Is IW guilty of breaking the trades descriptions act?


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Exactly right where it belongs (except for Ian's blingy T's of course). In fact a few yards further and out into the yard would suit me. Don't know what they're thinking of putting menswear where we can even see it in the distance
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Love it Argey,but are you suggesting that our men should go round naked!! :muscle:
Love it Argey,but are you suggesting that our men should go round naked!! :muscle:

Oh yuck, unless they're handpicked. No I think they should be out the back with their clothes, preferably locked in the changing rooms
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
i love my craft and i`m a guy

Exactly right where it belongs (except for Ian's blingy T's of course).

hello Argey they usually do put the mens stuff right on top and at the back thats why i perfer to do my clothes shopping online cause i would not of got these lovely blingy T's if i never did and there is so much more choice for men online,

i love going shopping which is a rare thing for a guy to say
i love my craft and i`m a guy

hello Argey they usually do put the mens stuff right on top and at the back thats why i perfer to do my clothes shopping online cause i would not of got these lovely blingy T's if i never did and there is so much more choice for men online,

i love going shopping which is a rare thing for a guy to say

Indeed it is Ian, I know a few men that love to shop -and a lot more woman, same with craft. Ok I am a crafter and am sick of so much craft on IW, I want more on QVC, where you might get Dawn's 2 hours per week, if you are lucky! Can't order from IW/C&C - still no better - must be getting on 5 years art least since their CS went tits up!

I love that comment about immature silliness, quote of the week:hi: - I have a friend who runs a Backgammon forum - there's much less of that there:emo:
IW has been a joke this week with all the craft that has been on. It's been one big bore for non-crafters like myself. They should limit craft or anything to say 6 hours a week. Or is it because IW are having problems buying different things to sell ?
As has been said by a number of other posters, IW does not exist to entertain you, it exists to sell products and make money - which it does with craft materials. According to the annual report craft is one of IW's biggest money spinners and it has its share holders to satisfy
As has been said by a number of other posters, IW does not exist to entertain you, it exists to sell products and make money - which it does with craft materials. According to the annual report craft is one of IW's biggest money spinners and it has its share holders to satisfy

But people turning off in droves won't satisfy the shareholders, will it?
As has been said by a number of other posters, IW does not exist to entertain you

But if people are fed up that every time they casually tune in to IW they are met with craft shows, they won't bother to "casually tune in" very often and it will become more difficult to sell other products in decent quantities :(

<<But, as IW calls itself a tv shopping channel, it ought to be showcasing a variety of product lines.>> In fact, as with any other shop, IW may sell what it wishes within the law - eg it can't sell illegal substances and probably wouldn't be allowed to sell live animals.

In much the same way as I visit a greengrocer to buy onions but not carrots and a butcher to buy lamb but not sausages I choose to watch IW for certain things that I am interested in and ignore the rest.

If you have a good look at your television set and its instruction booklet you will find there is a button which will allow you to either change the channel or to switch it off completely. Nobody has his foot on your neck forcing you to watch anything on IW or anywhere else.

I am fairly new to this forum and I can't believe the amount of whining and complaining that goes on. If you have a gripe about something serious, such as bad customer service, breach of contract or taking money under false pretences then all well and good but carrying on in such a childish manner because the channel is selling things you, personally, don't like but others might is quite beyond the pale.

And I am not just getting at you, Louise66. There is a lot of immature silliness in this forum.

One of the points of us having a forum such as this, is to enable us to vent our spleen and also to praise the ups and downs of shopping tv.
In this particular case - and I do know you are not having a go at me - the point I am trying to make is that IW already have a channel dedicated to C+C; IW's main channel ought to showcase a variety of products and not just highlight their bread and butter line. As another poster said, the whole point of introducing C+C was to have a dedicated vehicle for crafters.
As has been said by a number of other posters, IW does not exist to entertain you, it exists to sell products and make money - which it does with craft materials.

I disagree :wave2: while their ultimate goal is to sell, I think they do intend to entertain at the same time. It's often the entertainment that can persuade you to buy an item, so it's equally as important.

They could just as easily post pictures and facts in bullet-point style on-screen - many of the other shopping channels do this, in particular the American ones, but I bet like me, you don't tune into those anywhere near as much as to a live demo channel (minus the sickening American drawl). How many sales would IW get then? Not many I'm sure - so it's imperative the presenters are entertaining and informative or there would not be customers.

How often have you walked past a market stall and bought nothing....then got collared by the mouthy charmer on another stall you had no intention of visiting, but the gift of the gab made to take a closer look?

I'm a relatively newbie on here too and as for your accusation of childish silliness on here, if we're not up to your level of intellectual superiority, there is always the BACK button - that's volte-face to you :cool2:

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