's Got Talent, Heart Radio. She might have a bit of talent in the acting department, (other than wearing as few clothes as possible), but she could live to be a 100 and still not have as much talent in her little finger as that 18 year old tennis player who conquered the world last Saturday night. In fact it tends to make the likes of AH look desperate and old has beens.
There is not enough of anything for me to list what I'm fed up of today.

Emma R tennis was wonderful. And to finish with an Ace. It just puts her opinion out there with a great huge full stop. And she is so polite and respectful. So talented.

And she has A level Maths. And A level Maths is chuffing very hard. I know cos I have two of them. Take my hat off to her she's magic and we need more like her. Less of stupid people and lots more of lovely people that make us all have a feel good factor from watching/listening someone break barriers, make history, have great success.
Rant follows.

This country needs to get back to basics and stop worshipping these "celebrities" - I would have said talentless but they do have one very outstanding talent - self-promotion, and can all talk the talk which is what they do day in, day out. Same at work - everyone is so good at promoting what they do rather than actually doing it. My neighbour is retiring soon because of that - she can't stand being the only one around doing an honest day's work. Stop dishing out university degrees. They are often so meaningless and don't train anyone to actually do anything or even to think. Teach them to speak and write their own language properly. Train people with more skills - ie on the job, not tickie-box things. Do nurses have to leave the wards for a good part of 3 years to learn different things at university? No. They need training in different areas from what they did thirty years ago, admittedly, but 3 years away from patients when the main skills they need are how to observe, diagnose, communicate with and listen to Joe Public?? Train up our plumbers, electricians, builders, chefs, teachers, carers etc etc in the right skill bases and give them the respect they deserve. Restore the work ethic. We're now an independent country and we need to be competitive. When will that penny actually drop?

Thinking about it, I could write a Master's or even a Doctoral thesis on this. Just because it's the thing to do, to sell myself with. Not for the knowledge base, but to promote my own image. Dr Crystal - now I like the sound of that.


End of online rant.
All these pointless so called celebrities making tons of cash out of showing us their augmented breasts and huge backsides. Who cares? The older they get the more flesh they show us, the less clothes they wear and the less we are interested. If all the empty heads stopped buying the magazines, stopped following the social meeja, stopped watching the inane TV shows, then these boring people might just fade away.

Rant follows.

This country needs to get back to basics and stop worshipping these "celebrities" - I would have said talentless but they do have one very outstanding talent - self-promotion, and can all talk the talk which is what they do day in, day out. Same at work - everyone is so good at promoting what they do rather than actually doing it. My neighbour is retiring soon because of that - she can't stand being the only one around doing an honest day's work. Stop dishing out university degrees. They are often so meaningless and don't train anyone to actually do anything or even to think. Teach them to speak and write their own language properly. Train people with more skills - ie on the job, not tickie-box things. Do nurses have to leave the wards for a good part of 3 years to learn different things at university? No. They need training in different areas from what they did thirty years ago, admittedly, but 3 years away from patients when the main skills they need are how to observe, diagnose, communicate with and listen to Joe Public?? Train up our plumbers, electricians, builders, chefs, teachers, carers etc etc in the right skill bases and give them the respect they deserve. Restore the work ethic. We're now an independent country and we need to be competitive. When will that penny actually drop?

Thinking about it, I could write a Master's or even a Doctoral thesis on this. Just because it's the thing to do, to sell myself with. Not for the knowledge base, but to promote my own image. Dr Crystal - now I like the sound of that.


End of online rant.
Unfortunately this won't happen because so many high schools only concentrate on academic subjects & the powers that be can't, or won't, accept that not every teen wants to study geography at uni.
The big problem is the so-called reality shows.

Housewives of where ever, TOWIE, etc, etc, etc.

Teenagers watch and think, Oh, I want that life! They have grown up, and their children then follow on. The free holidays, attending the open of an envelope as the tabloids will be there taking their photos which appear the next day online showing oh look at me and my fabulous life. Loads of free stuff, paid holidays the top hotels the free designer clothes and branded jewellery and of tech.

Look at the websites offering Karma and the others like that, were normal young people shop. Then suddenly something happens as I have seen on TV where they buy and buy and buy to look cool and then are in debt as they cannot pay. All to look like the so-called celebs.

I remember, a few years back, an article about women buying high-end lipsticks and the design house's perfumes. It was said normal women could never afford the real Chanel, Dior, Gucci etc clothes so bought lipsticks and perfumes cheaper than the clothes and bags but still can say they own the brand. Look at the endless fake handbags, watches etc that you see on the high street. Same idea I want people to think I am able to buy these high-end items.

Rant over.
The big problem is the so-called reality shows.

Housewives of where ever, TOWIE, etc, etc, etc.

Teenagers watch and think, Oh, I want that life! They have grown up, and their children then follow on. The free holidays, attending the open of an envelope as the tabloids will be there taking their photos which appear the next day online showing oh look at me and my fabulous life. Loads of free stuff, paid holidays the top hotels the free designer clothes and branded jewellery and of tech.

Look at the websites offering Karma and the others like that, were normal young people shop. Then suddenly something happens as I have seen on TV where they buy and buy and buy to look cool and then are in debt as they cannot pay. All to look like the so-called celebs.

I remember, a few years back, an article about women buying high-end lipsticks and the design house's perfumes. It was said normal women could never afford the real Chanel, Dior, Gucci etc clothes so bought lipsticks and perfumes cheaper than the clothes and bags but still can say they own the brand. Look at the endless fake handbags, watches etc that you see on the high street. Same idea I want people to think I am able to buy these high-end items.

Rant over.

I agree with so much of this. Well put.

I used to go to a Sunday Market in Spain, east of my apartment and well west of the main holiday places of the Costa Del Dol. The had loads of stalls of knock off copies of sunglasses, bags, t-shirts, bags, sunglasses, more bags. I could never understand it all.

I'd fancied a bag but it was €75. About £55 at the time. I went in October ie end of season they were down to €25 and he said I could have three for €50. They were all fake designer copies. I never understood peoples want for those copies.
I’ve never watched programmes like Towie, Made in Chelsea or the like. I’m afraid that “celebrities” like that bore me rigid. If they endorse anything then I run for the hills.
Same here.

All these so called bloggers, bloggers, whatever they call themselves, not sure cos never looked at any of it, amazes me how they can actually make a living out of doing nothing.
Social media has a lot to answer for.
Breeze, what they do is get followers(no idea about that bit?), then the companies approach them to advertise their products. So the Influencers etc then get a percent age of how much is sold following the link they put up. There are millionaires influencers doing this. Of course there are never ever any bad reviews as the influencers would lose the companies giving the freebies.

Like the QVC presenters, never, ever will they say anything not wonderful about the products they sell. Even if there are bad reviews online from people who bought the presenters will push how wonderful the product is. Never expect an honest comment from a QVC presenter, well back in the day AY did use to say if a product was not suitable for certain skin types etc. Those days long gone.
Rant follows.

This country needs to get back to basics and stop worshipping these "celebrities" - I would have said talentless but they do have one very outstanding talent - self-promotion, and can all talk the talk which is what they do day in, day out. Same at work - everyone is so good at promoting what they do rather than actually doing it. My neighbour is retiring soon because of that - she can't stand being the only one around doing an honest day's work. Stop dishing out university degrees. They are often so meaningless and don't train anyone to actually do anything or even to think. Teach them to speak and write their own language properly. Train people with more skills - ie on the job, not tickie-box things. Do nurses have to leave the wards for a good part of 3 years to learn different things at university? No. They need training in different areas from what they did thirty years ago, admittedly, but 3 years away from patients when the main skills they need are how to observe, diagnose, communicate with and listen to Joe Public?? Train up our plumbers, electricians, builders, chefs, teachers, carers etc etc in the right skill bases and give them the respect they deserve. Restore the work ethic. We're now an independent country and we need to be competitive. When will that penny actually drop?

Thinking about it, I could write a Master's or even a Doctoral thesis on this. Just because it's the thing to do, to sell myself with. Not for the knowledge base, but to promote my own image. Dr Crystal - now I like the sound of that.


End of online rant.

Not a rant Crystal, but succinctly put how everyone over 55 feels. Even our national newspapers pander to the 'assumed' interest of their readers by publishing endless rubbish that the PR 'people' of celebrities put out. Victoria Beckham walks from building to car in a stupid outfit - loads of photos. Ambitious Holden in another flimsy outfit - loads of photos. Liz Hurley reclining on the grass almost naked - loads of photos. Tracy Solomon (of the rictus grin) heavily pregnant with a 'girl' yeahhhhhhh !!! - endless photos of her new home with her partner Joe (I'll do any reality show) Swash.

The only publication that I do revel in, is a monthly magazine called Retro, with stories and articles of old school movie stars, long forgotten tv programmes from the 50's, and recollections of growing up in the 60's.
The beauty blogging thing can be a minefield. A few years ago for some reason I fell down the rabbit warren, specifically where Beauty Advent Calendars were concerned. The amount given out free is shocking. In my opinion shocking. To me the fun of an advent calendar is the suprise of getting something new you don't know about every day. The reveal vids on YouTube kill that suprise. I watch them as it puts me off buying, so a great idea for me.

I am not blaming or shaming Lisa, was on Benefit until she went freelance. She does a video weekly of all the press stuff she gets. I do not blame her and thank her making things so transparent of how many freebies these people get.

I knew it all went on but the extent of it. I like it as the more I watch the less I buy and that is the way I like it. Some of these bloggers now have "staff". They have a quick access to management companies, agents, lawyers. Not all and I don't know the truth and extent of their staff but interesting to watch when you can't sleep at 4am.
The BA of ..... Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus, JD Williams, Bundleberry, tat show on equally tat channel E4, another tat show Britain's Got Talent, Heart Radio. She might have a bit of talent in the acting department, (other than wearing as few clothes as possible), but she could live to be a 100 and still not have as much talent in her little finger as that 18 year old tennis player who conquered the world last Saturday night. In fact it tends to make the likes of AH look desperate and old has beens.
Doesn't she have a nice singing voice ? BA, I mean.
Ambitious might have a 'nice' singing voice, - oh I forgot that particularly string to her bow, but she's too old now to appeal to the under 30's concert goers, and doesn't have the family appeal to be another Jane McDonald, so she's left with banging the Menopausal drum to anyone who'll listen - although her mate Davina has cornered THAT market.
I've had enough of most humans: the cruel, destructive & spiteful ones, the so-called STARS of reality TV, desperate middle-aged woman grimly holding onto their 20s, bloggers, influencers, the woke brigade, politicians, SAGE boffins, the hypocritical pair over in Montecito, tat peddlers... Add to this lot the very odd man who yesterday gave us a quote for tree work & started ranting about the need for everyone to drink homemade juice because it cures all ills, how Niacin treats schizophrenia & when 5G is fully launched it'll communicate with the covid vaccine in our cells so that 'they' will be able to read our thoughts. To think I was considering letting this person be in control of a chainsaw in our garden :eek:

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