Blooming my statement!


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Jun 24, 2008
Well I received my statement from Q showing everything I've ever bought from Q, and I was fairly shocked when seeing it all written down. There were a few things I looked at and said Eh? I don't remember ordering that, eg a ruby ring for £150, a mini tv for £229, couldn't remember that either! Found the ring and yes it is sterling silver and the stones are tanzanite, but it was a cheapy and it cost me £43. Anyway looking through the statements again, I noticed that the ruby ring and the television were items I'd cancelled..obviously came to my senses in the nick of time or were items on waitlist that never materialised.
My QVC journey began in January 2002 and to date I have spent almost £7000 with them, and around £900 of that figure is postage and packing! Out of all the items I purchased and there's about 280 of them, not including the stuff I've bought in the last year or so, there's probably only about 10 things I still have. A few junk jewellery items (including that ring), a plastic juice extractor, sbc arnica gel set, a cooks essentials mini non stick wok, a modern soul dress, a kim dress and an animal print throw which is a bit tatty but still serviceable. I know that shoes get worn out, make up, skincare and perfume gets used up, but even so!!!! I noticed that I actually paid £54 on a clientele skincare set, and I remember not getting on with at all and that it stunk! I've bought an awful lot of $hit! I saw pupa make up on the list, I remember that being absolute rubbish, and a lot of stuff I don't even remember.
Anyone else brave enough to share?!
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I decided many years ago never to open that can of worms! Not sure I could face the full enormity of the money I have wasted! I've discovered a few gems and still use them but all in all I've blown more than I care to admit!

Off to bury my head in a bucket of sand but I admire your courage Suz!
That doesn't even cover my IW/Bidtv/Pricedrop/Pricecrash habit've gotta laugh else you'll cry!

I've got a feeling that my £7000 isn't actually that bad lol! But £900 on p&p is disgraceful!
The mini wok was only £12 and it's used all the decent buy out of many at least!
I've got a feeling that my £7000 isn't actually that bad lol! But £900 on p&p is disgraceful!
No, it isn’t that bad because years ago, when I asked for my full statement, mine was double that. I could afford it but what stopped me lining their pockets any further was because I asked myself, “would you have bought that item if you’d seen it in a shop?” For 99% of the things I’d bought, the answer was “no.”

I am fortunate that I can still afford to buy what I want but QVC rarely get anything from me nowadays. My “obsession” with “telly shopping” is well and truly over.
TBH if their jewellery was half decent I would still be buying - I’m only saved by the fact that all the decent stuff has long gone.

I have nothing against L Rose (I have quite a few of the older pieces) but they seem to be on at least once a day at present. it seems to have ousted even Eek shows.

A bit (lot!). of variety would be welcome
I was a Q customer from November 1993 to last autumn, when I closed my account. I don't think they would send me a statement as I'm no longer wit them but it would make very interesting reading.
Cripes I would hate to see mine but the buzz from staying up to see what the TSV was and jumping to Q cut has long gone. Hardly watch anymore but still buy the odd bargain. I have always sent stuff back if I am not impressed once I have tried, surprised I have never had 'The letter' to be honest. Think you get wiser with your cash the older you get.
I think mine was about £10K and only a few good items. One was a VERY heavy gold chain, cost about £900. later I saw the identical one in a 2nd hand shop for £2K. I think it was an BCC item (have I got the right initials?) like the CROWN was.

And my list was about 5 years ago too. I'm still a sucker for gadgets, like my latest one, the Alexa studio.
I'm scared to! I once tried to add it up just from dispatch notes, and even that was quite a shocker.
Mostly my keepers have been my Birkenstocks and my Cook's Essentials pans.
I have bought a few things more recently and am enjoying them more because I have had a good think before going ahead.
I still have Q beauty purchases I'm working through, but haven't bought any new beauty for nearly a year.
A frying pan that toppled over, cheese graters that didn’t, Luxform that rusted quickly, no wonder the repurchase is PCMC that I can guarantee. That’s all I buy now.
It's actually quite an entertaining read, if not shocking. A lot of the stuff is so abbreviated that it's really difficult to see what it actually was that you bought, and then memories come flooding back. I was reminded of a skirt that I sent back because when it arrived it looked like it had been fashioned from a pair of American tan tights. It says CM skirt, I wonder who CM was, or JH (I've got a few of that on there). All I can say looking back is that thank heavens that with Q you have to purchase outright and you can't get yourself into debt with them, (easy pay excepted). Could you imagine them running a system where you can buy stuff on the never never and defer payment with about 40% interest and compound interest? It really doesn't bear thinking about. I know that mail order and online catalogues do this, but selly telly is a bit different and attracts more vulnerable people, and that the sad stories that you hear of families discovering loved one's homes full of crap and unopened boxes after they've gone would end up with a lot of debt to sort out and add to the misery!
My Q habit has stopped, though I've been slightly tempted lately by a few things but have resisted.

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